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Col. Barre Aden Shire Hiiraale a traitor???

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Col Bari hiiraale oo curyaamin ku haayo dadaalka ay wadaan xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho(Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo ciidan aruursi ku jiro)









Sida ay sheegayaan qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanda ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho in ay aad ku cabanayaan Col Bari Hiiraale oo asagu dhawanahaan ku sugnaa magalada Muqdisho in uu curyaamin ku haayo go´´aanka ay qadan la hayeen xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho.


Asgoona la sheegayo in uu fulinaayo heshiis hoose ay wada galeen Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ee ahaa in uu kala diro kuwa ku hubeysan Muqdisho mucaradka ku ah garabka Jowhar tasoo hadda ka muuqato fulintiisa Bari Hiiraale , arimaha uu hortagan yahay Bare Hiiraale ayaa ah in ay diyaar garoowaan Garabka Muqdisho si ay uga hortagaan dulaanka ku soo wajahan Muqdisho ayuu yiri Xildhibaan ka gaabsaday in la shaciyo magaciisa.



Xildhibaanka oo sheegay in Cabdulaahi ciidamo badan ku aruursanooyo xerada goongo tignikana aad u farbadan qoryo saranooyo dadkii u hogaamin lahaana diyaarsaday waxa loo sugaa ayuu yiri waa iga dabaal nimo ee waa in runta loo sheegaa ayuu yiri Col Bari Hiiraale


Mar aan weydiinay Xildhibaanka soo ma ah madaxweynaha mid ku baaqayo nabada maad la shaqeysaan ,ayuu yiri asagoo qoslaayo Cabdulaahi waa reer Mudug reer mudugna markii ay heshiis ku baqaan waa dagaal marka haduu nabad rabo maxaa isku aadiyey ayuu yiri magacaabida taliyaasha iyo tignika jarida iyo ciidamo aruursiga cusub ayuu yiri.

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Uhm, call me a quuqle but this just reinforces the fact that the man is obviously non-partisan and objective as always despite the incoherent rhetoric spewing from some corners . smile.gif

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^^^ Not that I am a fan of the guy, but daynile and their master must think he is a tool that can be praised one sec then insulted the nex...


The only thing I have against him is the Barava trip. It was unnecessery for him, but we dont have all the information...

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but daynile and their master must think he is a tool that can be praised one sec then insulted the nex...

That also reminds me of the other camp to.. icon_razz.gif


Listen Hiiraale doesn't live for anyone's approval, the man is impartial and objective. Both sides want him to join them, and they get frustarated when he does no such thing.


As for Barawe, why are you so obsessed with whatever took place there when it did not really involve opposition to the government? Honestly man..

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Look at this..does it not seem the opposite of what you would have said :confused:


Being criticized by both sides just spells "objective".



Col Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale oo Xagal Daacinaya Dadaalada lagu doonayo in Talaabo adag ay qaataan Xubnaha labada Gole ee Muqdisho iminka Caqabad ku ah.



Hobyonet.Muqdisho.Jimce, Sep 23, 2005.



Col Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale oo ah wasiirka Dib u dhiska iyo Dib u dajinta Dowlada federaalka kmg Soomaaliya oo maalmahan ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu wadaal Dadaal ay ku doonayo inuu ku xagal daaciyo amaba uu ku kala furfuro Xubnaha labada Gole ee Muqdisho iyada oo Madaxweyne C/laahi yuusufna uu ciidamo baaxad weyn urursanayo.


Waxaa uu barre hiiraale ka soo horjeedaa kulano ay lahaayeen Hogaamiyayaasha kooxaha ee Hubaysan kuna jira Golaha wasiirada iyo Xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho kuwaas oo ay ku doonayeen in kulan Balaaran oo Difaac qaran lagu sameyn lahaa lagu qabto magaalada Balcad ee Gobolka shabeelada Dhaxe kaasi oo doodahii Xubnaha labada gole uu soo jeediyay Barre hiiraale inaan kulankaasi la qaban oo gudi loo diro magaalada Jowhar si kulan ay ula yeeshaan Xubnaha halkaasi ku sugan isaga oo ogsoon Barre hiiraale Ciidamada Baaxada Weyn ee uu urursanayo Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed .


Xunaha labada Gole ayaa laga sugayaa Aragti Midaysan oo wax looga qabanayo Difaaca Dalka hooyo oo ay ku soo xadgudbayaan Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo Kuwa oodwadaaga la ah ee Puntland oo horbooda ee Dhawaan Gacanyta ku dhigay Magaalada Jowhar kuwaasoo isku Diyaarinaya inay Muqdisho u soo talaabaan.



Mustafa Nuur Ridil


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Whats this both siede you talk about? The Puntland media and other pro government media have not croticed Barre Hiiraale, they objected to the Brava conference, taking into account the feelins of the people of the region.


As for the warlord/Mogadishu media. They have been praising Barre, when he came. Yet when he spoke logic they turned on him and claimed that he is a spy. I applaud his good sense lately, as I have previously stated. But the Barava conference left a bad taste in the mouth...

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Look at the largely biased PuntlandPost's take and tell me what you think..



Bare Aadan Shire oo dhowr jeer nabad ku baaqay,arrintaas oo ka caraysiisay qaar ka mida Wasiirada Hubaysan ee Muqdisho kusugan

Posted to the Web Sep 23, 11:50



Muqdisho:- Wararka kasoo baxaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka dib udhiska iyo dib udajinta DFKS Col.Bare Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ayaa go'aano adag ka istaagay dhowr shir oo uu kaga qaybgalay magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo ku aadanaa 9 qodob oo ay isa soo hordhigeen golaha dowlada ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho.


Bare Aadan Shire ayaa dhowr jeer si aada ugu cel celiyey in Soomaaliya aan loo horseedin dagaal maadaama shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay kusoo jireen dagaalo badan oo lagu hoobtay.korneylka ayaa kulankii ugu horeeyey ee uu kaga qaybgalay shir ay yeeshaan xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho,ayaa wuxuu talo kusoo jeediyey in Gudi ergo ah loo dirro magaalada jowhar si loo badbaadiyo qaranimada Soomaaliya.


Hadalada kasoo yeeray Col. Bare Aadan shire ayaa noqday kuwa aan laga hoos qaadin arrimaasna ay kamid yihiin waxyaalaha keenay kala dareerkii ku yimi Xubnaha Dowlada ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho.


Hadalada kasoo yeeraya Wasiirka ayaa loo maleeyaa kuwo wax ku oola oo nabad u horseedi karta shacabka iyo dalkaba hadii la taageero, maadaama hadalka wasiirku uu sii kaabayo hadaladii kasoo yeeray Madaxweynaha iyo Raysal-waasaha DFKS oo ay maalintii Nabada aduunka ay ugu baaqeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay nabada taageeraan lagana wada shaqeeyo.


Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in hadalada kasoo yeeray Col.Bare Aadan Shire aysan ka filaynin qolooyinka dhigiisa ah ee kamida Wasiirada Hubaysan ee Muqdisho kusugan,balse dadka Soomaaliyeed ee nabada la doonaya gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya ayaa u arka inuu Col.Bare Aadan Shire uu qaaday weji hor leh oo uu kusoo dhoweynayo talaabo hor leh oo horay loogu qaadayo Nabada.




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lol, it seems you dont read these sites much. Puntlandpost used to criticise Abdullahi when he fought Jama, Hiiraale wehen he fought Morgan, but thats the past. They dont make a habit of praising and insulting on the same 24 hour time period..


Here is one example of the weekness of the whole warlord/Mogadishu media... Ver emotional..


Barre Hiiraale oo heshiis qarsoodi ah lagu tuhmayo.

Posted on Thursday, September 22 @ 15:28:49 PDT by editor


Col. Barre Aden Shire Hiiraale oo ah Qabqable dagaal oo xoog ku haysta Kismaayo isla markaana haatan u xuubsiibtay Wasiir ayaa warar hoose waxaa ay sheegayaan in uu heshiis qarsoodi ah kula jiro Cabdulaahi Yusuf Axmed kaasi oo lagu micneeyay Khiyaano lagu bur burinayo Dadaalka ka socda Muqdisho ee Soo celinta amaanka iyo kala danbaynta.


Hiiraale ayaa isagu beeniyay in ay wax ka jiraan Wararkaasi hase yeeshee waxaa warar xogogaal ah oo ku sugan Muqdisho ay noo sheegeen in dantiisa ay tahay sidii loo curyaamin lahaa dadaalada socda isla markaana loo wiiqo Siyaasadda Maleeshiyo xareenta oo mar kale lagu mashquuliyo Isbahaysi.

Waxaa kaloo Khiyaanadan cusub qayb ka ah Hogaamiyayaal labo Wajiilayaal ah oo iyana ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho oo Wakiilo u ah Cabdulaahi Yuusufka Xayraansan ee Jowharaysanaya.

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Here is one example of the weekness of the whole warlord/Mogadishu media... Ver emotional..

Very emotion indeed. I mean, really, how are they that much different from the opinions held by your own person?


They say "heshiis qarsoodi ah buu Cabdulaahi Yusuf la galay", you say "heshiis qarsoodi ah buu warlordska la galay". They say "Cabdulaahi Yusuf buu dabo-dilif u yahay", you say "warlordska buu junior member u yahay". Really, Duke, it is amazing what people see when they are not part of the equation. redface.gif

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^^^ lol@Horn. Brother your central point is Hiiraale, ok I will give you credit, yet I never changed my mind on Hiiraale, he is a member of an alliance of two clans and as nothing is 50/50 my own conclusion is and has been that his clan are the juniour players in the alliance. Hence the meetings being held in barava and not Gedo, hence the prsence of the other clan in Kimsayu and not visa versa in marka. Nothing emotive about the truth.


Second Hiiraale is now a minister of the republic he has gone a step up, he has sworn an oath as an MP and as a member of the cabinet, so why does he bring himself down to the level of Inda cade and Dahir aweys who are clan faction leaders against his governement??????


Never mind, you always refuse to analyse the situation...

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Johnny B   

Since when you ( puntlanders ) dictate who the leader of JVA will meet and where he´ll meet them etc etc?

havent´t he CLAN card xpired long ago?

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^^The clan card, it seems, will never retire in Somali politics.


General Duke-


Earlier debates I had with you baffaled. I was resigned to believing you were emotionally unstable when it came to Kismaayo and that, that, was the reason you continued on faulty assuptioms and analysis on the situation there. I thought it was purely to salve one's ego, but now ignorance (not an insult here) seems to have been behind your debates.


The JVA is not an alliance between two clans, per se. It is a loose political affiliation between between members of Hiiraale's clan that reside in Kismaayo and a clan that is now a large part of Mogadishu's population. The meeting could not have been held in "Gedo", because reer Gedo (in the regional sense) would not have let it happen. They are not part of the JVA. The meeting could not be a "two" clan alliance, because the majority of Hiiraale's clan do not acknowledge it. As for Kismaayo itself, like I have said perhaps a dozen times, the extent of a clan in that city is but limited to the personal entourages of Yusuf Mire Seeraar, there to help keep the "image" of an alliance.


Ill-Generale you can perhaps face fact and acknowledge the truth, or you can perhaps continue in that cowardly fashion and continue in propaganda.

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^^^ lol, the JVA is not an alliance of two clans you are right, its between a whole clan and a sub-clan of a clan that dominates south Mogadishu. As for the bable, spare it dear boy. Its true you might be baffled, for you are the only one who was baffled by this whole issue, even your remarks about that cartoon Amin Ammir highlighted how deeply you blinded yourself to the truth. Brother, Hiiraale as well as other members are small players, for they control clan millitias and occupy few cities and towns. Their control of these areas are weak and based on the gun.


Your weakness is shown the way you make Kismayu into a big deal. Kimsayu to me is nothing special....Lol, brother Kismayus history will record this time as just another chapter in the Somali war, remember the USC controlled it and Morgan controlled it and now JVA control, but soon the people of Kismayu will control it, as is their right. So dont put no big bets on uncle Hiiraale or the Galgaduud twins to make any lasting impression...

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