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praying salaatu subuh...morining prayer

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Originally posted by Raxmah:

Asalamu alaikum


Salatul fajr is by far the hardest because shaytann will keep you in bed.


It used be very hard for me to get up in the morning, but now I have three alarm clocks set one is next to mu bed, I have one in the hallway and I have one in the bathroom. I have to get up to turn it off, and when I get to the one in the bathroom is pointless to go back to bed. Alhamdulilah it works for, and I hardly miss salatul fajr now.

I was reading a book about a white professor in california that converted to islam...and thats the same tactic he used to get up for fajr prayer.

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Walaahi it is the hardest pray to make because of shaytan but it is also about displine. I find myself sometimes up watchin irrelevent open university programs as late as 2.30am so am trying to tire myself out before i get back home so i can sleep start away.

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