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The ONLF Contradiction

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Fuq warya. Everything starts and ends with SL it seems. :D


War SL had the Buro & Borama conferences in the 90s and got the agreement of all the clans to declare independence. That a minorety of the clans decided to go back in their words later is neither here nor there. In your ONLF case, you don't have agreement within yourselves never mind the rest of the clans.


Warya, SL ka hadh ban ku idhi..فغض الطرف انك من نمير, فلا كعب بلغت ولا كلابا :D

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Abtigiis;768197 wrote:
If you know more about the moon than those who landed on it, then you are for sure a genius.

Beautiful response, I'll spend 4 minutes of my time to learn about your ever so successful organization.


But hey, you know where to reach me when you reach the stage South Sudan did in 2005.

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With all due respect to the opinions of some people here, the timing of the struggle is something more mature heads discussed and agreed on. It is not for juvenile online persons who have yet to see an accacia tree let alone know about the region to judge whether liberation struggle should start after roads are built or not. Refugees are a byproduct of any struggle. It is to be expected and it is to be tolerated. You cannot defer struggle against arbitrary arrest, rape and extrajudicial killings. These injustices have to be faced right at the time they take place.


Duufaan also seems to live in another planet. The ONLF did not sign a peace agreement with Ethiopia. Individuals went ther and got some lands, no political concessions whatsoever. The struggle is not about roads etc. It is about self-determination, a higher ideal.It is about refusing to be told who to be, who to elect and how to live by marauding Tigres. Ironically, many people believe the 'development concessions' the region is getting is because of the ONLF struggle.



As Abwaan Dhoodaan said. ONLF must go back to their foot print and find where they lost. I used to say, ssc should do same.

A law scale armed strugle withn no outsider help against brutal goverment with outside support will not be productive, in addition huge population grow in ehtiopia and 100% illeteracy somali population. A lot of changing is going land locked ehtiopia with 55% muslim population.

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That is not our assessment of the power balance in Ethiopia, and we think we know the insides of Ethiopia better. The problem with people like Dufaan is that they see an 80 million monolithic Ethiopia. The reality is far from that. The inability of the ONLF to make substantial gains is more to do with internal disorganisation and division than Ethiopian might. If as expected in the coming few years, the Amhara and the Oromo resistance grows (and it will -you have read it here first), the weakening Ethiopia will suit our goals. All we need to do is make sure we are not annihilated for few more years. Things will change soon.


Ngonge, few elders made to sing with the SNM at gunpoint literally do not represent the aspirations of Awdal and SSC. They saved their clans at the time from SNM vengence. Now, they are stating their inner feelings and desire.


Mr. Somalia, you will see the South Sudan model accepted by Ethiopia in the not-so-distant future. The mentality of exaggerating Ethiopia's might and forgetting its gigantic vulnerabilities is a common thing we see on the Somalis in the Somalia proper. Literally, they urinate on their pants on hearing the name Ethiopia. They should go and see the fear in the eyes of Ethiopian army in Qabridahar and Dhagaxbuur. Only a year ago, whole brigades were wiped out on a broad daylight in Dagahmadow and Galaalshe. Most somalis in Somalia proper would simply thing this could not take place. We often joke about it among ourseleves, those of us who speak Amharic and lived in the Somaligalbeed region. Even answering an Ethiopian in tough language is taken as sucidal by those who fear them. But we have done it day in day out.



by the way, the official census says 62% of Ethiopians are christian, 32 muslims and the rest animist and different traditional faiths such as the waqa-fatta of some Oromos. This is the official. Having travelled through out Ethiopia (and I know this census could be politcised), I tend to think the muslims at maximum can not go beyond 40%. Apart from the Oromos, the largest muslim population is the Somalis. While 90% of the Amharas ( 25 million), 50% of the Oromos (18 million) add up to 43 million. Add about 7 million of the Southern nations ( out of the 13 total poulation, about 6 are muslims -gurage, silte, Alaba etc). You already have 50 million. And the rest of the small nationalities cancel each one out. So, I believe the christians are 60%. Dufaan's figures are hearsay!

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When you have people like A@T/Zack.etc. who hypocritically support the invasion of Kenya, worship qabil and insult Islam, then there is no wonder most Somalis do not take the ONLF seriously and they fail.....................

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tribal agendas hit the road, when ''different'' somali people discuss any political issue.


somalia is plander, burahadeer and abokar are slander's, while abtigis is from o.gadeni.a region.

Three different tribal blocks with equal hate meter for the other.

Pland and sland are united against the o land, the only common interest they share.

The o land is unitedly against the the two lands, for they are a common enemy to the o fighters.

Definitely, not all the people, but some.


Abtigis is suggesting, name change from ongf, to may be somaligalbed ngf, hhmm, i don't know.


P.s. at least it is good. There can be no cyber attacks from diiferent tribes in this forum.

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Polanyi;768257 wrote:
When you have people like
. who hypocritically support the invasion of Kenya, worship qabil and insult Islam, then there is no wonder most Somalis do not take the ONLF seriously and they fail.....................

Mujaaheed Polanyi,


Adeer, I do not support the Kenya invasion for clan reasons. Yes, it seems I do because of clan association. But it is a coincidence. If Bare Hiiraale is leading it, I will support it today. I just want the end of Alshabab. I have never supported Azania, but also I didn't understand the objection to it when all somalia is today is about clan statelets.


I don't support the ONLF for clan reasons too. In fact, I despise its name and its strategies. But there is a colonisation going on in that region, a very bad oppression and they are the only group fighting it. I have the option of standing aside and wait for the real thing, but then that would make me a bystander. So, better support them and try to bring change from within. Over the last couple of years, I have talked to hundreds of ONLF supporters (mainly intellectuals) who share my ideas. So, I am optimistic the clan mentality will be changed in the near future.


P.s. anigu Islam ma caayin, laakin wadaadada ma jecli. That much is true. Tuug diinta magaceeda ku shaqaysta ayaa u badan.

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