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Does every one in the world hear about Islam?

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Asalaamu alaikum my brothers and sisters.


This is a question that never leaves my mind and, unfortunately, somewhat affects my Imaan. Because until I find a satisfying answer, I'm afraid my faith will not be complete the way I want it to be. There are in access of 5 billion people in the world living right now as we speak. Many of them are not even civilized enough to cover their bodies with clothes let alone research about Islam or read the Quran and Sunnah!! What happens to these people. Please understand that I'm not asking this question to raise doubt amongst you. I'm asking this question and seeking help and hopefully others will also benefit from the answers that arise.

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2real i recommend you sit with a someone whose in full knowledge with this topic, preferbly a relgious person, or take a trip to your local masjid and inqure further knowlegde. I dont believe that any of us can provide a vivid answer, so try and expand the process . Hope the best for you, and keep the faith of allah going cuz w/out it there is no hope, and without hope we enter insanity and that's just not "us" muslims. --prayerz




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I faced the exact same dilemma as you. ALLAH is not none as A Rhaman (The most Mercifull) for nothing.


And as far as i understand (with my limited knowledge) the ruling is that those ppl who have not come in contact with islam, either through a muslim or by never knowing of the Deen, Al-Quran Karim and so forth, i.e Pigmies of Central africa, the aborigonies of australia (perhaps in the past but not now) or the indigenous Idians of the southern America (especially those that reside in the amazon forest.


They will be judged by allah based upon what good and evil deeds they committed in there lives, and Allah the ultimate judge will then decide whether they can enter Heaven or whether they will be one of those that will reside in the hell fire.


This is my understanding, and inshallah a more knowledgable Nomad will give you the exact information you need. But i hope that this clears your mind somewhat.

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i totally agree with brown sugah, we should all seek knowledge from people we know and trust not from strangers with all sorts of intentions.


i was once told that;for every person that dies without knowing about Islam,all Muslims alive at that moment are responsible for this sin(dambi). thats why all Muslims must give some of their time and money spreading Islam to avoid this sin.


2real i don't know how this dilema can bring doubt or affect your iman in any way.

like sugah suggested, let's all try to find out more from people who know more than us all.

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Well I thought that there might be a straight forward answer to my question that I might have over looked but I suppose, like you guys said, that this is a question for the muslim scholars. Thank you all. I will post another message insha'allah when I come across a clear answer.

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