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Cargo Plane Crew Released ,, Somaliland says Cargo to be Handed Over to the UN

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Maya, maya caruurta iskuul maleheyn maalinkaa oo winter break bey ku jireen, duh! Wey kuu dhacan leheed anigoo rush kujira hadaan sheekada aqrin lahaa, laakiin maya sxb...Balse waxaa yaab leh sidaad rabtaan inaad sheekada inoogu badashaan oo waxaan meesha oolin iyo meelo kale inoo jeedisaan...Abadan...It would be so much easier/better hadaad qaladkiina qirataan...Actually qalad maba ahan tan oo waaba shactiro, at least inaga dhaadhiciya inaad majaajilo yar inoo suubineyseen to end 2010 and bring in 2011...:D Or you can always blame on miraha...;) ;)

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NG you you are trying too had to spin this fiasco but if it was in UK it may have worked but here in this tough neighborhood it doesn't stand a chance. If SL wanted to get the story alive, they could have done it without looking foolish (rekindling the tragic bombing of Hargaysa etc.) and indecisive. May be you can explain to me why the training of PL Marines to fight piracy is a problem for you and for SL govt (form your uncle's point of view)? :)

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Peace Action;685263 wrote:
NG you you are trying too had to spin this fiasco but if it was in UK it may have worked but here in this tough neighborhood it doesn't stand a chance. If SL wanted to get the story alive, they could have done it without looking foolish (rekindling the tragic bombing of Hargaysa etc.) and indecisive. May be you can explain to me why the training of PL Marines to fight piracy is a problem for you and for SL govt (form your uncle's point of view)?

the word schadenfreude comes to mind


Schadenfreude (pronounced sch-den-freude ) German pronunciation: is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.[1] This German word is used as a loanword in English and some other languages, and has been calqued in Danish and Norwegian as skadefryd and Swedish as skadeglädje.

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^^ When you have to explain the meaning of a word it only means that you just came across such a word, adeer. Next time, just drop it in there and let the people hurry to their dictionaries. :D


Peace Action;685263 wrote:
NG you you are trying too had to spin this fiasco but if it was in UK it may have worked but here in this tough neighborhood it doesn't stand a chance. If SL wanted to get the story alive, they could have done it without looking foolish (rekindling the tragic bombing of Hargaysa etc.) and indecisive. May be you can explain to me why the training of PL Marines to fight piracy is a problem for you and for SL govt (form your uncle's point of view)?

Simple politics, saaxib. PL is training a force and getting weapons for it. PL wants LA from Somaliland. Therefore, SL views any military training, weapons gathering or outside assistance to PL as a threat to its security and must raise clouds of dust to stifle such schemes. You know it and I know it marka naga daa all this game of innocence.

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^Loool that's more like it, the guru says it right finally.


In NG's admission SL feels threatened loooooooooooool :D


The topic says it all: Indeed the Cargo and Plane released


So what the fuss was all about and how foolish of your Maxkamad to decide to the Keep the loot :D :D


Bal intaa kasoo jawaaba

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Qandalawi;685336 wrote:
^Loool that's more like it, the guru says it right finally.


In NG's admission SL feels threatened loooooooooooool


The topic says it all: Indeed the Cargo and Plane released


So what the fuss was all about and how foolish of your Maxkamad to decide to the Keep the loot


Bal intaa kasoo jawaaba

War qof siyaasada wax ka yaqaan o yeedh aan u sheegay dee. Adigu waxaad ku hadlaysid maba garanaysid, saaxib. You kept going on about our minster who talked about the 1988 events for days then suddenly acted like you heard a great revelation when you saw my words about being threatend! Wax fahan dee. The story seems to have passed you by the wayside, saaxib.

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JB, Lool at it again, adeer kaan wareejiyay xataa ma isku soo celinaysaa, you guyz love to shoot yourselves in the head, as always loolz


My question was simple yaa JB, what heavy staff was the judge chewing when he decided that 'Somaliland' will keep the loot?

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NG you mistake me for someone else, I never mentioned 1988 thing, not even once waryaa.. go back re-read my posts.


On the other hand you keep repeating that the whole point of SL in this disasterous issue was to highlight that Puntland recieved training and arms. And my answer to you is that you are all going wrong with this, Puntland's training was not hiden or nor the Saracen deal. In fact we posted more pictures and news reports about that training and Saracen deal in here than any other development made in Puntland.

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Qandalawi;685353 wrote:
JB, Lool at it again, adeer kaan wareejiyay xataa ma isku soo celinaysaa, you guyz love to shoot yourselves in the head, as always loolz


My question was simple yaa JB, what heavy staff was the judge chewing when he decided that 'Somaliland' will keep the loot?


Dee waxaan ku idhi MA FAHMAYSID .... maxaanba kaga xiiqaa.


That shooting on the head reminds me of "Xuubsireed" ,,,, :D

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Actually, it wasn't Xuubsireed but Dayniile :D


Waar dee anaga we make calculated assessment of every move, unlike the minister of '1988 xasuustay' :D :D

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Qandalawi;685356 wrote:
NG you mistake me for someone else, I never mentioned 1988 thing, not even once waryaa.. go back re-read my posts.


On the other hand you keep repeating that the whole point of SL in this disasterous issue was to highlight that Puntland recieved training and arms. And my answer to you is that you are all going wrong with this, Puntland's training was not hiden or nor the Saracen deal. In fact we posted more pictures and news reports about that training and Saracen deal in here than any other development made in Puntland.

Dee sidaan kuu fasira, saaxib? :D

Ok. Here goes. PL is getting money from an unidentified Muslim country to help it with the training and equipping of this "force". SL (your neighbours who you have a border dispute with) sees this as a threat (since there is a weapons embargo on all Somali areas). SL would like to have its own benefactors to supply it, train it and pay for the weapons and equipment. How will it do that when there is a weapons embargo? Aha! There is something in the sky, is it a bird? Is it a plane? It is a plane! :D


Now SL created this negative publicity about PL's alleged breaking of the embargo (which might hopefully put a stop to PL's designs) and at the same time made the issue (of the breaking of the embargo) known to other friendly nations who might choose to wade in and offer their own help to SL. Furthermore, with this unknown "Muslim" nations understood to be an Arab one, SL, by creating all these clouds of dust, are trying to get good old Melez to twitch and stick his nose into proceedings.


Imam Farole, once he took his eye of the football, finally realised this, which is why he's trying to create his own clouds of dust with this weak story of Al Shabab links. But you carry on paying attention to minor details of uniforms, courts and cargo planes adeer. ;)

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