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Djibuti, Ethiopia and Somalia Today

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The president of Djibuti is being promoted in Mugadishu as someone who has the best wishes and interest about Somalia.


Only one thing is true, the man has brilliantly played with all the rooks, bishops and of course soldiers, not only of the horn, but the major world powers.


The president of Djibuti has three interests that are intertwined:

1. There shall be no competition for ethiopian business. He has succeeded in making Assab the eritrean port as barren as it can be, and the port equipment has all rusted, it requires millions and millions of dollars to bring Assab for use again, even when ethiopia and eritrea make peace.

Somaliland and Puntland are also seen in this light. Somaliland and Puntland have already shown to be a threat to Djibuti and they are in the radar screen indicated by warning signs. Since Puntland has the best combination to become a hub for ethiopian airlines (by far the best airlines in the african continent), Djibuti can already see the signs that all the logistics will be easily done in Puntland from the ships to the aircraft.


2. Any disagreement or conflict with ethiopia has to be controlled, measured and limited. There is no superpower or horn african country that can save Djibuti, if ethiopia chose to follow its dismemberment. Djibuti is the easiest to dismember , just a clean break in half. Thats why as Djibuti speaks in support of ICU, but will never allow a single organization ethiopian or somali to use its land against ethiopia. Djibuti will arrest and hand over to ethiopia even persons that escaped and wanted simply to be refugees. The Afar and Tigray in ethiopia are inseparable and have been that way for a long time.


3. Kismayo and Mugadishu should never come into play as ports. There is close to 40 million people in ethiopia that would be better served by those two ports. Kenya is also offering extra benefits for south western ethiopia to use Mombassa.


When the president of Djibuti complains that ethiopia is too close friend with some states in somalia there fore part of the problem, he is not concerned about Bay or Bakool. What he means is ethiopia is too friendly with Somaliland and Puntland and if this continues these two states will take all the business away from Djibuti.


what do you think?

The interest is obvious and clear to all. The question is can the Djibuti president rise above the economic and strategic interest of his and act as a good friend for somalia?

He has more interest and benefit in somalia TFG not succeeding than anyone else.

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dabagaale aar dila ma aragteen

wiil yaroo wiil weyn dila ma aragteen

Djabuti Soomaali kabadisay ma aragteen (even soccer)



Djabuti is using us (Somalians) as stepping stone for political gain that is all. We know that, and it will fail.

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^^^Djabouti is a small player that would not exst if it was not for the French and now US bank rolling it. A Somali sister nation, but an imprtan player in the Horn..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Djabouti is a small player that would not exst if it was not for the French and now US bank rolling it. A Somali sister nation, but an imprtan player in the Horn..

Temporarily important, due to the absence of Somalia Republic.

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Preferably so, Djabuti come to realize as it has being, already, said that it cannot sustain itself, become faible state, or compete with us (it sisters). First, Djabuti started the first step of destruction of our hope of greater Somalia. Secondly, it started to deny our self-determination, and it denied somalians where ever they come from a humane wellcome. All of us saw how unsomali these refugees were treated. 2000's new year eve is example of that-people were living a very remote place with no light. Soomaaliyaa horey waxay u tiri sidii aan kuu siiyey iiguma aadan hanbeyn. Instead, Djabuti took advantage of our ruin state, and I wonder how sencere it will be after joining Somaliland.

Mr Geele the spymaster would face the same no less in Mogadishu, Kismayu, and Hargeysa. He always dreams retiring in Hamar Cadey!!1


Don't do as I do, do as you please.

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"Djbouti is and will be part of the republic off somaliland many Djbouti sh clerics say that in the future that will happend"



Wouldn't that be a safe short cut for everybody. Somaliland would not need anyone's recognition, because it would take Djibuti seat. The name can also stay Djibuti for some years and then change to Somaliland. There is a UN seat, AU seat Arab league which probably would be nominal already made.

break Djibuti into the two halves and the Afar can join the big Afar thats in ethiopia. At this time the Afar are mainly and trategically interested in uniting their people that are in three countries and can stay in ethiopia with their own state government.

The port is administered even now by a private company anyway and somaliland would not have a problem with that.


Eritrea with all its sea coast and ports would remain useless for having only 3-4 million people mostly near Massawa. Ethiopia would not want eritrean ports that are prone to egyptian pressure and spying.


what an idea. and is something that can happen in a bloodless way for a change in the horn.


Main opposition would come from egypt and eritrea, because egypt would lose one more tool to annoy and strangle ethiopia, and eritrea in addition to egyptian service would also lose the hope of becoming ethiopia's port.

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I speak for myself, I don't recognize Djabuti as Somali state period, and I would only recognize if only if it comes back to its roots to Somalia or partly of Somalia.

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so many pretenders in this place


don't even know wich one is a somali anymore


Djibouti has the most superior port in the Horn of Africa


keep denying this it don't matter


when our ports are on the same level as our brothers and sisters in Djibouti then we can talk about competition


Somali_Friend i know it's messed up paying those High fees to use djibouti's port like Seyoum Mesfin said but the fact of the matter is you messed up with Assab.


tough luck


that's life my friend


that's business


Somali_friend Afar sea will always be part of Djibouti wether you like it or not!

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Mr. Letterman,


This is third world you are talking about. Things can be made to go in any direction with the smallest of push or pull.

It doesn't require a rocket scientist to put Djibuti to he-ll in a hand basket quickly. The key is not in Paris as you think. Its in Cairo.

Egypt lives on the 2.2 billion cheque it gets from America every year. That cheque is not blank. In addition to keeping their border safe for Israel and keeping the Arab league paralayzed they also need to serve in the Horn.

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War shisheeyahaan intee kasoo foofeen?


Soomaali jacburiskooda oo aan meel loo raaco jirin ayaa qaatir billaah ka joognay, hadana Soomaali in la kala gooye sankeena hortiisa ayee ku leeyihiin. Yaab iyo nus.


Hadana Jabuuti oo Soomaali wax badan u dartay ayee rabaan inay naga dhaadhacsiyaan in Soomaali dhibeyso. Ash caleeg.


Keep your unneeded opinions to yourself. Soomaali Soomaali ayaa leh, oo midnimo ku imaanaayo, regardless whatever an Amxaar, a Tigreey, a Cafar iyo an Oromo wants.


Can you believe the whole forum ayeeba qabsadeen?


Be respectful guests, do not meddle our internal affairs. We know what is best for us, dankis, but no dankis.




PS, We didn't even forget Soomaali Galbeed. Do not at all think that we've forgotten Soomaali Galbeed. No.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

I speak for myself, I don't recognize Djabuti as Somali state period, and I would only recognize if only if it comes back to its roots to Somalia or partly of Somalia.

What is there to come back to? Lets be honest for a minute here..Somalia become embarrassment to all of us…there is nothing to be proud of.


Djiboutians are better of right where they are.


I was born there and yes Djiboutian are real SOMALIS...they don't need your recognition.


When Djibouti became sovereign state on June 26 1977 ( during the war between Somalia and Ethiopia), this southern dude asked, where is Djibouti and why we, Somalis, are so happy about their new found independence? His friend (another southern guy) replied…ABBAWE WAA Q>ALDAAN KALE OO XORNIMO QAATAY ISNA.


The point is, not too many Somali people in the south know anything about Djibouti so why judge them?

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