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Eritrea Cabinet Approves Aid to Somalia

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Im just tellin u zack Labadda xabashba waa same shit waxba isma dhaamaan, anigana ONLF wax xun kama sheegin oo taageero ay ka helaan eritrea aan dhahay lee, eritriea intention-ka ay ka leedahay taageerida ONLF waa in dagaalka halkaas ku xoognaato ileen ertrianku waa fulay oo ethiopian ay ka cabsahaayan,, Atleast shariifkaas aad wax ka sheegeysid la'aantiis maanta xabashi baa joogi laheyd meelkasta...

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The Zack   

Oba, I said the same exact thing bro.. I said Eritrea maxaa loola yaabi, Ethiopia-ba hadh iyo habeen bey host gareysaa shir Somaliyeed pretending iney wax noo qabaneyso iyadoo la og yahay in qaska Somalia ka taagnaa 20 years 70% iyo ka badan iney itoobiya ka danbeysay, i.e. Hogaamiye kooxeed hubeyn, qabiil isku hubeyn, and so on.

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Both Eritrea and Ethiopia have supported Different Factions and Political Groupings in Somalia fact and both of these countries have wider political interests in Somalia and in the larger Horn.Let's not forget Eritrea never invaded Somalia Ethiopia did, so i say Eritrea is the lesser evil not Saying that Eritrea is Honest in their way of doing Politics in Africa or that their Foreign policy towards Somalia is appreciated.

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There was virtually no rebel group that Ethiopia didn't train and fund in order that we attack our own government. So of course they have their own interests. When the ICU came to dominance Ethiopia was only called in when they began brainwashing the youth - like this still are - and began spreading to peaceful areas of the region.


But comparing them to Al Shabaab? Please! We just witnessed Al Shabaab admit to killing and disfiguring Somali students who were standing in line with their parents so they can seek more education. And who is Al Shabaab funded by? Where did most of its leadership seek sanctuary in so they could regroup? Eritrea.


I know what people will say Ethiopia did this in Mogadishu and Ethiopia did that. However for the TFG, the most important area's of the capital (i.e. the airport and sea port, president’s home) was given to them by Ethiopia/Somali forces. So of course the government will view them as an ally.


Is it right or wrong? I don’t know. However, there are many countries that will do everything in their power to ensure that Somalia is never a self-sufficient nation. Ethiopia is definitely one of them, and Eritrea is equally one. Still whatever the truth is, we are witnessing a small group of AU forces and most Somali troops expel Al Shabaab from Mogadishu with the help of the local population.


Oh yeah, let’s stop the secessionists bashing of Ethiopia. Need they remember that their SNM used Ethiopia as a base many times and more importantly NW civilians fled to Ethiopia during the war? What about the 300 ONLF that crossed through the enclave recently in which the Hargeysa admin asked Ethiopia to engage them. How quickly you forget! But, history has shown that Ethiopia was not an enemy when you need them.

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When i say Eritrea is the lesser evil it is true Ethiopia invaded Somalia on many occasions even Eritrea's involvement in Somalia is just recently in the 90s they never kept them self's Busy with Somalia.ICU cannot be compared to Alshabaab the ICU was actually very much loved by the residents of Mogadishu and were not as extreme as the Current Shabaab. And at that time Sharif Ahmed was their religious Political Leader the current TFG president.


Eritrea did not invade Somalia Eritrea does not oppress the Somalis in the O'gaden Eritrea did not support the different warlords in the 90s, Not Saying that Eritrea's foreign Policy is a perfect foreign Policy its full of deep holes and they are just securing their own interest by Fighting their Arch Enemy Ethiopia using different factions Based in Somalia.


As for Somalilanders fleeing to Ethiopia when there is war refugees flee it's part of the human nature but the land they fled to is their Traditional indigenous homeland Daror harta Sheikh Harshin Gaashamo Cariray Kamb Abokor etc.

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What ungrateful Somalis, Eritrea came to the aid of the ICU and all freedom loving Somalis when the rest of the World silently approved the U.S financed Ethiopian invasion.Half of the current TFG parliament was exiled in Asmara as part of the alliance for the re-liberation of Somalia movement which was headed by Sharif until the Djibouti process.Once in power Sharif and the exiled current TFG leaders decided to forget the help Eritrea extended reading from a new script provided by America and Ethiopia, condemning Eritrea with baseless accusations of supporting Al-Shabab.Until now no concrete evidence linking Eritrea to Al-Shabab beyond the Ethiopian invasion has been provided.


Eritrea is a great ally.

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ileen ertrianku waa
oo ethiopian ay ka cabsahaayan

I don't know how old was Oba(maybe 18 or 19) when Eritrea invaded Ethiopia in 1998 triggering a deadly war that lasted until mid 2000, to call Eritrea fulayaal is unfair wallaahi, for Eritrea holding a coastline of 2234 km, and Ethiopia cannot hold a single inch of that coastline, in contrast, Ethiopia is more powerful in military, but the small army of Eritrea can defeat and play with that millions of Ethiopian soldiers, it is all about tactic and strategy and this was how Eritrea got its independence by force and not by fear of the powerful but less capable Ethiopian army.


It is the other way, Ethiopianka ayaa hada Eritreanka ka cabsado



I think it is better we go back to some taariikh so we know world affairs better, it is like saying Libyan Rebels defeated Gaddafi, I don't think you will agree with that statement, and if you do, then some series discussions are needed to enlighten you on the real issues!

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Nuune sxb i was 16 waagaas laakin i can agree with u that ethiopia has a bigger population than eritrea laakin markey ciidan noqoto Eritrea ba ma ciidan yaro i heard ciidankooda iney gaarayaan 1 million laakin ay jiraan 2 million kale oo tababaran oo millitary service laga rabo hadii sheekadda xumaato, marka hadey dagaal culus dhexmarto eritrea waxbadan ayeey dagaalami karta not because of the ciidan meesha ay ku dagaalamayaana wey ku jirtaa xisaabta oo waa dhul buuraleey ah

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