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LayZie G.

Kasha: Economic Jihad

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One too many sources have more or less accused the somali pirates and its leaders abroad of funding the resistance group in South Somalia.


Additional unconfirmed reports accused Al-qaida backers for backing the resistance group in south somalia.


Experts in terroreconomics report that militia groups/resistance are mostly funded by large terror organizations, especially the al-qaida case. The terror organizations have benefactors largely made up of organized criminals who are in one form or another profit from the instability of a state via its drug trade, in turn, sharing percentage of its profits with large terror organizations to continue their fight against fragile states and its governments via the weakening of its system or in occupied foreign territories like afghanistan of our time and Iraq by weakening a superpower like United States out of its resources. Some would agree and say perhaps these tactics are not new and ofcourse they would be right because the same tactics were used during the cold war by the U.S.


Furthermore, I would conclude this long intro by stating that few, courageous individuals started small and stood up against their aggressors when no one would end the criminalization of its governments by ending corruption, improving living standards of its people by vowing to end poverty have turned around to become the very same aggressors they loathed. They have carried out attacks against their subjects in the expense of civilian lives, they brutalized communities who sheltered these ones local heros turned criminals.(greed does that to you shabaabs)


Turning the page to the topic:-


Kasha, the fellow that roams around these parts and who at times seems to be suffering from chemical imbalance due to his random and at times offensive outbursts, who I adore more than all else here beliefs that his awliyo fighters aka the resistance group aka Al-Shabaab receive warm receptions whenever they liberate a tuulo because according to him and many others they are God's soldiers, liberators of the somali weyn, the answer to a close to two decade long instability. For that reason I want to s hare some of my favorite quotes from Brotha Kasha:-


Everywhere the Resistance goes, every tuulo, every village, they recieve a rousing welcome.

Kasha 08


ar too long have foriegn hands meddled in the affairs of Umada Soomaliyeed, starting 150 years ago with the infamous Berlin Conference. Carved up into Qabiil-lands in the finest tradition of Divide-and-Conquer, our misery compounded by ignorance and poverty, we were(past tense) and easy prey for the predators of the West. Far too long have Somalis suffered from the treachery of traitors, the collusion of collaborators, and above all things the wretched Qabiil system, which you worship with idolatry zeal.

No more half-measures, no more fake-me-out peace conferences, no more systematically repeating the mistakes of yesteryear, same shit, new faces.

and finally, my favourite quote of Kasha 08


Mistakes will be made, setbacks will occur, that is the nature of any human endeavor, but Somalia, every single last inch of it, will be unified and under Islamic governance, and free from foriegn interference and hegemony

For all one knows, my dear Kasha's heart is in the right place and maybe he truly beliefs in his heart of hearts that the so called resistance group aka Al-Shabaab and company truly have the best interest of the somali shacab or so says the champions of jihad.


If this argument will hold in the eyes of these champions, how d do they justify the baseless killings and mass casualty in the name of outsting AMISOM? Will they continue to use the same explanation they used during the yey days when in-fact the hands of the current government have been extended to the them (opposition) not once or twice but many many times in the last few weeks?


Do we really believe that this group is still fighting for the very same core values and beliefs that created them and brought them together under the militant and terror organization umbrella?


DO you, the once citizens of Somalia (and future leaders of Somalia) believe in today's reality that the organization's tactics to be the undeniable truth?




Have you come to the same conclusion as I about this group and their economic Jihad? Do you believe this is another terror organization turned to another criminal organization looking to profit, no matter what it takes?


If in fact the notion is shared by many here because it crossed your mind once or twice before and if in fact Kasha's awliyo militia's are riding quite the train while sitting on a very lucrative business then it can not be helped and I can't help but recall a question once asked by a dowlad-diid nomad Abu who said, "why would they give it up"?



Fun fact:- During the 1990s in Liberia, it was reported that one rebel leader made as much as $400 million annually during the conflict. Just something to ponder on folks.

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Lazie, I don't know if Sharrif occupies any lofty postion than his predecessor?

Shariif's tenure is limited but think of the political consequences as to how his endorsement of the same top model Agreement, with Ethiopia being mandated to be the sub-regional conflict management of Somalia, would hastily bring different results. Just as Nigeria had a big role in the Liberia's political and social crisis, Ethiopia do and has pursued similar policies in Post-cold war world under the mandate of sub-regional conflict management.

The names of tribal organizations/acronyms might sound different with a glee of excitement and attitude, but nothing has changed as Ethiopia views supporting political actors and groups it perceives will advance her own interest that prevents the emergence of a Government in Somalia that defies its present day division and mistrust.

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XG, You are entitled to your opinions about Sharifka's position and I'm sure anything I say about him will not change your mind, therefore I propose that we wait and see if progress will be made, say mid april, perhaps early may? (don't throw the towel just yet)


However, I am far more concerned with the economic jihad and its operations throughout the globe and specifically its affect in somalia, south somalia and how do we go about acknowledging that it is in-fact a problem? Where do we start? Can we find a solution to this growing problem ourselves?


You are right to suggest that ethiopia has had its hands on the cookie jar long before Mansur knew that he would one day be calling the shots on behalf of the criminal youths uu hogaamiyo but ethiopia is not the only party thats in business now and thats a reality we need to deal with. I think there are different groups with various agenda's and who are one way or another benefiting, the question is who are they? What is in it for them?


Ethiopia's resources are very limited now more than ever. With that in mind, is it not a good idea to eliminate them as benefactors now rather than later?


Shouldn't we really be focusing on the other parties, for instance the shifting of the focus to the groups who control the piracy empire? So far, the international community has done very little to stop this growing empire.

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Leezi-Gaal, labadeena ballan aa naga dhaxeesay, waa arrintii Shariifka dee eenu isla wadney maalmahanba, ha ii gooynin yeah smile.gif

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^Intaas aa ita-qanee, waligey maa balan kaaga baxay? I'm sure the answer is no, therefore aniga aa igu ogtahay arimahii aan wadne inaan meel kasoo saaro. Teeda kale, rumor has it and this was told to me in confidence, ee dont ask me to reveal my source, inaad taqaano midkii piracy empire kujiray inadeerkiisa wiil eh oo asagana habaryartiis ninka qabo cunug uu dhalay inaad saaxiib tihiin, care to comment on such rumor?

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We should give it a chance, I agree that in principle, but to silently allow a wrong-headed policy or unworkable resolution model to persist is tantamount to Guatanamo Bay prison getting continued endorsement and support.


This is what we need to get it, in post-cold war world, direct political engagement in the quest for a long-term solution by the west has been relegated and supplanted with this policy of sub-regional conflict management. Ethiopia and Kenya receive over &2 billion of non-humanitarian aid package to work towards resolving their internal as well as the Somalia issue. But how can Ethiopia with its ulterior motives be the impartial arbiter of our own internal problems? Why not help Somalia just like Kosovo? Hard to answer! The Arab League have challenged it and proved to be quite successful in some areas-the forestalling of the partition of Somalia. As the West obviates, for the moment, the need to invest or seek active and direct political engagement in the continent, Ethiopia ruled by a minority Christian elite will still call the shots and be the arbiter of our created problems. Nigeria in the west and South Africa in the south are other examples, though SA promotes rather than suppress human rights due to its long-Apartheid history. Fortunately China's interest in Africa might reverse it but that's not going to happen in the near future as China is still a developing economy.

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