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Britain urges Somaliland to back Somalia conference in London

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HARGEISA — UK Deputy Ambassador to Ethiopia Chris Allan visited the Somaliland capital on Wednesday to discuss the upcoming London Conference on Somalia. The British ambassador held a press conference in Mansoor hotel in which he briefly presented the agenda of the conference and Somaliland’s role.


“I would like to stress that I am pleased with my visit to Somaliland. Today I met with senior government officials and we deliberated on matters relating to the international conference on the issue of Somalia scheduled to be held in London. I presented them with the agenda of the meeting,” he said.


Mr. Allan also stressed talks will focus on core regional problems such as maritime piracy and terrorism that need regional cooperation.


“The scheduled meeting will address the issues of development and Britain’s humanitarian aid for Somaliland and Somalia as well as socio-economic and political development,” he stated. Mr. Allan added that Britain was Somaliland’s largest supporter and its biggest donor and reaffirmed the strong and long-standing friendship and historical ties between the two. With more than 40 senior government officials and multilateral organizations expected to attend, the British Ambassador said the meeting presented a golden opportunity and venue for Somaliland to present its case to the international community.


He further added, he was notifying the Somaliland authority and its people about the upcoming forum on behave of the British Prime Minister David Cameron and Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague. He said both officials were keen on President Ahmed Silanyo to lead the Somaliland delegation to London. “The Prime Minister will soon send an official letter of invitation to President Silanyo while the Foreign Secretary is expected to have a telephone conversation with President Silanyo to discuss the matter further,” he told local media.


Insisting the conference could strengthen Somaliland’s quest for international recognition Mr. Allan said: “I believe the best way Somaliland could further its goal is for President Silanyo to attend the meeting and make a case for his nation.”

Finally Mr. Allan revealed that the meeting will bring together over senior 40 government representatives and multilateral organizations including the president of France Nicolas Sarkozy, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, major international donors and foreign ministers.


Somaliland is a former British protectorate that gained its independence in June 1960 but voluntarily unified with its southern neighbor few days later to form what was known as the Somali Republic. After years of armed struggle with Somalia that left more than 50, 000 killed, it reinstated its independence in 1991 but has since failed to gain international recognition. Somaliland has in the past expressed skepticism and in most parts rejected participating in any conference on “Somalia”. However, the country is expected to endorse this British-sponsored meeting since Hargeisa trusts London and the British government is aware of Somaliland’s case. The timetable of the conference is not yet clear but the British Prime Minister said he will host the meeting in London in next month.



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President Siilanyo Urged to Attend Conference By British Government

Written by Qaran news

Jan 20, 2012 at 04:27 AM

Hargeisa,(Qarannews)-The United Kingdom government has formally invited President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" to attend a conference on the various groups in Somalia scheduled to be held in London in the near future.


The deputy UK ambassador to Ethiopia, Chris Allan extended the invitation whilst on a visit to Somaliland on Wednesday.


Speaking to the media, Chris Allan stated that it is in the interest of Somaliland to attend this conference because " aside from the discussions on Somalia's dire situation, there will also be discussions on the aid provided to Somaliland and Somalia, and the best way to make sure that the aid reaches its intended targets".


The deputy UK ambassador to Ethiopia, Chris Allan, continued "that the conference will be held to discuss issues such as the piracy in the region and the way forward in combating terrorism in the region". It has been widely reported that Somaliland has been dealing with piracy and terrorism in the region with a firm hand.


At the conclusion of the press conference, the deputy UK ambassador to Ethiopia,Chris Allan stated that " in recent discussions with President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" and senior officials, the topic of the press and and government relations were discussed, and it was made clear that the British government places a high value on the freedom of the press in a democratic society".


There has been no official comment from the Somaliland government as to whether President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" will accept the invitation and attend the conference. However, sources close the situation have confirmed to, that it is more than likely that someone from the Somaliland government will attend the conference, and the favourite to do so, is the erstwhile Somaliland Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar.





Last Updated ( Jan 20, 2012 at

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Where is my inadeero XX, JB, little Alpha Blondy, where is Oodweyneh, Africaown, Ngonge? Where are those ultra hawkish nationalist Mindi Maskaxyar, Abokor Omar? Where is Ayoub, where is the sijui STOIC, where is seef la bood numero 1. Saalax?


For years I have been called ****** , koonfurion, sell out, confused, for just suggesting Somaliland should sit down with Somalia. And now finally the moment has come.


Siilanyo is going to Londen and will attend the Conference. And I wanna know what their reaction is on this reconciliation meeting between Somalia and Somaliland. If I only can see their faces, would be priceless :D



Maanta waa maalin barakeysan, saladii Somali ayaan u duceeyay, ducadii ayaa la iga aqbalay. :D

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Huh? Hard hit, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! this really hurts. Of all countries and governments this to have come from the Brit masters and her majesty, Queen Elizabeth of SL's government in London. Indeed, it hurts bad.

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^^ Put your foot on the breaks, saaxib. This is a Kulmiye government and they have been open to such conferences from day one. The question is, is it about unity? :D

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^Lol, Ok jidka kuu furan.


Laakiin ina adeerkaa Oodwen ka gar heli maysidee maad iska daysid? Horaa looga quustay! Waano abuuris aa kahoreesay ma maqashay? :D

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What else could it be about. Puntland and Piracy, I dont think so. that was 2 months ago. Kuwaa waa loo shiray.


This is about a Confederacy between Somalia and Somaliland. Brittain wants Somaliland to take the lead, till Somalia get its act together. Who else can they trust in the sea full of pirates, except for Siilanyo.

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NGONGE;777254 wrote:
^^ Again, what are you excited about here? Siilaanyo is not going to accept that one and you know it.

Yes, he will if its only for 3 or 4 year arrangement and with a referendum to be held on the Independance of Somaliland after that period. He can sell this, you know that.

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Insisting the conference could strengthen Somaliland’s quest for international recognition Mr. Allan said: “I believe the best way Somaliland could further its goal is for President Silanyo to attend the meeting and make a case for his nation.”

Finally Mr. Allan revealed that the meeting will bring together over senior 40 government representatives and multilateral organizations including the president of France Nicolas Sarkozy, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, major international donors and foreign ministers.

Ngonge, wake up. this is your chance to settle with the international community with the agreement of a international monitored referendum in 3 years.


where is Oodweyneh, as the Conservative party advisor he must know more on the secret UK/Somaliland deal.

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