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UN To Target Corrupt Somalis With New Sanctions

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NAIROBI, Kenya—Corrupt Somali politicians could face travel bans and have their foreign assets frozen under tough new United Nations sanctions, a U.N. official said Tuesday, a move that analysts said could also help get desperately needed food aid to the country's growing number of famine victims.


A team of eight investigators is due to begin work this week. It's the first time senior Somali politicians could face consequences for corruption in the 20 years since the country dissolved into civil war. The country's justice system has virtually stopped functioning and there has been no system to hold politicians in the famine-struck Horn of Africa nation to account.


"Corruption has been identified as one of the main obstacles to the peace process," said Matt Bryden, who heads the U.N. arms monitoring group on Somalia, which provides an annual report to the U.N. Security Council. "This sends a clear signal that corruption and political obstruction will no longer be tolerated."




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It's good that corrupt TFG politicians are being investigated by the UN. After all this whole TFG is IGAD created and UN funded failure of a goverment. Let them start with the key players from Embaghati from 2004 on.


Abdullahi Yusuf, Geedi, and so on.

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