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Somaliland a history of wretched warlords treachery

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I thought the secessionists were different? That they were more secure? Lol

Yaa Generaal is this questionable? and comparable? you dig 15 year in somaliland history to find last intern conflict, and i need to go back to find this:




29-kii Bishii April sanadkii tagay ee 2009, bartamaha magaalada Galkacyo waxaa qarax miino lagu dilay taliyihii ciidanka sirdoonka Puntland ee PIS qaybta Gobolka Mudug Col.Yaasiin Axmed (YaasiinTalwaaye), qaraxaasi oo ahaa mid waddo dhinaceed lagu aasay, waxaa loo qabtay mid ka mid ah raggii ka danbeeyey kaasi oo lagu maxkamadeeyey Magaalada Gaalkacyo kadibna la toogtay.


5-tii Bishii August ee isla sanadkii 2009-ka isla magaalada Galkacyo bartamaheeda waxaa si bareer ah loogu toogtay wasiirkii warfaafinta Puntland alla ha u naxariistee Warsame Cabdi Shirwac ‘Seefta Bannaanka’ , waxaana dilkiisa ka danbeeyey rag hubaysanaa oo markii ay dilka gaysteen ka baxsaday Magaalada.



11-kii Bishii November, magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Boosaaso waxaa lagu kala dilay xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha wakiillada Puntland iyo guddoomiyihii maxkamadda sare ee magaalada Boossaaso.


Xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab, oo ka mid ahaa mudanayaasha ugu faca weyn xildhibaannada Puntland, lagana soo doortay Gobolka Mudug Waxaa Xilli Habeen ah 11-ka November lagu toogtay goob maqaaxi ah oo shaaha lagu cabbo oo ku taalla magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda Puntland, waxaana isla markiiba baxsaday raggii dilkaasi gaystay oo taradoodu ahayd illa 2 nin, hase ahaatee mar danbe oo muddo bil ah ka soo wareegtay dilkaasi ayaa ciidanka bileysku ku guulaysteen in ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan mid ka mid ah raggii ka danbeeyey dilkii xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab, kaasi oo aan wali maxkamad la soo taagin.


Isla habeenkaasi 11-ka November ee sanadkii tagay ee 2009-ka, magaalada Boosaaso waxaa lagu dilay guddoomiyihii maxkamadda darajada 1-aad ee gobolka Bari alle ha u naxariistee garyaqaan Maxamed Cabdi Awaare, waxaana sidoo kale dilkiisa fuliyey labo nin oo ku hubaysanaa bastoolado, kuwaasi oo iyana markii fal danbiyeedka ay gaysteen fakaday, hase ahaatee raggaasina bileysku waxay sheegeen in ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen muddo kadib inkastoo aan wali saxaafadda la tusin meel maxkamad lagu soo taagay.


Bishii ugu danbeeysay ee sanadkii dhammaaday ee December, waxaa magaalada Garoowe bambo gacmeed lagu weeraray gaari uu saarnaa guddoomiyaha golaha wakiillada Puntland C/rashiid Maxamed Xirsi, waxaana weerarkaasi fuliyey rag tiradooda lagu qiyaasay illaa 4 nin, kuwaasi oo isku dayey in ay baxsadaan, hase ahaatee ciidanka ammaanka ayaa ku guulaysteen qabashadooda maalintii ka danbaysay habeenkii weerarku dhacay.


Sanadkii tagay ee 2009, waxaa kaloo meelo kala duwan oo Puntland ah lagu dilay mas’uuliyiin badan oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahaayeen guddoomiyihii gobolka Karkaar Yaasiin Siciid Xuseen iyo Saraakiil iyana ka tirsanaa ciidamada ammaanka kuwaasi oo labo ka mid ah lagu dilay magaalada Qardho ee xarunta Gobolka Karkaar.


Sanadkan cusub ee haatan aynu ku jirno bishiisiisan 1-aad, ayaa isna u muuqda mid saan-raacay sanadkii la soo dhaafay ee 2009, waxaana bishaan gudaheed la dilay labo xildhibaan oo ka tirsanaa mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Puntland.


5-tii Bishaan Jannaayo ee aan hadda ku gudaha jirno magaalada Boosaaaso waxaa lagu dilay xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Cali ‘Kaarad’, oo ka mid ahaa xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka ee laga soo doortay Gobolka Bari.



Dilkii ugu danbeeyeyna wuxuu dhacay 19-kii bishan Janaayo waxaana bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso lagu toogtay alle ha u naxariistee xildhibaan Maxamed Cabdi Jabriil ‘Daqarre' waxaana dilkiisa gaystay labo nin oo ku hubaysnaa bastoolad iyo qoriga AK47-ka loo yaqaanno.




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yaa Duke imisa dil ayaad taariikda Somaliland ee 15 sano eed soo badhay ayaad ka heshay?


Imisa wasiir ayaa la dilay 0

Imisa xidhibaan 0

Imisa garsoore 1

Imisa gaadhi ayaa la gubay 1 (very big news in SOL)

Imisa ....

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The funny thing is if Mujahid Silanyo was travelling on this trip with some plain clothed bodyguards the healing would be. "look Silanyo has no bodyguards so is not important" or "Silanyo is fake president he has no bodyguards". Lol

I'n my short time here I have observed that the pirates are nothing but hot air. They will make and partake in as many topics about SL as they can, for no reason but to gain the so called succesionist attention. Everybody on here including the lonely SSC cult worshippers who I'm almost sympathetic if their mission slogan was not to wipe out my sub tribe, bring something to the table. Even if it's proper crazy stuff that a man who has high on some good homegrown put down on paper.

The pirates whole existence on SOL is a fly died today in SL so there are 13457543 flys left. That's how much importance they place on SL but like the flys in SL WE DONT ACKNOWLEDGE THEY EXIST or are a threat just a little nuisance.

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Lets explore the claims of democracy and equal representation within “Somaliland”. Here is a report from Awdal region natives regarding the power make up.

Its clear that the triangle clans of Burco, Berbera and Hargaysa have monopolized power at the expense of all else. The large communities of Awdal and the minority clans or those caste aside have not had much in terms of power sharing. Its all about Siilanyo and his group..



Somaliland Dawlada Ka Jirtaayi Waa Dawlad ***** Oo Kaliya Maamulkeedu Koobanyahay


Sida cid waliba ka warhayso somaliland waa dawlad leh dhamaan hay'ad dawladnimo sida ciidan u gaar ah,calan iyo dhul. Waa dawlad wali curdin ah laakin wali hal dal oo kunida ka mid ahi aanuu aqoonsanin.Somaliland waxa ay soo martay marxalad dib u heshisiin beelihii dagaal ku dhex marayey waqtiyadii u jiray dagaalka sokeeye ee somaliya. Waxa ay kaga gudbeen shir beeleedyadii markii ay samaysteen xisbiyo siyaasadeed kuwas oo baabiiyey db ugu noqoshadiii shir beeleedyo marka uu dalku galo xaalado siyaasadeed oo adag.Waxa ay markii ugu horaysay ansixiyeen dastuur u gaar ah kaas oo dadka oo dhami u codeeyen inkaste oo ay mad madaw badani ku jirtay qaabka dadka loogu dhigay dastuurka, hanada aqlabiyadii Somaliland waa ay u codeeyey dastuurka cusub ee Somaliland.


2003 markii ay sida lama filaanka ah uu u geeriyooday madax weynihi markas marxuun Maxamed Ibrahin Cigaal wxa jirtay cabsi badan in hogaanka dalka lagu kala qaybsamo iyada oo ay jireen siyaasiyiin badan oo quudaraynayey inay qabtaan talada dalka hadan waxa ay qaateen Barlamanka Somaliland go'aan geesinimo leh markii ay u magacaabeen Madexweyni- ku xigeenka Somaliland inuu noqdo madaxweynaha ku meelgaadhka sida uu dhigayo dastuurku.


2003 ayaa hadana waxa dalka ka dhacay doorasho tii ugu horaysay ee dimuqraadiyad ah taas oo ay yartahay inta ay dal African ah ka dhacdo waxa ayna u dhacday si xalaal ah oo ay ku qanceen dhaman musharaxiintii xisbiyadii kale ee Somaliland. Waxa kale oo dalka hadana ka qabsoomay doorashadii barlamaanka saasi oo hadan sii xoogeeyey sida ay Somaliland ugu bislaatay dimuqraadiyada iyo arimaha siyaasada diyaarna ugu tahay in la aqoonsado.


HadabacSomaliland oo ah dawlada siyaasada iyo nabadu ku rukunadu u aasmeen ayaa waxa jira in talada dalka ay ku koobanyihiin uun beelaha dhexe (beesha *****) sida la wada ogsonyahayna Somaliland waxa dagan beelo farabadan oo ay ugu waaaweyn yihiin *****, ********,Ciise,Warsangali,*********** iyo beelaha laga tirada badan yahay.


Beesha ***** waxa ay geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba u kortay in ay kaligeed uun hesho faaidada dawladnimo xaq dhaqaale iyo siyaasadba dagaal beelaha kalena ka dhaadhiciso in beesha dhexe kaligeed u soo dagaalantay sidaa daradeedna iyadu maamulka kaligeed looga danbeeyo. hadaba bal aynu yara jaleeco sida ay beesha ***** kalegeed u qaybsatay laamaha dawlada.


hadii aan si tifa tiran idiinku soo gudbiyo sida ay beesha ***** iskugu koobtay laamaha dawlada xagan ka akhri:

1- Madaxweynaha Somaliland ; Axmed Maxmade Muxumed Siilaanyo

2- Gudoomiyaha golaha guurtida ; Saleeban Maxamuud Aaden

3- Gudoomiyaha golaha wakiilada : C/raxmaan Maxamed C/laahi (Ciro)

4- Gudoomiyaha maxkamada sare: Maxamed Xirsi Oomane

5- Gudoomiyaha bangiga dhexe ;

6- taliyahay ciidanka milatariga

7-taliyaha ciidamada bada


Liiskii Golaha Wasiirada Ee beesha ***** oo kaliya ay heshay iyada oo tirada guud ee wasiirada Somaliland n dhan yihiin 20 wasiir.


1. Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar - Wasiirka Arimaha Dibedda & Xidhiidhka Caalamiga Ah. Habar awal (Sacad Muuse)

2. Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose • Waiirka Arimaha Gudaha. H.Y(Muuse Care)

3. Eng. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi • Wasiirka Maaliyadda. Habar awal (Sacad Muuse)

4. Dr. Sacad Cali Shire - Wasiirka Qorshaynta & Horumarinta. Habar awal (Ciisa Muusa)

5. Xusseen Axmed Caydiid • Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud & Gaadiidka.( Arab )

6. Samsam Cabdi Aadan • Wasiirka Waxbarashada &. Tacliinta Sare. Habar awal (Sacad Muuse)

7. Dr. Xuseen Axmed Maxamed • Wasiirka Caafimaadka. Ciida Gale (Abor Muuse)

8.Dr. Axmed Xaaji Oday • Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha, Deegaanka & Horumarinta Reer Miyiga. Habar awal (Sacad Muuse)

9..Khaliil C/Laahi Axmed • Wasiirka Diinta & Awqaafta. (Arab)

10. Ilhaan Maxamed Jaamac • Wasiirka Shaqada & Arimaha Bulshada. H.Jeclo (Muuse Abokor)

11. Dr. Maxamed Yaasiin Xasan • Wasiirka Kaluumaysiga, Khayraadka Badda & Maamulka Dekedaha. H.Yoonis(Muuse Cabdale)

12.Dr. Xusseen Cabdi Ducaale • Wasiirka Macdanta, Biyaha & Tamarta. H.Jeclo (yeesif)

13.Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi • Wasiirka Duulista & Hawada. H.jeclo (muuse Abokor)

14.Cabdilaahi Jaamac Cismaan Geeljire • Wasiirka Warfaafinta. H.Yoonis (isaxaaq)

sidoo kale waxa jira wasiiro ku xgeenada Somaliland oo dhan lix ayaa waxa ay ka heleen sadex waana kuwan/


1.Wasiir-ku-xigeenka Arrimaha Dibadda; Maxamed Yoonis Cawaale, Arab/ Balligubadle /Hargeysa

2.Wasiir-ku-xigeenka Maaliyadda; Warsame Siciid Cabdi, Garxajis/ Habaryoonis/ Sanaag.

3.Wasiir-ku-xigeenka Caafimaadka; Nimco Xuseen Qowdhan, Garxajis/ Habaryoonis/ Hargeysa.

Wxa kale oo intaas dheer 7 safiir oo uu dhawaan siiranyo magacaabay dhamaantood ah beesha ***** ila akhri:

1. Aden Nuux Dhuule Wakiilka Somaliland ee Itoobiya

2. Prof. Maxamed Xirsi Qalinle Wakiilka Somaliland ee Jabuuti

3. Maxamed Axmed Nuur Wakiilka Somaliland ee Kiiniye

4. Axmed Cumar Sangoore Wakiilka Somaliland ee Ingiriiska

5. Rashid Nuur Gaaruf Wakiilka Somaliland ee Maraykanka

6. Xasan Mawliid Axmed Wakiilka Somaliland ee Faransiiska

7. Cali Maxamed Axmed Wakiilka Somaliland ee Yemen


Gaba gabadii maqaalkan waxa aan filayaa in cid walba ka dharagtay sida beesha ***** maanta keligeed iskugu taxday dhamaan haykalka dawladnimo ee Somaliland iyada oo ay belaha kale ee dalka daga si ugu dulman yihiin dawlada Somaliland, iyada oo waliban beesha ***** iskuna dayaysa in beelaha kalena ka dhaadhiciso taasi oo ay diidan yihiin beelaha *****. Waxa aan u soo jeedin lahaa Dawlada Somaliland in ay dib ugu noqoto habka saami qaybsiga laamaha dalka si ay Somaliland u noqoto qaran ugana baxdo meel ay ku adeegsato beel kaliya.


Maxamed Budin"

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My Memory of February 4 In 1991 And Borama’s Genocide)




Little has been written for the memory of those who had been murdered by SNM and Mugistu’s troops in Borama. So my writing today is a foreword of a series that I want to write in a commemoration of up coming 17th anniversary of Borama’s genocide which is due on 4th of February 2007.


..................................It was February 4th in 1991 when SNM militia accompanied with the entire division of Megistu’s troops came to Borama with the intention of killing as many people as they possibly could in a matter of 24 hours. Any one who had witnessed and survived that day knows how evil and merciless SNM were.


The Story Begins With the Days atmosphere


To begun, February 4th1991 was an uncertain day for many ordinary people in Borama, even before the onslaught of these evil forces came into the town. There were wars in every corner of the Awdal region, but the conflicts were mainly happening in the west coast side of the Awdal district. The news from the places like Saylac, Lughaya, Lawya’Ado, Harirad, Asha’Ado, was telling that a coalition of ISSA and SNM militias, were fighting with local militia.


Also the reports we were getting from the area were telling that most of Bari’s Army who were based in the west side of the district had surrounded themselves to the ISSA militia in order to get a save passage in to Djobouti. There were countless military vehicles coming from the east side of the Awdal region and they were pouring into the town, but the civilians knew nothing what was going on.


All the local militias gone to Saylac and people never predicted that SNM will dare to come to Borama. But they did with the help of Mugistu’s army and after they had entered the town many people thought they were SDA, a group of Awdal Diaspora who formed a Party during these days and many tried to welcome them. But on to their horror many soon found out what had visited their peaceful town.


I remember exactly were I was and what I was doing that day, exactly like it was yesterday, and like many others forgive may be, but I will never forget as long as I live.




All my immediate family were away at the time, some were in Djouti where my father had been hospitalised and others where in Europe. So I was staying with my mother’s sister (Aunty Aisha) and her three children Mohamed/Abdi and 11 years old Nimco whom their father had die a three month earlier.


My cousin Mohamed who was 2months younger than me, was out when we heard the first shocking news of SNM presents, and as any mother would have felt my Aunty were very worrying and she was planning to go out and look for him, when a pregnant woman fleeing from gunfire came into the house and told us, there were SNM and Amhara gunmen on the back of our house. The pregnant woman was out of breath and she uttered (they are killing every moving soul).


She also told us they had fired shots aimed to her but they lucky missed her.Then my Aunty looked at me and my younger cousin Abdi with eyes of full of horror and almost signs of resignation appeared from her face, but she quickly pulled herself together and told us to go up on the roof and hide ourselves there. (What ever happen don’t come down she said). We did what my Aunty insisted us to do.


While I and my young cousin Abdi were going up on the roof I heard my Aunty asking my 11years old cousin Nimco where she was going as she walked away from her, and Nimco responded, (the toilet). I also remember as I was going up glancing my Aunty who was trying to lock the door as the gun fire were coming closer and closer. The other women who came into the house earlier told my Aunt not to bother to lock the door because she saw them breaking every door.


Five minutes after I and my cousin Abdi had climbed on the roof the military armours arrived in our doorstep, small and heavy gun fire were non-stop. All of sudden our peaceful neighbourhood was in a ware Zone.




Please note the next chapter of this story contains horrific details of death and violence. So if you don’t like violence don’t read it.


Cabdale Faarah Sigad

Borama’s Genocide

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...........Clan killings continue till today.....

Awdal: Commemoration of first anniversary of 7/11 massacre


On the eve of the 1st anniversary of the brutal killings of the Awdal citizens in the Dilla/Kalabaydh area, Adal Resources & Development Assistance Association (ARDAA) is calling upon the President-elect and his new administration to address a major concern from the communities from Awdal & Salal; an ignored, long outstanding and unfinished agenda item of the outgoing party; a dark spot in the history of this young nation; and a major violation of human rights in the name of ill-conceived clan politics: the immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators and collaborators of the 7/11 massacre.




A year has passed since the brutal murder of four innocent Somaliland citizens who were travelling at Hargeisa/Borama highway. These four victims were businessmen, academicians, and engineers and were killed in what we characterize as the most heinous way. Their bodies were mutilated, skinned alive, and their heads severed from the body. Indeed, we are at a loss of words to describe this inhuman slaughter!



The families of those victims, the peace-loving people of Somaliland and the international community as well as the human rights defenders worldwide, were waiting for justice from Somaliland government for the past twelve months. Nevertheless the outgoing Somaliland administration failed miserably to apprehend the perpetrators of this crime and bring them to justice. Rather than fulfilling its responsibility toward its citizens, that administration did not even acknowledge the murder of these innocent citizens. For a year, all is well in Hargeisa: no government official, no political leader, no human rights group, and not even a single civil society advocate have mentioned the bloodshed on 7/11. They failed to heed to our earlier and numerous press releases, petitions and calls for justice. The cries of the widows and orphans of the victims of the 7/11 massacre have fallen on deaf ears. (




What had happened at the Hargeisa-Borama road on the evening of July 11, 2009 will remain a dark spot and a terrible wound that would never be healed if the government of Somaliland does not stand the responsibilities entrusted to them by its citizens.


In a news conference held in Borama on May 6, 2010, the sons of late Ali Sheikh Omar Barre and Ali Mohamed Nur (Bagaashle), have spoken loud and clear about their losses. They have held up the pictures of their fathers and directed difficult questions at the Somaliland people and the authorities. Boqore Ali Sheikh Omar and Ahmed Ali Bagaashle are asking for answers: when will the perpetrators of the 7/11 crimes be captured and brought before justice? Why is it taking so long to bring a closure to our nightmare? How much longer do we have to wait before the murderers of our dads are apprehended? Boqore, Ahmed and other members of their families are all running out of patience. Their position is plain and simple: justice delayed is justice denied. They have declared that their fathers are gone but not forgotten!




The families of the victims have had questions about the ineffectiveness of the Somaliland outgoing administration and the unfair treatment of their cases. They saw a clear double standard and bad politics played by that administration. For example, in November 2009, a deadly explosion killed a high ranking military officer in Las Anod. Ten suspects connected to this explosion were brought to trial in Madera and the government did everything to apprehend any suspects of that case. However, the militia members, whose names circulate publicly among the people, who stopped travelers along the Borama-Hargeisa road, took 10 hostages and summarily butchered four of them, are free and at large. Somaliland authorities did not make any arrests in connection with the killing. This clearly demonstrated that the government of Somaliland was able to perform its basic duties under the law when it wanted to do so. This was indeed a double standard that jeopardized Somaliland's influence and interests in both the national and international arenas. It also shattered all and any hopes that the Somaliland people had as aspirations for recognition and nationhood. We are hoping that the incoming administration will make it first priority to serve justice and to bring a closure to this long overdue case and ugly crime against humanity.




The President- elect on his capacity as Kulmiye party leader was not only following the deadly explosion at Las Anod that killed the senior military officer very closely, but was outspoken and openly involved to the point where he implicated this murder to the outgoing president's office. However, he kept his lips tight about the 7/11 crime. Now is the time that the President-elect speaks out about this horrible crime and promise to bring the culprits to justice.




The 7/11 massacre is a serious black mark and a setback to the government and people of Somaliland and their efforts to coexist in peace and tranquility, and in their aspirations to become a recognized member of the international community unless the government takes the appropriate action which is to bring the culprits of the 7/11 crime to justice.




We at ARDAA believe in the value and dignity for all humanity regardless of race, clan, or social group. In light of this, we would leave no stone unturned to advocate justice for these victims and for all victims of oppression throughout the world. Today is the 1st anniversary of 7/11 massacre and appeal to Somaliland government, the political parties, particularly the victorious Kulmiye Party, the parliament, the civil society, the traditional elders, religious leaders, and all Somaliland citizens to rise above the tribal arrogance that promotes internecine fighting and observe this dark day by organizing appropriate programs in remembrance and commemoration of the victims of 7/11 and by demanding justice, fairness and equality under the law. The families of the victims still wait for justice.




Finally, in this moment of grief and pain, we call upon all Somalilanders and all peace loving people to observe a minute of silence in memory of victims of 7/11. We at ARDAA shall continue to advocate on behalf of the families of 7/11 victims till justice is done. On behalf of all peace-loving people of Somaliland and elsewhere in the world, we pay our tribute to the victims of the 7/11 massacre: may Allah bless their souls.


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Liiskii Golaha Wasiirada Ee beesha ***** oo kaliya ay heshay iyada oo tirada guud ee wasiirada Somaliland n dhan yihiin 20 wasiir.


1. Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar - Wasiirka Arimaha Dibedda & Xidhiidhka Caalamiga Ah

2. Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose • Waiirka Arimaha Gudaha.

3. Eng. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi • Wasiirka Maaliyadda.

4. Dr. Sacad Cali Shire - Wasiirka Qorshaynta & Horumarinta.

5. Xusseen Axmed Caydiid • Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud & Gaadiidka.

6. Samsam Cabdi Aadan • Wasiirka Waxbarashada &. Tacliinta Sare. Habar awal

7. Dr. Xuseen Axmed Maxamed • Wasiirka Caafimaadka.

8.Dr. Axmed Xaaji Oday • Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha, Deegaanka & Horumarinta Reer Miyiga.

9..Khaliil C/Laahi Axmed • Wasiirka Diinta & Awqaafta.

10. Ilhaan Maxamed Jaamac • Wasiirka Shaqada & Arimaha Bulshada.

11. Dr. Maxamed Yaasiin Xasan • Wasiirka Kaluumaysiga, Khayraadka Badda & Maamulka Dekedaha.

12.Dr. Xusseen Cabdi Ducaale • Wasiirka Macdanta, Biyaha & Tamarta.

13.Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi • Wasiirka Duulista & Hawada.

14.Cabdilaahi Jaamac Cismaan Geeljire • Wasiirka Warfaafinta.

sidoo kale waxa jira wasiiro ku xgeenada Somaliland oo dhan lix ayaa waxa ay ka heleen sadex waana kuwan/


14 out of the 20 ministers of Warlord Siilanyo's cabinet are from his clan, what the rest are less than 30% of the population. The people of AWDAL, SOOL, SANAAG, the minority clans of the regions = 30% and Siilanyo's clan equals 70%?

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it's pretty much fair Awdal region 3 Ministers and a deputy Minister

Sanaag region 2 Ministers and one deputy Minister

Sool region 2 Minister and one deputy Minister

Saaxil region 1 minister

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^^^XX, I have no doubt of your clanish support. After all in Somalia proper the whole NW would get around 20% of the posts and power of the country. You want to be a big fish in a small pond, than a normal fish in a big pond full of other big fishes. :D:D

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