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Mogadishu: Heavy bombardment + mass civilian displacment

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Duqeyn ka Bilaabatey Garoonka Stadium Muqdisho, Dad Badan oo ka Qaxaya Xaafadaha ku Dhow


Horseed Media

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Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in goor dhoweyd qeybo ka mid ah magaalada ay ka bilaabatey duqeyn xoog leh.


Duqeynta ayaa sida wariyayaasha Horseed Media ay soo sheegayaan waxaa ay si aad ah uga socotaa degaano ay ka mid yihiin garoonka kubada cagta ee Stadium Muqdisho iyo agagaarka Isgoyska Ifka Xalan illa wadada Towfiq halkaasi oo lagala wareegay gacan ku heyntooda xoogaga Maxkamadaha iyo kuwa dowlada isku dhinac ahaa.


Duqeynta ayaa u muuqata mid madaafiic xoog leh lala beegsanayo gudaha garoonka kubada cagta iyo agagaarkiisa, halkaasi oo ay ku sugan yihiin xoogaga dowlada ka horjeeda ee Islaamiyiinta.


Weli lama oga khasaaraha ka dhashey madaafiicdan, laakiin waxaa dhinaca kale sii kordhaya khasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawac ee ka dhashey dagaaladi xaley illaa shaley ka socdey magaalada.


Ku dhowqaad 100 dhimasho oo u badan dad rayid ah ayaa la soo sheegayaa in la ogaadey, halka dhaawacuna uu 130 ko u dhaafayo, waa tiro koobyada hordhaca ah ee goobo yar oo caafimaad laga helayo.


Waxaase suuragal ah in khasaaraha uu intaa ka bato maadama dagaalka iyo duqeyntu weli socoto.


Dhinaca kale waxaa bilawdey barakaca dadka shacabka ah eek u noolaa goobaha diriru ka socotey, dadkaasi waxay ka soo cararayaan xaafadaha Towfiiq, aaga garoonka Stadium Muqdisho, Xamar Bile, Xamar Jadiid iyo xaafo ku dhow madaxtooyada sida Siinaay iyo Wardhiigley.


Dadka ayaa u caraya xaafado kale oo amaan ah, waxaana ay ku cararayaan gaadiid iyagoo wadooyinka magaalada buux dhaafiyey dadka qaxa ah.

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This is sad, both involved groups must stop this nonsense war...



Subhanallah, may Allah protect the innocent...

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Muqdisho:Dagaal la isku riiqay oo maalinti afaraad ka socda Muqdisho

10. maj 2009







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Muqdisho(Allpuntland )-Dagaalo la isku riiqay ayaa xalay saqdi dhrexe ilaa saaka ka socda magaalada Muqdisho , waxeyna dagaaladi dhex marayaan dhinacyadii uu ka bilawday oo ay ku soo bireen xisbul islaam garabka Cumar Iimaan.


dagaalada ayaa xoogooda waxaa ay ka socdaan xaafadaha wardhig;ey , Yaaqshid iyo wadooyinka warshashadaha iyo sodonka.


dagaalka ayaa saaka waxaa ka qeyb galaya ciidamadii hore ee dawlada ee lagu soo tababaray Ethopia kuwaas o ku xireysnaa xarunta madaxtooyada somalia.


ciidamada maxaakimta ayaa waxaa xalay saqdi dhexe looga itaal roonaaday deegano badan sida Suuq bacaad , iyo saldhiga yaaqshid.


dagaalka oo wali xawli ku socda wixi ku so kordha la soco


xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Emperor mar uun dadkani ha kala adkaadan

ma waxad rabta inay somali waligood ku jiiraan koox hebbel ayaa galbeedka mogadisho haysta koox hebbel ba qeybta kale haysta war mar uun hala kala adkaado.

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^^ yaa ku yidhi sidaas aya lagu kala adkaanayaa. The xabashis are round the corner no to mention the AMISOM forces.

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Xaaji_Xundjuf, haday Somali kala adkaanayso, 1991 after the collapse of Somali government and the massacre that followed ayaa lakala adkaan lahaa, or Hargeisa maanta SNM ayaa xoog kuqabsatay kuma faanteen...


This war is nothing but collateral damage, no winner and only the civilians will lose...

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Well xammer is the power base xammer hada lugu kala adkaan laha ciidi uun qabsan lahayd dhinac bay oo dhicii lahayd. one big war will solve it all as i see it. laakin in la is dawado wakhtiga uun ba ku dhamanaya.

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If that is so Somalia will remain like this for the next century. No clear winner no Somalia witch means no improvement of reconciliation, Somalis don’t know diplomatic ways. They only know the way of the gun. And if that’s not going to bring a solution things are going to be like this.

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^The more peace we have the better, the signs are things will only get better when its quite, no conflict and Huduu will in the end mean unity and prosperity, Somalidu waa one nation, one people and all Muslims, waa dad iskwada jecel, all they need is to sit them all down and have 3 minutes silence then they will all get on...

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Emperor you’re a bit naïve as I would say they have tried the passed 18 years more then 15 reconciliation deals , and non of those reconciliation deals where effective. So let them fight and let the strongest one rule. It’s simple as that. Plus the era of pan somalisme is over Somalidu wa isku dad laakin kala dan.

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^Adeer adiga all your logic is to only see the south burning, laakiin warka oo gaaban dagaal in Somalia and between Somalis is not a solution, no one will win... if you think that's the case, then Cigaal iyo Tuur ayaa adkaadayna? A. Yusuf iyo Cadde Muse ayaa adkaadayna? Caydiid iyo Ali Mahdi ayaa adkaadayna? Morgan iyo Hiiraale ayaa adkaadayna? All they ever did was to send young boys to their deaths and kill innocent people and acheived nothing from it...

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What will I benefit if the south keeps burning nothing absolutely nothing but its better if the south gets a winner you said Abduraxmaan tuur iyo cigaal aun yaa adkaaday cigaal ba adkaaday. And jamac cali jamac and cabdilahi yusuf yaa adkaaday. Cabdilahi yusuf ba adkaaday even though cabdilahi messed up the south big time when he was in charge of the tfg during the icu days in 2006 the courts where one faction in 2006 and look at them today. But you on the other hand you have big plans you want Mogadishu to be the same as it was before abdilahi yusuf got elected. xammer to stay messed up no clear winner and getting your piece of the pie and invest that in puntland. But if the alshabaab takes control there wont be a t f g in xammer and your funds will stop.

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^War heedhe don't confuse yourself, Puntland is the south, the bullets in Magadishu is hitting a Puntland soldier part of the TFG as much as is hitting any other... Puntland iyo Mogadishu are all the South and one country, oops and so is Somaliland part of the republic, keep your daydream...

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Your right puntland is part of somalia and the south. But they are a region with in somalia.but their part of the country is peaceful, see Somalia is 12 province its not that hard to bring 3 provinces of Somalia under one rule which one clan rules. For the passed 11 years, the real reason they made that region autonomous is because they want to reach the top position of Somalia based on clan basses and region basses. Simple puntland wa ku nabbad ina abdirashid na wa la dhuqaya sh hotel. so if xammer stays the same you don’t mind that’s why you don’t want to see a real winner .

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