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General Duke

cry me a river : opposition sites fear..

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Here is a sample a look at what is buzzing in the "opposition sites" mostly clan courts sympathisers who fear the return of a functioning governemnt in Mogadishu least they lose some thing..


Fear, loathing and hysteria is the order on the menue.

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........maleeshiyada Puntland laga keenay iyo Maxeystada Tigreega Xabashada oo Hoobiyaal ku garaacay Dekadda iyo meelo Faradan si ay u soo dagaal geliyaan Ciidamada Ugandha, loona gumaado shacabka Muqdishu.


18 March 2007


Muqdishu: ....... maleeshiyada Puntland laga keenay iyo Maxeystada Tigreega Xabashada oo Hoobiyaal ku garaacay Dekadda iyo meelo Faradan si ay u soo dagaal geliyaan Ciidamada Ugandha, loona gumaado shacabka Muqdishu.


Tiro ka badan 25 madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah ayaa 8 ka mid ah lagu tuuray Dekedda weyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho, in kastoo qaar ay ku dhaceen dekedda, qaar kalena ay ku dhaceen dekadda agagaarkeesa.


Warka ayaa intaas ku daraya in tiro ku dhow 15 oo hoobiyeyaal ah oo madaafiicdaas ka mid ah lagu weeraray agagaarka Saldhigii Bari, Bar Fiat iyo xaruntii hore ee gaadiidka.

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Hobiyayaal Lagu Weeraray Dekada Muqdisho...

1961 Reads



Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in weerar hoobiyayaal ah lagu qaaday dekada magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana wararku intaasi raacinayaa in koox ka soo horjeeda joogitaanka Ciidamada Shisheeyaha iyo kuwa Dowlada ay geysteen weerarkaasi, iyadoo ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopianka ay ka bixiyeen jawaabo.


Wararka ayaa intaasi raacinaaya in kooxdaasi ay dooni ay saarnaayeen markii ay weerarka qaadayeen waana markii labaad oo dooni ay ku wwearaan iyadoo midii hore ay aheyd diyaradii Ilyushin-76 ee ku gubatay garoonka Muqdisho,sdioo kale waxey weeraro ku qaadeen xarunta Nabadsugida iyo gadiidka Boliiska iyo goobo kale, weerarkaan ayaa ilaa 8 qarax oo hoobiyayaashaasi la la beegsaday dhismaha dekada iyo nawaaxigeeda, Madaafiicdaasi qaar oo lala waayay dekedda ayaa waxa ay ku dhaceen Xaafado ka tirsan X/weyne iyo X/jajab sida ay xaqiijiyeen goobjoogayaal ka mid ah dadka deegaankaasi.Meelaha ay sida gaarka ah madaafiicdaan ugu dhacday ayaa waxaa ka mid ah agagaarka Isbitalka Martiini iyo Suuqyaraha Deg. X/jajab, iyadoo wali aan la soo sheegin wax qasaaro ah.Sidoo kale Madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah ayaa ku dhacaya agagaarka Xeradii hore ee Gaadiidka iyo agagaarka Saldhigga Barri oo fariisin u ah ciidamada dowladda iyo xaruntii Nss-ta, iyadoo ay jiraan dhaawacyo ay geysteen madaafiicdaasi oo wali si rasmi ah aan loo ogeyn. inkastoo ay dhinac kale soo ku soo jawaabeen madaafiic ilaa hadda lama yaqaano khasaaraha ka dhashay waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in khasaare balaaran uu soo gaaray is weydarsiga madaafciida dadka rayidka ah.

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War Deg deg ah!!


War hadda naga soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisha ayaa sheegaya in weerar lagu qaaday dekeda weyn ee magaalada muqdisha iyo Villa somaliya Ex-madaxtooyada galabta oo Axad ah salaaddii casar ka dib, warka ayaa waxaa uu intaasi ku darayaa in dadka weeraray Dekedda ay doonyo wateen ayna dekedda weerarka uga soo qaadeen dhinaca Badda

Dagaal kale oo gacanta la isula tegey ayaa asna ka dhacay xarunta Villa somaliya dagaalkaasi oo socdey muddo ayaa immika joogsadey waxaana la sheegayaa in labada weerar oo si heer sare ah u qorsheysnaa ay geesteen qasaarooyin aan weli la xaqiijin inta ay la egyihiin. Wixii war ah ee arintaasi ka soo kordha dib ayaan idinkala soo socodsiin doonnaa.

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editorial 2


ficiltimayaan iskuna xumaynayaan, iyadoo qolo walba ay rabto inay tusto qolada kale inaan looga hormari karin, dowladda Embagathi iyo Itoobiyaanka. Arinkaan ayaa horseedi kara in khilaafka hada ka dhex jira beeshaas uu sii xumaado, isla markaasna Ciidamada Dowlada oo in muddo ah qorsheynaayay dagaalka la magac baxay
*Sifeynta Muqdisho*
ay u sahlanaan doonto inuu miro dhal noqdo, meeshana ay ka baxdo isku daygii la isku soo dhoweyn lahaa dhinacyadaasi kuna wada shqeyn lahaayeen, isla markaasan ay ku difaaci lahaayeen maatidooda, xaalada cakiran ee bulshadooda ku sugan tahay looga samatabixin lahaa.


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It goes on and on, they make up stories and create fear, "revenge" "genocide" & word of that kind are used to rouse the masses. When there is atack they take creadit, when it goes wrong they rush to blame someone, the 'Ethiopians" the "Puntlanders". When all fails they say A/Yusuf has fled, or he is dying. When things get really bad they point fingers..


Why all this fear from only a specefic clan, what happened to all the other Somali clans?

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General, like I said, the clan government stinks of collaboration with the invasion and occupation of Somalia. No amount of deodorant can change that stinking smell.

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^^^Thats fine coming from you saxib, but why all this fuss from this specefic group who all hail from a single clan.


Why all this talk of revenge? What have they done

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Yes this is a well known method from the propaganda machinery of the defeated lot. The average somali back in Mogadishu/south is receptive for this kind of trash living in poor and desperate conditions already seeking someone to blame it all on. The internet media campaign is combined with a mouth-to-mouth method to those without computers/internet connection/illiterates to create as much credibility as possible.


The media outlets needs huge regulations alright but let's take care of the gangsters before breaking down on the desktop warriors.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

but why all this fuss from this specefic group who all hail from a single clan.

You are making a big mistake assuming there's only one clan or one armed group. As a result of the invasion and occupation, many armed groups have been formed. Among them are nationalists who cannot withstand their country under occupation, businessmen employing armed men to protect their businesses, clan elders trying to protect their families and relatives, disgruntled warlords or ex-warlords trying to restore the conditions that made them profitable before the ICU's rule, criminals, smugglers and other groups. With the current condition of occupation and lawlessness, it would be foolish to assume all those groups hail from one clan.

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Now that their illegal properties have been confiscated and preserved for the nation, they can't simply accept that or give up their cult of Warlordism, which gave them the freedom to hold and occupy lands of innocent, defenseless clans. Again, the Islamists who used Islam as a political tool threatened the government’s administrative city and finally attacked to unseat it hoping that engagement of war with the TFG might give them divine victory and by extension bringing the whole Somalia under their control.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Again, the Islamists who used Islam as a political tool threatened the government’s administrative city and finally attacked to unseat it hoping that engagement of war with the TFG might give them divine victory and by extension bringing the whole Somalia under their control.

That divine victory got delayed, but it shall come, insha'Allah. The era of conditional or fake independence, the era of secularism, the era of foreigners deciding the fate of Muslims is over.

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Originally posted by Taliban:

it would be foolish to assume all those groups hail from one clan.

Like it was foolish to assume that the Clan courts hailed from one qabiil innit?

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

Like it was foolish to assume that the Clan courts hailed from one qabiil innit?

That's right, capitano.

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