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Ramadan (Q A)

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Nurtel Ramadhan Expedition




Fatawa of Scholars



Questions and Answers



Q. I sleep too much during the day, is my fasting accepted?


A. Yes, but you are minimizing other opportunities for hasanaat, the more you are awake and do good deeds in the day of Ramadan, and at night, the more reward you get.


Q. I went to bed before eating Saxuur, with niyah of eating later, but I woke up late at fajer and missed eating saxuur, is my fasting correct?


A. Yes, But at a price, according to a hadeeth, the Prophet SAWS said "The eating of Saxuur is barakah, so do not fast without it even if you have to swallow a mouthful of water, because (For eating Saxuur) Allah, and His angels endow mercy on those who take saxuur)


Q. I go swimming, and I like to go diving in nearby Maraka Caddey Reefs, does that brake my fast


A. Answer: as long as water does not get into your stomach willingly, it is OK


Q.. Does smelling good fragrances and perfumes brake fasting?


A. Some Ulema see it does, as it goes to the brain and makes you feel too good to be fasting


Q. At the Dentist, does the ansthesia or blood coming out after a tooth is removed brake fast?


A. No, neither does as long as you do not swallow blood.


Q. How about saliver ( Cantuuf) or mucus ( Xaako), if I swallow them do they brake my fast


A. No, but some Ulema see that the Mucus ( Xaako) should not be sawallowed knowingly, it is heavy stuff, you know what I mean!


Q. When I have fever or feel sick, can I take suppository ?


A. suppository inserted in the rectum does not brake fast.


Q. But How about medicine shots i.e. syringes taken through blood veins on my wrists, or thru my body.


A. Only Intravenous intake of nutrients or vitamins, or water brake fast, no medicinal intake brakes as long as it is not taken through the mouth.


Q. How about inhaling medical vaporized solutions for asthma attacks?


A. That vapor evaporates, it does not brake fast.


Q. How about mouth wash sloutions for gargling?


A. As long as you do not swallow it, it is OK.


Q. Ok, the midterms exams are here, and I need an A to get to a good medical school, can I break my fast?


A. No, that is not a valid excuse to break your fast for, be more creative.


Q. Does brushing my teeth with MISWAAK or regular tooth brush brake fast?


A. No, it is recommended to brush your teeth regularly as it is " Mat-haratun lil fam, mardaatun lil Raxmaan" cleansens the mouth and makes Allah SWT satisfied with you.

but as for tooth paste, it is MAKROOH, not recommended.


Q. I heard some people say eating snow or ice does not break fast?


A. Nomads in Ottawa or the north pole Helsinki, would've loved it! no, it is not permissible, because the story that a companion Abu Talxah used to eat Snow while fasting claiming that it is not food nor drink, his argument is wrong because it changes phase once in your stomack as liquid, a sufficeint but not necessary reason for braking your fast.


Q. How about eye drops?


A. The consensus is that it does not, although some ulema say it might, because the drops can travel through the sinus and via your throat and end up in your hungry tummy.


Q. How about if I eat or drink forgetfully


A. Your fasting is accepted, but those who observe you eat MUST remind you to stop eating or drinking if they do not, they are makiing a sin.


Q. Do wet dreams brake fast?


A. No, wet dreams are involuntary, they do not brake your fast.


Q. When making MADMADAH or ISTINSHAAQ, and water get into your stomach, does that brake fast?


A. No, as the person making wudoo did not do it with intention.


Q. If I eat during the Fajr prayer call, adhaan or a little while afterwards, does that brake my fast?


A. If the person found out later that he ate during or after adhaan, her fasting is OK, if he statred eating after hearing the Fajr adhaan, his/her fast is not valid.


Q. can I donate blood in Ramadaan?


A. Yes, donating blood does not brake your fast, and giving blood is a forrm of Sadaqah, a highly recommended Ramadan benevolence.


Q. I like to use body lotions and creams in the cold season, does these brake my fasting?


A. No, it is OK to use it if need be.


Q. What is the definition of "Travel" which makes braking fasting permissible?


A. Eighty Three kilometers ( 83Km) some scholars did not set a definite distance as long as it is accepted as travel depending on the common sense of that area. But if you plan to go to Atlantic City or Las Vegas, that does not qualify as legitimate "Travel" in Fiqh, accepted Travels are for benefitial destinations only, not Macsiya trips.


Q. Does throwing up brake fast?


A. Unintentional vomiting does not, but intentional vomiting breaks fast.



Collection of Ulema Fatwa's in Nur' Words and Wacky Analogies


Nurtel Ramadan Expedition




[ September 18, 2007, 06:26 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]

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Nur JazakaALLah Khayr for your informative and very insightfuL contributions-as aLwayz-its appreciated.May ALLah BLess/Reward You for Your Good Deeds.

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bro nur,the tooth paste, u said it is not reccommended, but not forbidden. Or did u mean forbidden, i have heard diff comments about using tooth paste, some say its ok as ur not swallowing, some say as yr tasting it then its forbidden. I myself can not leave the house wivout using my trusted colgate total mint, so can u post yr comments, in depth is possible and if time is on yr side.

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Walaal Reer Woqooyi


Tooth paste contains some sugars and sweetners that are sensed by the taste buds, also, it contains fragrances such as mints and others, those two ingredients make Tooth paste MAKROOH, which is one degree between the permitted and te forbidden. Makrooh means strongly not recommended but it is not out right haraam.


The fact that it is OK is because you are cleaning your teeth with it whch is Highly recommended.


And because you do not swallow, for external use, it is halaal. But using clogate is begging trouble.



If I were you, I would youse regular tooth brush without toothpaste or CADEY if you can order a fresh bundle to last a month from Gabiley or ijaara, delivered to you via FedEx.




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i already have 'dowrr caday' and use them at home and on the road, white ppl be like why is he using a stick to clean his teeth?lol, i have always been careful and only hope that i dont swallow by accident. thanx for clearing that up bro.





so dont be eating too early!!!!!lol

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Iskay baro sis


Waxaad qortay:


"one more thing....manoo soo diyaarin kartaa fadlan cashar ku saabsan wax yaalaha burburiya soonka. kaas baa hada ku haboon baan u maleenayaa. ilaah hakaa abaal mariyo dadaalkaaga insha-allah."





Waxaan sanadkii hore qoray boggaan ka hadlaya isweydiinta ku saabsan soonka, wixii su'aal ah halkan ku soo qor, and if possible in English maxaa yeelay audienceka waxaa u badan xabbadi keentay.



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From yesteryears, Q & A are still helpful to new Nomads on this watering hole. Your questions are welcome.




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Assalamu alaikum bro Nur and fellow nomads.


Nur.. my question is what do i do when im in skool during ramadan and salat for duhr time comes.Can i delay the salat till i get home.


waa mahsantahay walaal!

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Safe Guy saaxib


Delaying Salaat is permitted for the Travelling, heavy rain or snow storms or any lifethreatening situation. Uless you are afraid for your safety (Safe Guy), its a great idea to perform prayer in full view of fellow students on Campus, here are the benefits:


1. It serves Dawa, some of the students will ask you about Islam, some may revert to Islam, you earn a great reward saving a single soul.


2. Women on campus will get the message that you are not looking for haram business, this relieves you of their advances


3. Yoh feel great




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Salaama Calykum


I recently prayed with a number of people who worked at the same place (as each other). It was time for Duhur, as we were about to begin one them explained that they were prating 2 rakca for Duhur and 2 rakca for asar. After the two rakca i carried on with an additional 2 as required for Duhur.


I later asked some of the locals why they were doing this. They mentioned that if your 7km (some said 12km) away from your home, then this can be taken as travelling (even if you dont leave your city). I was very skeptical, if anyone could please expand on this i would be greatful.

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^Excellent question. The enlightened among us will hopefully educate us on this one. I'm very interested to know the answer on this one.


Question on Mortgage interest.


As you know bro Nur there is a morgage interest which is haram. I have a cousin who has a house through mortgage. The house is almost paid. He wanted to buy a share of startup business. He later revealed that his contribution are from proceedings of that house which he sold and made about X% profit. He bought another one and used the profit toward this startup business. My brother (organizer) does not want to have anything to do with this questionable investment.


When asked about this my cousin simply said that it is completely halal. He wnet on and explained how that is the case. He said the tax refund offsets the interest paid. He has the numbers on his said. In other words, the total interest paid (annually) to the bank is equal to the tax refund he recieved from uncle sam.


Bal ka tali sxb.

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Question for Nur..


I don't mean to get off topic here, since you probably intended this page for topics about Ramathan.


I was wondering walal.. If someone receives items knowing that their sources are Xaraam (stolen or scams). What steps should be taken to rectify the matter, and should the items be thrown out or kept.


Your response will be greatly appreciated.

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