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Assalamu Alaikum,


This is a poem i found at (


May Allah give us the wisdom to comprehend the treasures in the Quran and help us all to act on them.




As an ornament do they adorn me,

Yet they keep me and sometimes kiss me.

In their celebrations they recite me,

In disputes they swear by me,

On shelves do they securely keep me

Till another celebration or dispute,

When they need me.


Yes, they read me and memorize me,

Yet only an ornament am I..

My message lies neglected,

My treasure untouched,

The field lies bare, where blossomed once true glory.

Wrong is the treatment I receive

So much to give I, but none is there to perceive.

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Mansha Allah, that poem is true. It's amazing how we abuse our Survival kit :(


JZK Allah for the reminder bruv.


Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radiallaahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Verily, Allaah will raise elevate some people by this Book and He will degrade others with it."[

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I asked for Strength.........

And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.


I asked for Wisdom........

And God gave me Problems to solve.


I asked for Prosperity.........

And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.


I asked for Courage.........

And God gave me Danger to overcome.


I asked for Love.........

And God gave me Troubled people to help.


I asked for Favours.........

And God gave me Opportunities.


I received nothing I wanted

I received everything I needed

My Prayer has been answered

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Sister Ameenah, it sure is amazing. I quote the words of an indian brother, on the state of the muslims today "Today the light rises in the West, and returns to slumber in the West. The East has shunned light, and accepted the West's darkness".


Rather our darkness has a direct attribution to the fact that we have failed to act upon the quran. We have resorted to seeking solutions from the very same source, that brought us the difficulties we are seeking solutions to.

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^^I totaly agree. Reminds of that Hadith where the Prophet (saw) said that we will follow the nations before so much so, that even if they walked right into a lizards hole - we'd follow them there too. It's so true considering the catasrophe facing the Arab / Africa world today. They tried so hard to be Western and look where it got them. And the saddest fact of all is that they still think their solutions lies with the man made ideals. I hope Allah guides us.


Loved the second poem too - puts things into perspective, don't it?


Jizaak Allah again smile.gif

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I thought I should add this poem I got in ma e-mail 2day ...

WHO AM I !!!


I am a book in elegant prints,

to know my name, here are some hints.


Rich in cover and nicely bound,

In hearts of Muslims I am rarely found.


High on a shelf, I am kept,

Forgotten there, I am left.


With respect I do get lots of kiss,

My main point is what they always miss.


In a melodious voice they recite me,

Neglecting the message inside me.


At times I am used for phony swear,

My true use is very very rare.


A miracle I am that can change the world,

All one has to do is understand my word.


I have wisdom I have treasure,

So much so there is no measure.


I'm your savior, I'm your guide,

But who's there to follow the bide.


Right from wrong is my fame,

Holy Qur'an is my name.

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Seven of Nine, Jazakallah Khayr for sharing that with us. Sister Ameenah, the second poem is meant for the weaker ones in iman, of whom i count myself amongst. Allah's wisdom is something beyond the realms of human capability, we cannot even start to comprehend it. That is why most of us get dissapointed when things don't turn out the way we plan them. Oftentimes we don't perceive the fortunate lessons that these seemingly unfortunate incidents carry for us, if only we had the wisdom to see it as such. What we fail to realise is that life is full of trials and tribulations, all of which, when thought of deeply are good for us, in one way or the other.


I narrate a short story of a business man. His job required him to travel much to finalise business transactions with overseas clients. He was running late one day to catch a flight, on his way to sign a very important contract worth a few million dollars. As he was driving from his house to the airport, with the traffic jam increasing infront of him, he soon realised that he was never going to reach this flight in time. His worst fears came true and he never managed to catch the flight. At this point in time, he began to feel totally distraught and began to bewail over his situation, knowing that his has just lost all that money. In his own words, he recalls saying "I must be the unluckiest man alive".


On his way back from the airport, having missed his important flight, he turns on the radio and hears the speaker, reading out some breaking news. The news that the flight he just missed has crashed, with no survivors. Guess what his thoughts were now, "I'm the luckiest man alive!". Contrary to the bleak image he had a few minutes ago.


We should always have patience and approach life with the knowledge that our lifes' are in the hands of the creator of all. No harm can come its way unless he ordains for it, nor can any good reach us without his blessings and permission. Our first reaction when things go wrong, should be to turn to Allah and seek the wisdom to enable us to fully comprehend and understand the situation we find ourselves in.


We should not become those Allah describes in the Quran "If We let man taste mercy from Us, and then take it away from him, he is despairing, ungrateful." (11:9)


Again "When We let a man taste mercy from Us he exults in it. But if something bad strikes him for what he has done he is ungrateful". (42:48)


May Allah make us of those who fulfill the following command of Allah(A'za Wa Jallah).


"Remember Me-I will remember you. Give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful". (2:152)

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