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General Duke

Lesson in real politik:for Sharif Xasan and his Xamar bosses

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Xildhibaano Baarlamaanka ka tirsan oo u bixi lahaa Muqdisho oo la baajiyey kadib digniin uga timid Beesha Caalamka



Mohamed Qaynyare and his Tool Sharif Xasan


Nairobi :- Waxaa maanta baaqday Wafdi balaaran oo lagu waday in ay u baxaan magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo ay kamid ahaayeen xildhibaano iyo Wasiiro kamid ah Dowlada Federaalka ahna kuwa lagu sheego in ay kasoo horjeedaan siyaasada Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha.


Xildhibaanadan oo ayagu isku mawqif ka ah dhanka u guurida magaalada Muqdisho oo ay si weyn u wadaan qaar kamid ah hogaamiye kooxeedka Muqdisho iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xassan Shiikh Aadan.


Wafdigan oo lagu sheegay inuu qeyb ka yahay rarida Baarlamaanka Federaalka ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa baaqday kadib markii uu soo shaacbaxay in kala jabweyn uu ku imaan doono Baarlamaanka waa hadii ay xubnahan uu kamid yahay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ay sii wadaan qorshahooda ah in Muqdisho loo guuro ayadoo aan lagala tashan Xukuumada Federaalka oo hada intooda badan ka maqan magaalada Nairobi.


Beesha Caalamka ama IPF-ta ayaa ugu baaqday Xildhibaanada ay kamid yihiin Hogaamiye kooxeedka Muqdisho in aysan bilaabin kala jab ku yimaada dowlada Federaalka isla markaana aysan abuurin is kooxeysi keeni kara in ay dhunto dowladii lagu dhisay dalka Kenya.


Digniintan ka imaaneysa Beesha Caalamka ayaa ah midii ugu horeysay oo ay si toos ah ugu beegaan hogaamiyaasha sida weyn ugu jira sidii dowlada loo geyn lahaa magaalada Muqdisho.


Dhaq dhaqaaqa xildhibaanadan raba in loo guuro Muqdisho waa mid sidoo kale ka socda magaalada Muqdisho ayadoo todobaadkan xildhibaano ka socda Baarlamaanka lagu wareejiyey xaruntii Xisbiga ee Muqdisho.


Balse Xukuumada Federaalka iyo 160 kamid ah 275 xildhibaan ee Baarlamaanka ayaa muujiyey in aysan la mawqif ahayn hogaamiyaasha Muqdisho iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Shariif Xassan Shiikh Aadan.


Wafdiga maanta baaqday oo lagu sheegay in ay yihiin 70 xildhibaan ayaa waxaa kamid noqon lahaa qaar kamid ah Hogaamiye kooxeedka Muqdisho.


Ahmed Musse

Nairobi, Kenya

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Nairobi: Xildhibaano Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo la sheegay inay Muqdisho Maanta tagayaan oo Beenoowday

- Sunday, April 03, 2005 at 14:31


Nairobi (AllPuntland)- Ku dhawaad 70 xildhibaan oo loo liis gareeyay inay u duulaan magaalada Muqdisho ee dalka Soomaaliya ayaa safarkoodii dib u dhacay kadib markii Xildhibaanadii loo liis gareeyay inay baxaan ay sheegeen inaysan meelna u socon oo aysan ka waraqabin socodka la sheegayo.

Qorshahan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka lagu doonayay in lagu geeyo magaalada Muqdisho oo ay wadeen hogaamiyeyaal uu ka mid yahay Maxamed Qanyare (Afrax) ayaa fashilmay kadib markii Xildhibaanadii la filayay inay Garoonka Diyaaradaha tagaan ay hawlohooda sii wateen oo aysan imaan garoonka.


Dhinaca kale Waxaa jira hogaamiye kooxeedyo doonaya inay sii fogeeyaan khilaafka udhexeeya xildhibaanada iyo golaha wasiirada hase ahatee guddoomiye kuxigeenka baarlamaanka Prof: Maxamed Cumar Dalxa ayaa sheegay inay wadaan waan waan lagu doonayo in lagu dhex dhexaadiyo xildhibaanada baarlamaanka.


Prof: Dalxa wuxuu intaasi ku daray in beesha caalamka oo ay ugu horeeyaan midowga Yurub iyo Midowga Afrika ay ku dadaalayaan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa khilaafaadka u dhexeeya baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale Madaxwaynaha DFKGS iyo Raysulwasaarihiisa ayaa lafilayaa inay si dhaqso ah ugu soo laabtaan dalka Soolaabtaan si ay xal uga gaaraan halka ay caga dhiganasyo DFKGS


CCC Farayaamo



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Somalida waxay horey uu tiiri 'Beeni raad maleh'..!


Duke sxb walaga fican yahey in aad laso shir tagtiid beenta ay qorayaan AllPukeland and co.

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^^^^ ok brother keep living the lie..


Waxaa soo Baxaya Warar sheegaya in Berito Muqdisho ay ku soo fool leeyihiin 50-Xildhibaan iyo Ganacsato Kenya ku dhex ganacsada oo sheegay in ay bixinayaan Qarashka ku baxaya xildhibaanadaas


Yesterdays news 50 MP's heading to Xamar



Maalinta Axada oo Muqdisho ku soo fool leeyihiin in ka badab 60 Xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Baarlamaanka KMG aha ayaa waxaa uu xaruun u noqon doona Xaruuntii hore ee Xisbiga ee ku taalay meel u dhaw Garoonka Kubadda Cagta ee Muqdisho, halkaas oo daraad lagu wareejiyay



60 MP's coming on Sunday 3/April - another




Juma, either blame IPF or anything else, it seems the fiction of a majority of MP's going to Mogadishu has been found out to be a lie.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Juma, either blame IPF or anything else, it seems the fiction of a majority of MP's going to Mogadishu has been found out to be a lie.

You will wake up to reality very soon sxb, very soon indeed. What I fear then is how you will take it and react, I need to book a psychiatrist in advanced for you..


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you seem extremely confident that this government will work... i wonder why?


Over-confidence is a chronic disease with very damaging side effects ;)


Believe me u A/Y and his PM will need a miracle...

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^Greater miracles have happened before. Let's all see the glass as half-full, at least then it might succeed, at least then i can return to the beeraha of Afgooye in peace once more.


On a more serious note though, do you think that it is possible that our president and his Ethiopian boss could possible get a similar lesson in "real politik", concentrating on the part "WE DO NOT WANT AMXAARO ON SOMALI LAND", and if possible give adeer a private tutorial on how to recapture SG ;) .


It would be very much appreciated if you could pass this on asap- i'm sure you understand the urgency of it all smile.gif , i don't want to be a slave to any but the Almighty.


Muchos Gracias smile.gif

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at least then i can return to the beeraha of Afgooye in peace once more.

who says you of all ppl in here cant do that?

and if possible give adeer a private tutorial on how to recapture SG

well than youll have to find someone with more medals of bravery n honour for fighting the xabash than c/yussef himself. i know, its a difficult task.


buenos noches ;)

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who says you of all ppl in here cant do that?

I like that one :D , do you like it? I bet you found it most amusing when writing it, thought you hit gold ay! Eureka old boy, just wonderful! Two thumbs up and a pat on the back, very original to say the least.


Anyway, as i was saying before you so rudely misunderstood :rolleyes: , at the rate that it's going thanks to the xabash i might not be able to return to Afgooye peacefully. Who knows, it might turn into another SG, where i automatically become a terrorists for wearing the xijaab.


As for the bravery of our uncle, i was thinking the same thing you know (amazing how great minds think alike), but on a different aspect, what happened when they put him in jail? He seems to of have come out asking how high! icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by sky.african:

well than youll have to find someone with more medals of bravery n honour for fighting the xabash than c/yussef himself.

Which Brave Medals has this pretender received apart from killing innocent civilians in Qardho, Bosaso and Garowe, if that is bravey in your terms....damn..!

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Counterflows, confidence, well thats me bro. As for Geedi and Yusuf its the opposition who need help. Take my words for it its over bro.


Rahima I did not get at all, SG, Somaliland have nothing to do with todays problems, the south is the problem. Somaliland is stabel and negotiations will be the only method with that entity. As for SG/O.G.A.DEN or Zone 5 OR the Somali state, only good relations with Adis Can ensure that the people there get their fair share within the Federation of Ethiopia. Daydreams and hot air will not Suffice.


Juma, you boys got a hell of a beating, I hear Sharif is taking a number of steps back, must have realised that the XAMAR boys aint so big..

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Yeah, it’s ok smile.gif , I didn’t expect you to get it. They say men have the difficulty of keeping up with women when they turn to a corner subject matter (this is apparently scientifically proven, nothing I have made up, sort of like how women can multitask better than men), so anyway you are excused ;) - it isn’t of your doing or fault.


Have a nice day smile.gif .

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