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Puntland President's Press Release Regarding The Drought Crisis Facing The State

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Dawladda Puntland oo Walaac Xoogan Ka Muujisay Saamaynta Abaaraha


Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in abaaraha ka jira gobolada ay maamusho ay saamayn ku yeesheen dad ku dhow hal milyan oo qof.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga ee Puntland ahna Gudoomiyaha guddiga loo xilsaaray abaaraha Dr.Da’uud Maxamed Cumar oo la hadlaayay saxaafada ayaa sheegay in abaaruhu ay saamayn ku yeesheen dad gaaraya hal milyan oo qof.


Wuxuu tilmaamay in qiimeyn ay kusoo sameyeen ay ku ******** tirada dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen,isagoo xusey in dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen ay kunool yihin goobaha miyiga iyo tuulooyinka.


Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Hay’ado samafal kala hadleen sidii ay gacan uga geysan lahaayeen sidii loo gurman lahaa dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen.


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ayaa bishii lasoo dhaafay ee sanadki 2010-ka guddi Wasiiro ah u magacaabay wax ka qabashada abaaraha isla markaana qiimeyn kusoo sameeya abaaraha.


Horseed Media

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Plus the drought is affecting all somalia, I seen shabab drought responses and their cutting off the lifeline to people in the most desparate times, I seen puntland response which is very clear


The government of Puntland is committed to play in a lead role in response to the drought and as a result has already mobilized local resources to address the impact of the drought.

And somaliland havent seen any response from them even though PPL ARE DYING there already in the cities siiba hargeisa ka warana badiyaha waba ka si daran tahay. A useless govt on paper but not working at ground level

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