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Berbera Somalia. Siilanyu gives construction license to his Clan folk angers the Clan of Berbera

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...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Somaliland Home Minister, Tension In Berbera & The Cement Factory Chaos


Written by Qaran news

Mar 10, 2012 at 06:14 AM

Berbera(Qarannews)- Talks between the Somaliland Home Affairs Minister, Mohamed Nur Arrale "Duur" and the elders of the Berbera community regarding the future of the old Berbera Cement factory and a government license to build a new issued to Dahabshiil Ltd. by the government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo", have collapsed.


The talks were intended to gauge the opposition to the new factory from the community who claim that a local company that is willing to either rehabilitate the old factory or build a new one. The community are opposed to the license granted to Dahabshiil Ltd, and have requested previously that the administration reconsider its decision.


Despite efforts by the elders of Berbera to bring about some sort of reconciliation between the community and the government, the failure of the talks are seen as a setback to the government's attempt push through the construction of a new cement factory.


Last night, Minister Duur, the Somaliland Home Affairs minister issued an order for the commencement of the construction of the new factory. As the direct result of this order, the government has been moving more Police officers into Berbera and the surrounding areas to ostensibly keep the peace and head off any demonstrations by the local community.


According to eye witnesses in the city, the mood in Berbera is tense with a belligerent attitude from the government side and anger from the community. There are indications that the matter may lead to the use force by both parties unless a resolution can be found which will satisfy both sides.


It is worth noting that Berbera was the scene of serious disturbances in the early 1990's which led to the fall of the government of the late President Abdirahman Tuur. Those disturbances concerned the control of the port of Berbera. Eventually a resolution was reached under the government of the late President Egal.


The situation remains volatile in Berbera and the surrounding areas. The only way to avoid conflict appears to be the resumption of talks between the government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" and the community of Berbera.

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Wasiir Duur oo sheegay in uu xoog iyo awood ku jeexaayo warshada Sibidhka ee Berbera ciidana geeyay


Written by Qaran news

Mar 09, 2012 at 01:36 PM

Berbera,(Qaran news)- Waxa galabta gabi ahaanba burbura wada hadaladii u dhaxeeyay wasiirka arimaha gudaha Maxamed Duur Caraale iyo odayaasha iyo deegaanka magalada Berbera, kuwaasi oo ka wada hadlaayay warshad sibidhka samaysa oo ay xukumaddu u ogolaatay ganacsade Dahabshiil, taasi oo ay dadka deegaanku sida fiinta uga qayliyeen, taasi oo ay sheegayaan in ay jirto shirkad samayn doonta ama soo saari doonta sibidhka oo deegaanka laga leeyahay oo isu diyaarinaysay in ay sibidhkasi ama warshadaasi sibidhka samyn doonta ay iyagu in mudo ah ay soo wadeen isla markaasina ay doonayaan in aan cidkale laga dul keenin.


Wada hadladani maanta bur buray ee u dhaxeeyay dadka deegaanka iyo xukumadda ayaa Siilaanyo ayaa waxa sidoo kale garab socday dadaal ay hogaamiyo dhaqameedyo ay isugu soo dhawaynayaan labada dhan taasi oo ay iyana waxba ka socon waayeen.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha mudane Duur ayaa caawa amar ku bixiyay in warshadaasi khasab lagu dhiso isla markaasina aan cidna loo joojin doonin, waxa ilaa maanta galinkii danbe ay xukumaddu magaalada Berbera iyo nawaaxigooda ku soo daad guraynaysay ciidamo xoogan oo iyagu sugi doona amniga warshadaasi la doonaayo in la bilaabo dhismaheeda, sidoo kale dadka deegaanka ayaa arintaasi aad uga qayliyay sheeyna in aan waood waxba lagu dhisi karin.


Xaalada magaalada Berbera ayaa caawa kacsan iyada oo ay dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaasi ay la soo deristay cabsi xoogan oo ay ka qabaan in ay xagaasi ka bilaabmaan isku dhacyo gacan ka hadal gaadhsiisan, lama oga waxa dhici doona maalinta barito hase ahaatee xukumaddu waxa ay awood xoogan dul saartay magaalada Berbera.


Taariik ahaan hadaan dib u yara jaleecno magaalada Berbera waxa hore uga dhacay dagaalo sokeeye xiligii xukumaddi Abdiraxmaan Tuur, taasi oo soo dadajisay maamulkii Mujaahid C/raxmaan Tuur oo fashilisay, taasi oo markii danbe dadka deeganka loo saxeexay in ay iyagu ka arimin doonaan mustaqbalaka iyo waxii shaqo ah ee laga qabnaayo magaalada, dadka heshiisyadaasi xiligaasi goobjooga ka ahaa ama dabada ka waday waxa ka mid ahaa hogaami9ye dhaqameedyada hada xalka u tagay Berbera iyo siyaasiyin dhowr ah oo uu ka mid yahay madaxweynaha hada jooga ee Axmed Siilaanyo, waxana ay dadbadani hada leeyihiin waa in la tixgaliyaa heshiiskii hore looga gaadhay ka ariminta magaaladaasi, waxana sidoo kale dadka deegaanka la gudboon in ay ilaaliyaan nabadgalyada iyo kala danbaynta, oo la sii wado wada hadlada, wasiir Duur iyo xukumaddana waxa la xasuusinayaa in aan cidna awood waxba ku xalini karin


Isku soo wada duuboo su''aasha meesha taalaa waxa ay tahay, tii Tuur maamulkiisii dabka ku shiday ee fashilisay ma ka bad baadid doonaa maamulka Siilaanyo?

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Its already solved


Xukuumadda Iyo Odayaasha Saaxil Oo Kulan Ay Maanta Berbera Ku Yeesheen Ka Soo Saaray Qodobo Meesha Ka Saaraya In Warshad Labaad Oo Sibidh Laga Hirgaliyo Berbera


Berbera (Ramaas) Mar 10,2012 – Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo odayaasha gobolka Saaxil oo maanta Magaaladda Berbera ku yeeshay kulan xal loogu raadinayo muranka ka dhashay warshada sibidhka ee shirkadda Dahabshiil doonayso inay ka hirgaliso duleedka Magaaladda Berbera ayaa ku dhammaaday guul.


Kulankan oo dhex Wasiiradda Wasaaradaha qorsheynta Qaranka Dr Sacad Cali Shire iyo Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Maxamed Carraale (Duur) iyo odayaasha gobolka Saaxil oo ay matalayeen guddida horumarinta gobolka Saaxil ayaa laga soo saaray saddex qodob oo xal loogu raadinayo murankaasi, kuwaasi oo fulintooda Hargeysa ay la imanayaan labada wasiir.


Qodobadan xalka ah ee laga soo saaray khilaafka warshada sibidhka, ayaa lagu sheegay in shirkadda Dahabshiil la siiyo dhul, dhulkaasi oo aan la sheegin inay warshad ka dhisanayso iyo in kale.


Qodobadan ayaa u dhignaa sidan:


1. In ganacsatdii hore ruqsada u haysatay (Berbera Cement Factory) in loo qiimeeyo warshadii hore wixii ka hadhay hawlahoodana loo fasaxo


2. Inaan dalku qaadin Karin laba warshadood, sidaa daraadeed xukuumaddu dhexdhaadiso labada dhinac oo Hargaysa hawshooda lagu dhameeyo xukuumaduna kor ka maamusho


3. In shirkada Dahabshiil la siiyo dhul.

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I don't know what Silanyo got to do with some corrupt officials, if anything he is doing an effective clean-up....In a country with poor and inefficient systems you will expect this sort of things.As for the Berbera cement company , don't they have some sort of bidding procedures that conform with the requirement established by law?

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it is worth noting that Berbera was the scene of serious disturbances in the early 1990's which led to the fall of the government of the late President Abdirahman Tuur. Those disturbances concerned the control of the port of Berbera. Eventually a resolution was reached under the government of the late President Egal.


The situation remains volatile in Berbera and the surrounding areas. The only way to avoid conflict appears to be the resumption of talks between the government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" and the community of Berbera.

Siilanyu has given a license to his own clan folk and this made the locals unhappy. The corruption level of this junta is ridiculous...

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^No bidding procedure is required. Dahabshiil wants to construct a NEW cement factory. Nothing to do with the old government owned one.

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Corruption is everywhere and in land, there's no other entity creating jobs and generating income-your tol controlling the government goes long way. Perpetual extreme poverty will undo any system.

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N.O.R.F;801699 wrote:
^No bidding procedure is required. Dahabshiil wants to construct a NEW cement factory. Nothing to do with the old government owned one.

Is that how the clan rationalized the whole escapade? Disgusting.........

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^Its really quite simple.


1. Dahabshiil sees the opportunity to build a new cement factory.

2. It applies for a government license.

3. The government gives them that license.


Anyone can do it but, obviously, Dahabshiil are probably the only company that has the finances to actually build and run it.


The government isn't going to refuse investment in the country and employment for its citizens etc. It will allow others to do the same.

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N.O.R.F;801719 wrote:
^Its really quite simple.


Of course you are from the old man's clan and thus everything is wonderful. The people of Barbera think otherwise...

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So who is keeping the old government factory running? Is it closed for good? Is the government hoarding the license from Dahabshil competitors? If every one is given equal opportunity in doing investment, then why would anyone complain? I don't get it..I'm assuming the excavation site is the country treasure and the government is in control of who gets the license to operate.I doubt anyone with a visual like a hawk can just show up and start excavating.There should be some sort of order

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Warshadda Sibidhku Ma Hanti Qaranbaa?


Written by Hassan Elmi

Mar 10, 2012 at 11:28 AM

Salaamu Alikum


Waxaan mahad gaar ah iska leh websitka iyo akhristayaasha fikirkaygan ila eegaya.


Dal kastaa wuxuu leeyahay Hanti Guud (National assets) oo ugu tala galay iney dadka jooga markaas iyo kuwa dhalan donaa iney ka fa’ideystaan, hantida guudna wey fara badan tahay oo waxaa ka mid ah mid dhulka , badda iyo buurahaba laga helaa.


Dawlada markaa joogtaa xaq uma lahaa iney ku tagri fasho hantida guud ee waxa xaq loogu leeyahay iney si cadalad iyo sinaan ah ku maamusho.

Warshada sibidhka ee Berbera yaa iska leh? Hantida guud ee dalka ayey ka mid tahay waxaana iska leh shacabka reer Somaliland, gobol kasta iyo degmo kasta oo Somaliland ka mid ah ayaa iska leh.

Dawladu hadii aaney u hayn misaaniyad ay ku dhisto, waxaa xaq loogu leeyahay dawlada iney diraasad ku sameyso kharashka ay ku kacayso dhisida warshadu, markaana u qaybiso gobolada dalka si dadku u iibsadaan shares, gobol kastaana helo(equal share).


Sidaynu wada ogsoonahaygobol kasta wuxuu leeyahay tu’jaar dhexe oo ka qayb gali kara iney shares ku yeshaan warshada, tajir kastaana wuxuu eegayaa wa fa,ido joogta.


Dawlada waxaa ku waajib ah iney olale balaadhan u gashaa arinka si ay uga dhadhicso shacab weynaha reer Somaliland fa’ida ku jira wada lahaanshaha, shirkii London olalaha ay u gashay kanaa ka midho badan, hay’ad ka madax banana u sameysaa hirgalinta mashruucan iyo kuwa kaleba.


Suaasha talaa waxay tahay dawladu xaq ma u leedahay iney hanti guud shakhsi gacanta u galiso? Jawaabtu wa MAYA , xaq uma lahaa, sharci u baneynayaa ma jiro, dawlada shaqadeedu wa maamul ee bixin marnaba maha.


Fadlan cadifad shakhsi iyo mid qabiil intaad dhinac iska dhigtaan ila eega fikirkan.


Waad Mahadsantihiin

Hassan Elmi

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STOIC;801722 wrote:

So who is keeping the old government factory running? Is it closed for good? Is the government hoarding the license from Dahabshil competitors? If every one is given equal opportunity in doing investment, then why would anyone complain? I don't get it..I'm assuming the excavation site is the country treasure and the government is in control of who gets the license to operate.I doubt anyone with a visual like a hawk can just show up and start excavating.There should be some sort of order

You will probably hear about the government owned factory soon. It will be re-built with the government getting a share of the profit. The new factory isn't in the same area (still in Berbera though). The complaints from reer Berbera are misguided as they will benefit with jobs and the other economic benefits the two factories will bring.

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N.O.R.F;801719 wrote:
^Its really quite simple.


1. Dahabshiil sees the opportunity to build a new cement factory.

2. It applies for a government license.

3. The government gives them that license.


Anyone can do it but, obviously, Dahabshiil are probably the only company that has the finances to actually build and run it.


The government isn't going to refuse investment in the country and employment for its citizens etc. It will allow others to do the same.

dahabshill is only a front mate! they will offer the contract to a turkish company once its obtained the contract. this company will take all the profits then dahabshiill will take its cut too. what profits will the locals gain from such foggy joint-ventures like these. there must be multiplier effects and development of local economy.


we need ethical investment procedures in place before embarking on major projects like these. there are pre-requites required and unfortunately the government and dahabshiill have both fallen short of that standard. the government should aim to maintain a 24% golden share which is common practice around the world for any state backed ventures. unfortunately, this government is heavily burdened to dahabshiill and must give kickbacks to dahabshiill. its a pity really.

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