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The Re-incarnation of SNM and Militia Mentality in Somaliland

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By Nur H. Bahal

January 27, 2012


Nabad iyo Caano – an SNM slogan during the campaign

Since the inauguration of Kulmiye Party as the ruling party of Somaliland and Silanyo’s achievement of his long sought dream to manoeuvre himself into the Presidential Palace in Hargeisa, the reverberating undercurrents of rancour and grievances have progressively expanded to curb the peace and stability enjoyed by Somaliland. At the centre of the many premonitions about Kulmiye Party’s long dreaded policies is the reincarnation of unadulterated tribalism.


The party’s slogan tries to capture the imagination of its perspective voters through three simple words: Unity, Justice and Development – Midnimo, Caddaalad, Horumar. These are beautiful words but can be applied differentially across the spectrum of people in Somaliland. The practical execution of that slogan came to mean that some are more equal, deserve more justice and development than others just like the SNM slogan of the time meant peace and prosperity for “us” only. Silanyo’s government is a prime example of the preferential equality among the **** rather the equality of all of Somaliland people’s. But then even when it comes to the ****, some are still more equal then others – a perfect embodiment of the true nature of tribalism.


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Aside from the exaggerations and stigmatisation, the author has a point that it appears to many that clannism has re-surfaced where it not that it was always there and UDUB tried to hide under a big blanket. And I see it as the last kicking breath of a dying ideology.

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I believe tribalism has not died and never will but it becomes a dormant in a randomly fashion. I propose hybrid form of governance for Somalis where a mixture of clan mechanisms and methods of modern nation building are deployed for the reconstitution of Somali Republic. In the case of Somaliland, it has failed itself and its people to have a viable government with neutral constitution is supreme - Thanks a lot to the beloved president of Siilaanyo. Clan states including mine(Khaatumo State) are not sustainable in the long term but without them we know what we can do to one another. Case in point the secessionist cult in Hargeisa exercised all forms human rights violation and the sad thing they expected other clans to accept; Seemaal slaughtering, Buuhoodle and Las Anod incidents are testament of rejection of Somaliland ideals - Employing cohesion policies have shown to be detrimental and irreversible phenomenas. The only way forward is "SL" vacating Khaatumo lands and thereafter the two admins discuss the matters of concern, the mutual security, development and historical ties short of calls for WAR and believe there will not be winners but will loose and for sure Khaatumo will reclaim its fallen cities and SL visionaries will go back to a photo editor like photoshop and redraw their map - one that suits to their golden three angle cities. Secession is indeed a life support.

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Taleexi...remember todays modern world it does not befit the Somali's to be one nation. The article that you posted is a prime refer to an entire nation that we all know was commonly born built on mutual agreement of which included your clansmen in 1991 under a tree and overlooking a devested landscape of none stop war and hostility as SNM just shows why Somalia is finished forever as a political entity. What you and your contempories lack is not only vision, diplomacy, common sense and more. In the 20 years that Somaliland existed not one group has benefited but everyone has benefited. directly or indirectly. The people of Somaliland overall have benefited from peace that re-established trade between people who once killed each other, even in terms of taxation the money has been dispersed going to eastern sanag and eastern sool. something which can not be denied. Furthermore your brethen in puntland have seen Somalilands example and copied it..claiming puntland i.e. the "land" is a give away and to some extent benefited from that move at least to a greater extent then the people of southern somalia. Today, what you argue for Khatumo not created out of harassment or victimasation. Its created from tribalism, envy and hatred. simple as. As of recently no somaliland army did anything to other words war was declared on them. the renewed instability and chaos that your khatumo brought to somaliland is limited to your area and the majority of the dead, displaced and loss in goods is in your area. As for Somalia...the sort of system that Somaliland created it created from carefuly examination of the somali xeer system, it applied it to legality and politics. But Somaliland has one dominant clan able to hold the peace and build with the Somalia you have two many clans which dominate to many players, to many influences therefore only a political system sent from God itself can save Somalia because a western or traditional model does not exist. This exceptence that only Gods law can sort it out is the reason for the birth of ICU and other words Somalia saxib is screwed politically and it will never again be a viable state it cant because people like you exist everywhere through out.. and thank God for that. With this said: Somaliland will not give an inch with or without recognition in my view...they would rather have no recognition and continue then attempt to entertain khatumo lot or Southern Somalia which after 20 years is being proped up by AU and UN forces.

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