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Must read article of what General Duke's cousin wrote

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These traitors amaze me at the things they write, lol.


I can't stop laughing and i can't wait when General Duke declares jihad against Ethiopia, looool


Revealed: Why Gabre is in bed with Nur Adde and the opposition?

11 Aug 11, 2008 - 7:03:08 AM


by Abdi Mohamed Ali


Today we can reveal pieces of vital information which not many people know. The information you will read make up pieces of the jigsaw which all fit together.


I thought to share with my Somali people today what is behind the worsening situation in Somalia. The information in this article will reveal some of the hidden secrets in the complicated and worsening situation in Somalia. This story is about Abdullahi Yusuf, Nur Adde, Gabre and the Opposition.


I heard many times and have admired Nur Adde, our Prime Minister when ever he used to say,“Waan is casililayaa hadday sidaas wax ku hagaagayaan” (I will resign if things will get better) I used to think what a noble stand. I also always used to wonder why did he seek power only to relinquish. Today, it has come on the surface not only why Nur Adde used to say such statements but also the main reason why Nur Adde took his seat of Prime Minister in the TFG. It looks the main reason Nur Adde joined the TFG was to replace the Transitional Government with the Opposition. It looks Nur Adde was always at heart always with the opposition and not on the side of his own government. Through known clan elders whose agenda was very clear and members of the business community, Nur Adde, was always in secret alliance with the opposition. The aim it seems was a Trojan horse strategy to replace the TFG.


The following reasons are the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and a testament:


(1) Nur Adde has blocked most of the money from donor countries to the Transitional Federal Government making donor countries believe that they should hold everything until after the peace process when the government is established. This is an open betrayal to his own Ministers and to his Government.


(2) Many of the Ministers are angry and disappointed with Nur Adde because they were working under a Prime Minister whose heart is not with them and with his government. Nur Adde does not show any care for the TFG which bent its rules to make him its Prime Minister. Nur Adde has sacrificed everything including his government to appease, court and accommodate the Opposition. His Ministers feel abandoned, neglected and betrayed. To make matters worse, Nur Adde is now in unholy alliance with Gabre in an open revolt against President Abdullahi Yusuf who only 10 months ago picked him as Prime Ministers among many better contenders.


(3) Nur Adde was the man behind the troubles in Hiiraan. In Hiiraan the man most loyal to the TFG and to his people was the former governor who was humiliated and ousted by Nur Adde himself.


(4) Nur Adde has used the tribal elders as his backers and as a pressure group to get his way and stay in power. This was a betrayl to the TFG.


What about Gabre who is now on the side of Nur Adde? Now Gabre is openly on the side of Nur Adde and against Abdullahi Yusuf. Was Gabre not the man who came to Somalia because of Abdullahi Yusuf? Now we know why. The information which has surfaced is that Gabre is on the take from the opposition. Some sources say Gabre was for sometime taking $100,000 every month from the Opposition through their sponsors and traders.This amount has been increased to $150,000 since early or mid this year after Gabre demanded increasement.


Since recently it was not clear why Gabre is on the side of Nur Adde against the President in the same TFG? Throughout Europe Nur Adde is known to have campaigned for the removal of the Ethiopian army from Somalia. It is not secret that Nur Adde used to tell the European Union, the main obstacle to peace in Somalia is the presence of the Ethiopian army. Now, how come the commander of the Ethiopian army Gabre is in bed with Nur Adde? What do you thing has sweetened Gabre to ally with Nur Adde? Now we know why. The issue is money? Mogadishu is full of dollar and money talks many languages.


Another puzzle I can reveal today is why Nur Adde sacked Mohamed Dheere? The news is Mohamed Dheer was the man who went to Abdullahi to disclose the conspiracy against him. That is the reason Abdullahi Yusuf put his foot down to keep Mohamed Dheere as the Mayor of Mogadishu.


Another revealation is why Gabre is after the head of Mohamed Dheere? The news we have says Gabre is angry with Mohamed Dheer because he went to Abdullahi Yusuf to reveal the secret that Gabre is on the payroll of the Opposition and the business community in Mogadishu and since Gabre is on the payroll of the Opposition he is also in collusion with Nur Adde.


Some rumors say that there was a conspiracy to murder the Somali President. It was Mohamed Dheer and the police chief Abdi Qaybdiid who foiled this conspiracy. It is also believed that this is part of the reason why Gabre was on the payroll of the Opposition to murder Abdullahi Yusuf. Gabre became money taker because there are traders who can bribe anyone.


This is all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. Today I know what is behind the worsening situation in Somalia and now you too know once you have read the information which is this morning circulating in Baidhabo, Mogadishu and Nairobi.

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Some sources say Gabre was for sometime taking $100,000 every month from the Opposition through their sponsors and traders.This amount has been increased to $150,000 since early or mid this year after Gabre demanded increasement.






p.s. whats with dukes cousin?

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What about Gabre who is now on the side of Nur Adde? Now Gabre is openly on the side of Nur Adde and against Abdullahi Yusuf. Was Gabre not the man who came to Somalia because of Abdullahi Yusuf?

When your whole dream and aspirations rests on the actions of external actors (read the Ethio this time) you are bound for a very big disappointment.



I think crunch time is approaching for those who thought a Castle of Cards would stand a chance against an ever changing weather.

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lool. This is nonsence, again this highlights the weakness of the "opposition" they are so depserate they put their hopes on a Colonel.



Also why not take him out instead of paying him.


All this points to is how far they have fallen, forget Jihad they are getting extorted by Col Gabre...


Will this safe the clan militias and their new hero Nur Cade? No..No, No

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the folly of the fools has no limitations and reproach! keep it coming cos it is funny in a way - this adeer(writer) is original blockhead! wlaahi! nur Addde is doing some damage indeed and is bringing the dimwitted clan cheerleaders to the fore ...

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