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A Osman's ONLF attacks Chinese Ghosts

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Admiral Osman's propaganda took a turn for the worse this week. In order to please his gullible and dwindling supporters he rushed to post another of his mendacious military communique to western media. He claimed to have killed 25 Ethiopian soldiers who were escorting PetroTrans workers. The problem is there are no such workers in the region yet. Getting caught lying through his teeth has never embarrassed A Osman before and I suspect it won't in the future either. I pity his supporters though. They are dumber that a door ****. :D

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The Zack   

^Siduu Siilaanyo Meles ugu qoslo baad ugu qososhay xabashigan ma is tidhi? U wad dhoolacaddeynta.


Yo Habash,


The below was said to the VOA by non but by your own Habash regime spokesman, Shemiles:

"There was no attack against Ethiopian soldiers that allegedly accompanied the Chinese oil exploration company," said Shimeles. "What happened was, a bunch of ONLF rebel forces had tried to launch an attack against civilian targets. The local militia had ambushed and preempted their attack, and in the ensuing conflict, 11 members of ONLF were killed there and then."

The VOA continued and said:

Shimeles confirmed that oil exploration is in progress in the region, but denied there had been any attacks on oil workers or their facilities.

He admitted there was an attack, he also admitted that the Chinese are there. Now should we believe the Wayane that is still in refugee in Ottawa when his country is "peaceful" or the real Xabash spokesman. You tell us waryaa!


For anyone's info, here is the source:


Now, yaa xabash aka Wayane son. there is no doubt that there was an attack in Cobale on August 30, 2011 but will the Xabash and their Chinese workers ever admit that their asses have been kicked? The Chinese are there, they have been attacked, they will be attacked and attacked until their Asian behinds go back to their motherland.

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Zack Stank, the government spokesman made a matter of fact statement about oil exploration in the region. YES, there are several companies from different countries engaged in oil exploration in Region 5. Hence there are bound to be workers there. But the issue here is PetroTrans. The company recently signed a deal with both Ethiopia and Somaliland on gas exploration/production and transportation. BUT it has not deployed any of its workers in region 5 YET. You are dumb and it shows. :D

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The Zack   

^Maad i deysid, I was gonna bully the xabashi for a second. Bal waayahay.




It doesn't really matter if the Chinese were really there not, we have killed Eight of them in 2007, we are not very much interested in Asian bodies. The thing is, you opened a thread to downplay the ONLF attack in Cobale and you have failed. The Wayanes in Cobale have been attacked and destroyed, that is what is music to my ears and that is the message the ONLF has sent out.


Believe me or not, your people will not get a gallon of the ****** gas as long as 1 ONLF soldier is there.

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Comrade Zack,


You do realise I am very, very disappointed with you. Ninkan maxaad ugu camirtaa? Why do you feel it is important to respond to a woyane Vuvuzela?


Please arintaa dib u eeg oo ninkani kaligii ha isla sheekeeystee faraha ka qaada. Must we issue an official communique for you, Kamavi and the rest of sons of the soil for us to be spared this insult?


Whether a chinese is ambushed or not, whether Admiral is lying or Melez is sodomized is neither here nor there. We are at war with locust-eating Tigres and we simply should not care about what they say. Don't chase their propaganda.


Kor u baxa! Hallo, Hallo? Ma i maqlaysaan? Wareega. Afar iyo afartanka u wareega!

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The Zack   

Abtigiis;744509 wrote:
Comrade Zack,


You do realise I am very, very disappointed with you. Ninkan maxaad ugu camirtaa? Why do you feel it is important to respond to a woyane Vuvuzela?


Please arintaa dib u eeg oo ninkani kaligii ha isla sheekeeystee faraha ka qaada. Must we issue an official communique for you, Kamavi and the rest of sons of the soil for us to be spared this insult?


Whether a chinese is ambushed or not, whether Admiral is lying or Melez is sodomized is neither here nor there. We are at war with locust-eating Tigres and we simply should not care about what they say. Don't chase their propaganda.


Kor u baxa! Hallo, Hallo? Ma i maqlaysaan? Wareega. Afar iyo afartanka u wareega!

Garaad, while I respect your take, I think we disagree on this one. I know where you are coming from, waxu in loo jawaabo uma qalmaan baad joogtaa. Anigu waxaan qabaa Wayaanaha meel kasta oo aan ku arko in lagu tufo. Maalin dhaweyd anagoo makhaayad xabashi Mit_Mittaa ka cuneyno baa mid Tigree ah oo cattaaa oo kale naga fadhiyay nagu yidhi ma Somali shabaab baa tihiiin isagoo markaas kaftan ka dhigayo oo afka caddeeynaya.. sidaan ugu tufay xabashidii kalaa xitaa yaabtay.. I intentionally took his words out of context. Marka xabashida meel kasta oon ku arko waan isaga tufaa, kan yaree uraagga ah ee kobtan SOL wax kusoo xar xaqiiqana sidaas oo kale in loogu tufo umbaan qabaa. Taladaadase waan tixgelin as always :)

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