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Is Patriotism An Extension of Clannish Mindset?

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I feel that you wish to present ideals in here; if I'm right then it would be useful if you could add analyses of practical steps which you think could lead to the fruition of your ideals.


Now your questions:


Q.1. Isn't only the size that makes clannish loyalty different than Patriotism?


It is the scale of the negative influence that is different. Clearly clan loyalty has the potential to create more internal strife between people who could otherwise live in harmony when they have patriotic mindset; loyalty to a clan divides the people, it divides their resources, their knowledge and creativity and in effect undermines among other things their ability to set common goals for social, economic or spiritual development.


Q.If so then why do some of us think negatively about clannish loyalty while being patriotic (Waddaninimo - Somali Patriotism)?


Because we think that under the circumstances and in our time waddaninimo is the next best step we could take; a mindset of national unity could offer something which clan loyalty is not offering now, namely, a better social cohesion. this is an ideal strategy which takes into consideration to take one beneficial step at a time. such a step is prerequisite to other steps.


Q.2. Does Patriotism aka Nationalism, compete with our loyalty with our Maker's Absolute Sovereignty?


A human being has two types of relationships: A relation with his Creator; and as a steward of The Maker a relationship with His creation. The earth, the air, all animals, all inanimate objects etc. come under the care of man. Man has to care for them. That in effect establishes a relationship. While the nature of the first relationship is defined by the creator and Absolute Sovereignty of the Maker is an obligation for the believer the second one is service which has to be given voluntarily. It brings hasanaat and thus smoothes the way for the devotee. Therefore by definition whatever we give for a national cause or other causes: neighbor, guest, environment etc. in our external relationship is a service which every one of us as a steward is entitled to render as thanksgiving to The Creator and as a payback to life. Man as the Khaliif (Steward) is a shepherd and will be asked about his flock meaning all that which comes under the persons influence in need or deed.


Q.Does the flag and the National Anthem represent a modern Idol? I mean a form of false deity whose devotees hold it sacred above everything else?

It depends on the intention of the participant in this action. Intention is always the key factor in all actions.


Q.3. Is grouping of peoples along colonial demarcated borders a legitimate right reserved for past Colonialists if Colonialism itself is deemed as an illegal crime committed by Nations who invaded peaceful nations, occupying their lands, stealing their resources, enslaving their peoples and then, as they cut their losses an ran away, hastily demarcated the lands they occupied as per their interests and not as per the wishes of the indigenous peoples?


No one has right to impose his will on the others. Human transgressions are many and cannot be completed in a list. It is important to mention that such transgressions do not belong to a particular people, faith or time but humanity is drenched with it historically and now. Your above question reminds me to what we have done to the minorities in our country!! How are we different from those you are referring to?


From ideological perspective we know ( the believers believe) that all realities including ours are authored, planned and created by The Supreme Maker; nothing is here by accident because it is, as it were, only through the WILL of God that things of any nature can get manifested in here. Hence from time immemorial God has ordained that both good and evil get their playgrounds in here and we as His beloved creation get an opportunity to play with it( play is an strong word). The knowledge that we are in an eternal challenge with the negative is useful.


Q.4. What is the strongest cohesive force that unites different peoples of different races, colors and languages?


I believe it is empathy. Without empathy human relationships have tendencies to flounder and then competition, jealousy and eventually even war can become the result. That explains why people of the same faith or members of the same family fight. The strongest cohesive force in the universe is empathy or unconditional love.



The Awakener2

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Q.5. Are the United Nations and African Union entities that sanction morally binding and encompassing authority over member nations' Sovereignty?


The UN and AU are governed by member states. They themselves have no power of their own therefore they lack sovereignty.


Q. Do they reserve the right to recognize the representatives of the member nations based on:

A. Principles of the Organization,

B. Principles held by the Member Nation's People If it becomes different than the Organizations founding principles?

C. Does the African Union, and the UN own its members or its the members who own the Organziation?

It depends who you are and who your friends are. There are member nations in those bodies who are “more equal” than the others for example the members of the Security Council in UN. There is no equality in there nor in anywhere else for that matter. Nowhere can you find enduring equality in Life; like everything else equality is in a always in states of flux.


The Awakener2

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