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In pictures:National tragic, Ethiopian troops controlling our capital.

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Escorted by Ethiopian soldiers, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Ghedi entered Mogadishu in a heavily-armoured convoy on Friday.




But there was unease about the Ethiopian presence in some parts of the city, and protesters threw stones and burnt tyres.



The interim PM went to the airport, where Ethiopian tanks could be seen just days after their air force bombed it.





It seems to me, Meles Loves his younger wife[Geedi-Ahmaar] than the old one[Abdulahi-Ahmaar]. icon_razz.gif



The prime minister said it was the start of a new life, but acknowledged the Ethiopians would stay as long as the government felt they were needed.

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Anxious times for Somali capital

By Mohamed Olad Hassan

BBC News, Mogadishu




I put my gun into a box six months ago, but I picked it up today for my security


Shopkeeper Ahmed Sa'id Ali


Somalis waving flowers and tree branches welcomed Ethiopian-backed forces loyal to Somalia's UN-recognised interim government as they rolled into the capital, Mogadishu early on Friday.


Most residents, who have grown accustomed to six months of calm after 15 years of anarchy, are anxious for any kind of authority to fill the power vacuum the Islamists left after they abandoned the city on Thursday.


The troops are getting an especially warm welcome from the chewers of khat and dealers of the popular mild stimulant leaf; cinema owners and football fans.


They all felt they had lost much of their freedom during the Islamists' strict rule when selling khat and screening of football matches were banned.


But there are still elements in the capital who are fiercely opposed to Ethiopia's role in the government's takeover.


In the north of the city - once headquarters to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) - a group of teenagers stood in the way of the convoy throwing stones and chanting anti-Ethiopian slogans.


The troops then opened fire to scare them away and passed by peacefully.



There is a Somali saying, 'If you can't beat them join them'


Abdullahi Aden

Mogadishu resident


But the incident triggered a full-scale demonstration when more than 2,000 people took to the street burning tyres and throwing stones at cars.


Other people, however, feel they have no option but to join in with the waving crowds.


Twenty-eight-year-old Abdullahi Aden says he supported the Islamists but now he has changed his mind.


"I was supporting them because of two reasons: they restored the peace here and they had the principle of ruling the nation into Islam.


"But now I do not have an option. There is a Somali saying, 'If you can't beat them join them.'"


Brisk business


Despite the thousands of government troops now in the capital, no-one is physically guarding key junctions.




Chewing khat is a popular pastime in Somalia


However, the militiamen who used to run checkpoints - extorting money from drivers before the Islamists took over - can be seen sipping tea at nearby cafes, accessing whether or not to take up their positions again.


Schools have been closed as normal on Friday, with many children among the welcoming crowds.



Otherwise people have preferred to stay at home, waiting to see what happens.


Some have ventured out to do some shopping ahead of this weekend's Muslim Eid holiday.


And businesses are doing a brisk trade despite the rocketing prices of most basic items as residents have begun to stockpile food in anticipation that prices will continue to rise.




Traders, meanwhile, have begun to provide their own security in the fear that predatory groups will take the advantage of the uncertainty in the city.


Not all shopkeepers, however, can afford to hire private security guards.


Ahmed Sa'id Ali says he runs his shop alone and is taking the risk of remaining open.


"I put my gun into a box six months ago, but I picked it up today for my security, " he says.


People are also frightened to answer their mobile phones in the streets because of security fears.


"I used to pick up my mobile everywhere for the last six months. I am scared now because I am not sure which place is safe for me to be on the phone," a business woman Madiina Abuukar Heyle said.


And the luxury cars, that have become a common sight in the capital lately, have disappeared from the streets because their owners fear bandits will rob them.

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The prime minister said it was the start of a new life, but acknowledged the Ethiopians would stay as long as the government felt they were needed.

History will not be kind to these traitors.

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Males Sanaawi oo u muuqda Madaxweynaha Soomaliya



Ciidamada Xabashida oo xamar dhaxwareegaya.


(Addis Ababa}29.12-06Waxaa shaashadaha Caalamka laga daawanayay shantii casho ee la soo dhaafay raisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Males Sanaawi oo warbixino ka bixinaya meesha uu dagaalka uu kula jiro Soomaliy ay marayso iyo inta Muslimiin ah ee uu dhegta dhiiga u daray


waraysigii ugu danbeeyay ee uu siiyay saxaafada wuxuu ku sheegay in ciidamda tigreegu dileen in ka badan 3000 sedex kun oo Soomali ah ayna dhakhso u geleyaan Muqdisho si aysan foowdo uga dhicin.


Dagaalkan Soomaliya lagu qaaday ayaa waxaa ka qayb qaatay in ka badan 10 dowladood oo ay ugu waaweyn yihiin Maraykanka, UK, Yuhuuda, Jarmalka, Faransiiska, Ugaadha iyo Kiinya oo intuba mar rabay in laga taqaluso maamulka maxkmadaha Islaamka ee ka hana qaaday Somaliya.


Waxaase caalamka ka yaabshay in saaxada laga waayey Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed tan iyo maalintii uu dagaalku bilaamay taas oo muujinaysa in booskiisii uu qaatay ama metelayo Males Sanaawi.


Madxweyne wadankiisii holcayo oo ciidan ajnebi soo galay oo hadana aamusan ayaa shacabka soomaliyeed iyana ku abuurtay jahwareer iyo wel wel hor leh, iyadoo dadka qaarkiina isla dhex xulayaan in wadanka la iibshay loona xilsaaray dhamaynta howshaas Cali Maxed Geedi.


Si kastaba ha haatee waxaa waa cusub u beryay umada Soomaaliyeed 29/12/2006 iyadoo caasimadii ay gacanta ugu jirto Itoobiyaan ayna la wareegeen dekedii caalamiga ahayd ee Muqdisho iyo gegedii diyaaradaha. dad siyaasada ku xeel dheer ayaa widhwidh online u xaqiijey in maanta wixii ka danbeeya Itoobiya ay mamuli doonto Soomaliya haddii aan dhakhso loo helin cudud milateri oo iska caabiya dhulbalaadhsiga Itoobiya.


Waxaa soo diyaariyay Ibu Cali Sayid Sheekh Cusmaan

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Guess what happened to Geeddi? Reer Muqdisho decided they didn't want to pray behind the stooge at Isbahaysiga, so they denied him the honour of praying with others at the grand Mosque which was revived by the courts after it was abandoned so long.


People prayed at their local mosques and the signs of happy Ciid was muted compared to the images of muslims praying by the thousands side by side which we got used to see recently coming from Xamar.


Yaa la tukanaayo nin Amxaaro waaridyeyneso at the Mosque?

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^Sxb, the people of Xamar now the art of war better than any other city int the world and sooner or later you will see Amxaars fleeing our beloved city.

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Well will you look at that.


Priceless, the warlords are back, but this time with ET's....Woow talk about the return of the warlords.


Those two hideous looking men need a sweet bullet between their eyes.


We have sacrificed the freedom, security and happiness of our people, because America feels like the ICU were a threat to them, that they may have links to Al Qaeda. We have sacrificed too much for so little. Not only did we lose what little hope we had gained, we had endured humiliation as a nation by the Ethiopians who are driving their tanks in my capital city, illustrating their superiority over us.


This reminds me of Mogadishu back in 92, the hot-tempered residence of Mogadishu could tolerate so little foreign presence, especially Ethiopians.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

I heard every former warlord was given back his Isbaro.

Naturally. Warlordism is very addictive, not much different than narcotics.

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Originally posted by somaliresistance:

[QB] _42398741_enrouteap.jpg

Escorted by Ethiopian soldiers, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Ghedi entered Mogadishu in a heavily-armoured convoy on Friday.


^^^^REMEMBER! never forget and never forgive.Everyone of you should start raising their kids by telling them that their worst enemy is Ethiopia,I will for generations to come.

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