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The SHeekh and The Xaaji GO BONKERS

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indha-cadde oo sheegay in uu weerari doono Garoomo badan oo ku yaal….

Posted by: editor


Shiikh Max’ed Siyaad Indha-Cadde oo ah guddoomiyaha Gobalka Sh/hoose oo haatanna ku sugan Magaalada Maka Al-Mukarama ee dalka Sucuudi Carabiya halkaasoo uu u tagay gudashada Cimrada ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu weeri doono Garoomada Cisaley iyo Jowhar haddii Diyaaradihii ka degi jiray Garoomada Deyniile iyo Ceel-Axmed ay u wareegaan Garoomadaasi.


“Xirada Garoomadaani waxaa ka dambeeya C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Cali Max’ed Geedi, iyaga ayaana mas’uuliyadeeda qaadi doona haddii ay halkaasi ka dhacaan dagaalo†ayuu yiri Yuusuf Indha-Cadde oo sheegay in Garoomada Deyniile iyo Ceel-Axmed ay Muuse suudiyihiin kuwa ugu nabdoon ee ka jira dalka, isla markaana ah kuwa ugu mashquulsan.


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muuse suudi oo wacad ku maray in Diyaaradii Dayniile iyo garoomada xamar ka meerta uu dhulka soo dhigayo.

Posted by: editor


Wasiirka Gaanacsiga ee Dowladda Federalka ah Al-Xaaji Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow ayaa wacad ku maray in haddii ay dhacdo in Diyaaradihii Jaadka iyo Xamuulka ahaa ee ka soo degi jiray Garoomadda Muqdisho ay ka wareegsadaan oo ay aadaan dhinacaa iyo Jowhar ay ka kulmi doonaan cawaaqib xumo ay san ka soo waaqsan ebid.


Muuse waxa uu sheegay in haddii ay qaatan amarka C/llaahi Yuusuf ay adeegsan doonaan Hubka faraha badan ee ay heystaan isaga iyo Saaxiibadiis, kuwaa oo isugu jira lidka Diyaaradaha iyo ciidanka intaba.

"Waxaan idiin xaqiijinaya in aan an Muqdisho la go'doomin karin, waxaan maqlay in Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Dayniile la xayiray, taas waa mid an soconeyn, haddii Diyaaradahaas ay ka baaqsadaan Dayniile iyo garoomada kale ee ay ku soo degi jireen, ballan waxaan ku qaadayaa in aan Lidka Diyaaradaha eenoo dhooban ee isugu jira Zuug, Tedhi-Saban iyo kuwa kale aan dhulka ku soo dhigayo" ayuu yiri Muuse Suudi oo intaas ku sii daray "Canshuur ci ka qaaadi karta m jirto Diyaaradaha Xamar yimaada, haddise ay dhacdo in ay Canshuur siiyaan C/llaahi Yuusuf waxay nagala kulmi doonaan dharbaaxo xoog leh.


dhawaan ayaa dowladda Kenya ee aadka u taageerta Xubnaha Dowladda ee Jowhar ay sheegtay in diyaaradaheed Jaadka aysan ka dagi karin Dayniile iyo Ceel- Axmed, taas oo ay uga danleedahay in ay maja xaabiso Maxamed Qanyare oo ay lidi isku yihiin C/llaahi Yuusuf, iyadoo sidoo kale sheegtay in Xubnaha Muqdisho markaii Kenya u soo socdaalayaan ay waraaqad ka soo qaataan Cali Maxamed Geddi.



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It begs believe that someone is threatning with war, while in Makka al Mukarama, in the holly month of Ramadan, isn't that bonkers.

these guys discradit these beutiful titles, Sheekh, Xaaji and Shariif, while doing the opposite.

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Originally posted by Aluminium:

It begs believe that someone is threatning with war, while in Makka al Mukarama, in the holly month of Ramadan, isn't that bonkers.

these guys discradit these beutiful titles, Sheekh, Xaaji and Shariif, while doing the opposite.

Lool what do you do when some one declares wor on you? You are pointing the finger on the wrong side its not shekh Indha cadde who started the hostility its amxaro somali, so you should talk about this guys and his title instead.

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Originally posted by Aluminium:

It begs believe that someone is threatning with war, while in Makka al Mukarama,

true sxb, but I think you are permitted to declare war on infedils such as Yeey and Geedi.. :D

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so you should talk about this guys and his title instead.

As far as we know YeeY never used religion as a cover for his deeds, instead your uncle The drug Barron Sheekh Indhacade uses religion to decieve I*D*I*O*T*S who jump on wagon to defend him.


true sxb, but I think you are permitted to declare war on infedils such as Yeey and Geedi..


The fake Xaajis,Sheekhs,and the Shariifs seem to impress you, but i wonder when will you go to Xamar and join the holly war against the infadels then I will have a great respect for you, if your short of cash to travel then we can raise some charity cash from the forum. I am dead seriouse. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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