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Sunnis vs. Shi'ites vs. Other?

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Assalum-Aleikum Everyone.......


Nabi Mohamed Aleyhi salaatu wa salaam Said "my ummah (nation) will divide into seventy three (73), each of which would be in the Fire except one"... He further said "O mankind, I am leaving two things with you, if you cling to them you will never go astray. The Book of Allah and my way of life. [Al-Hãkim and Al-Baihaqi]............



Now dayz I see a lot of Islamic Groups even among the Somalis who all Claim to be Right or in the Right path... So far I know the "Akhwaan" the "Xer" aka "Timo wayne" the "al-Itihaad al-Islamiya" "Shi'tes" "Sufis" "Nation of Islam" "Qutubis and Surooris" ...etc.....My Question is How can we tell the Righteous one's from the 72others? or the one's who are in the right path??......




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You can simply tell the difference if you know the diin well..... i mean like if you know what the quran says and of course the sunnah (the prophet's pbuh way of life). We are all Muslims and Allah (cwj) send us a prophet (pbuh) to guide us into the right path and inshallah if we follow in that path Allah (cwj) will grand us Paradise beneath which rivers follow. My point is Allah (cwj) send us one prophet that had a clear message and we should all no matter what follow in his path and not to differ our selves from one another e.i suufi, shiica, Sunnies etc...




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Lady Fatima, thank very much for bring this important point up.


I have been straggling with this for a long time. The conclusion I came to was that any group that is distinguish from the others based on differences in caqiida is what hadiith is about. For example, the 12er Shi’its distinguish themselves based on caqiida from the Naqshbandi. Don’t confuse this with groups that share the same caqiida but have different methods or goals, often times these groups are not spiritual movements but political ones.


Many times your will find groups that have different names but the same caqiida, like “akhwaan” and “itihaad” are on the same caqiida with the “wahaabiis” and the “salaaf”. They have the same spiritual believes, but often times they have different political agendas.


The xadith about the 73 groups I think is talking about 73 different groups with 73 different believes, each saying they are the true muminneen.



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Sis., I won't go to details at this time, but the main one so far that seems to fit the 'one' the Prophet mentioned seems today is:


Ahlul-Suna-Wa-Jameeca!! And this one is also a bit complicated. In terms of deep Islaamic religion.



Macsalaama!! Perhaps later for details.


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Salaama All,



Samir, Unixguru and Miskiin Thanks all for your responses.......



Unix... The hadith is Talking about The Muslim Ummah especially......Nabi Mahamed Aleyhi Salaatu Wa Salaama Said " The Jews were divided into seventy one (71) groups and the Christians were divided into seventy two (72) any my ummah (nation) will divide into seventy three (73), each of which would be in the Fire except one"...... So this clearly Indicates that the Muslim Ummah it'self will devide in the 73groups!!



Btw i didn't know the “akhwaan” and “itihaad" where on the same caqiida? Thanks!!



MMA.... Plz Do go into Details?



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Sis., well since I don't really know much about Islaamic 'fikh {figh},' I would try to answer of what I know best.


There is no dispute {Perhaps, Shiicas would try to have an argument, but it is so baseless} that the one Prophet Maxamed {s.c.w.} mentioned as the only 'one' to be on the Straight path is, as I said on earlier:




But, who is in or out of this group's context is depending on who you ask. And that is the question. There are many deviations in this group. So, who is the only 'one' that follows the 'one' the Prophet {s.c.w.} mentioned. It is as to decide a one from a group and after that, a one from a group of one. Complicated, ehe.


Well, as far as I know only one group seems to fit the best. And again, I say this it is only my little personal knowledge so don't take it as a true or as a lie. You can ask further the real 'culamas.' The group that fits is the one of the one:


The Salafi. Or as others offensively call 'wahaabiya.' However, this term is so distorted that never would even Maxamed bin C/wahaab used himself. And certainly Salafis do not follow only one person but the great Sheeqs of Islaam. All of them. From the Prophet himself to today's ones. And everything between that time, there were great men like Muslim, Bukhaari, Axmed, Abuu Da'uud, Ibn Xanifa, Ibn Shaafici, Ibn Maaliki, Ibn Hanbali, Ibn Tayimah, Al-Albaani, Cudeymiyah and other famous sheekhs of 'tafsiiryaasha' like Ibn Kathir. Salafi was referred to the 'pious followers of the authentic path {the 'one,' as the Prophet said himself} of the Prophet {s.c.w.}.' And it was always repurified by some famous scholars as mentioned above. Those who followed the Prophet's way was thus a salafi. Those who followed the Quraanka Kariimka completely were thus salafis. Those who practised whatever the Prophet did were thus salafis. Those who rejected whatever the Prophet forbid were thus salafis. Those who believed everything the Prophet said as recorded by saxiix xadiises were thus salafis. And you can see, they were those who truly wanted to follow every step the Prophet {s.c.w.} took. But, sometimes in the Muslim lands ruled by corrupt leaders who were enjoying a personal 'worship' what the Prophet forbid. Or allowed people to practice what a certain group of today's age we call 'suufis, xerta, qaadiriyiinta, axmediya, saalixiya, etc.' However, those who tried to get back the authentic sources, the Quraan, and Prophet's way were tortured and imprisoned. Or even murdered. As it is today, it was same at that time. Until then came last one great scholars, Maxamed bin C/wahaab {and this culama's life so debated. Sufis call him a traitor or something because he advised the king not to allow what Suufis practised at that time and they still do today. Like digri, mawliid, siyaara loo aadayaa meshoo nabiga ku duugnaa Madiina iyo wax yaabaha dhan ay Suufiyada sameyaan}. C/wahaab was so sick to see how Makka became and how its inhabitants was so far away from the Sunnah of the Prophet {s.c.w.} He studied Islaam and preached to people to get back the main sources of Islaam--Quraanka iyo Sunnada Nabiga {s.c.w.} But, people were so enraged of what they practised as been called wrong--just like Jahaliya time--and as happened to other scholars before him, he was taunted. But, soon he formed a stragedy. There was a Sacuudi king who ruled a province. He proposed to that king to form a coalition with his small followers and rule the people with the pure shareeca of the Prophet. Soon, they captured much of Carabiya of what is known as Sacuudi Carabiya. The king was so prosperous. That king's name is as it is today so familiar: Sacuud.


As as to this present day, it still as same. Those who return the authentic way of the Prophet--the Sunnah--they are called all sorts of names, and one of them is Wahaabiya. We Soomaalis call them extra special weird names, like 'Aqwaan Muslimiin, Gardheere, Surwaalgaab,' iyo kuwa kale.


I cannot go so much than that. So, if you need more, please then try to visit this site:


Again, any mistake is my own.





P.S.: Those who think that I am 'salafi' or at least an advocate of it, think again. I am saying that because first I am Muslim. And I follow the Quraanka Kariimka. And I follow the Sunnah of the Prophet {s.c.w.}. And if you have a problem with that, then it is up to you. But, certainly I don't name myself other than Muslim who follows the true path of the Prophet {s.c.w.}. Ah, I am not even a 'wadaad,' so the possiblity of considering me to be a Gardheere or Surwaalgaab is therefore closed.

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Well, I am not a scholar but I can at least respond to this topic.


Lady Fatima, I don't know what to tell ya but you don't have to follow any group or register with anyone.


If you know what the purpose of life on earth is, then you're on the right path.


Allah created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Him alone {51:56}


In a nutshell, the verse above explains the purpose of life, to worship Allah.


I hear many negative things about these groups mentioned in this topic, but I hope they unite and become one single group that obeys Allah. I am guessin' the ones that are doin' deeds of righteousness are the ones that are on the right path. And I pray that Allah guide all of us in the right path and make us people of righteousness. Thanks



"Eat and drink with happiness because that's what you used to do" {52:19}

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Salaam, this is a much heated debate in the ummah now. I am not qualified or granted ijaza as yet however as Rasulullah says "teach what you know even if it is an ALIF"

amma b3ad

The Hadith Sis Fatima relates to is any group that adds or extracts from the aqaa3da of islam, this is the basic principle. what heats the debate today is that people scrutinize if the sect violates the shariah, however the shariah is based on fatwas ( certain situation) the aqeedah is the basic belief of islam ( Similar to al-Qaida- Means base)and once that is violated no if or ands about it the person becomes a kaafir. check out

concerning Sufis, Sunnis, Wahabbi's Tableeghis etc. all of them are considered Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, however they again have petty little differences example where to place your hands etc. then there are some of them who are extreme. sadly these extremist are looked at by the other groups as the representation of their group. example: an extremist tablighi might declare that you have to spend 40 days in jamaat. in fiqhi talk this is a khasi statement-(meaning he has made it fard that a person does this)this is bid'ah. Because of this extreme statement you might find that a salafi for instance would generalize and say the tablighi's on preach bid'ah. This is haraam, because tha Salafi has slandered the innocent tablighi and concerning slander Rasullah said huwa shaddu minal zina- it is worst than fornication or adultery.

I believe what divides the ummah FIRSTLY: Lack of knowledge of our religion SECONDLY: Lack of knowledge on the ettiquettes of acquiring knowledge. and THIRDLY: lack of Implementing Knowledge.

and concerning knowledge and Confusion (the Sects) says in hadith " in the last days corruption and chaos would enter into the ummah by the removal of knowledge from the ummah. the knowledge would not be lifted, rather the scholars would die and ignorant persons would be made to deliver false fatwas" Ever wonder why Allah would allow his beloved ummah to end up like this? let me tell you, because we would fail to do what he wants us to". concerning this he AZZA wa JALLA says" Verily if i wanted i could erase you from the face of the earth and create another people who would do my work even better".

SUMMARY: As long as a group adheres to the basic Aqeedah, they are with in the rightly guided sect even though they are a sub-sect of that sect.


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Miskiin by saying you are not a salafi and covering up that you are by saying i follow the sahabah and rasullah is a waste of time. Do we muslims go around saying i am one who submits to Allah? no we are muslim. you are salafi because of the methodolodgy you have in discerning your fiqh. nothing is wrong with that. to acknowledge differneces is a prestige in islam because it shows the qudrat of Allah i.e he created so many differencs and evertything agrees still. Where the problem lies is each group taking this atribute of Allah and destroying it by the sufis saying that they are the better or vice versus. Personally i do not say that i am a sufi because of the stereotype behind it, rather i say i follow the path of tasawwuf as a sheikhs (Maududi) says tasawwuf is an integral part of islam. see his book towards understanding islam.

example of what you said(and correct me if i'm wrong) about sufis killing those who turned towards quran and sunnah? if this is the case that is not tasawwuf and how could a muslim generalize a people because of on small group of them. if nothing is wrong with generalizing then am i a TERRORIST?

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Yes, brother, theorically and ideally I am Salafi. But, when it comes to how some of us distort the image of Salaafi, then it is really something that bothers me--they equate the Salafis to be those beardos or something like that. At this contemporary world, this word is so mis-used by pro-Salafis and anti-Salafis.


And by the way, I am a follower--as are all Soomaalis--of Shaafici {Shafi'i} school of thought.




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I learn something new each day on this forum. Thank you all. May Allah bless you all.

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