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General Duke

Mogadishu: Sakin, Ibbi, Abdulkadir Ali Omar to be sacked?

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Golaha Wasiirada DF oo la kala diraayo

26 Apr 26, 2010 - 8:18:14 AM


Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa u sheegay Garowe Online in la kala dirayo golaha wasiirada DF, si loo dhiso xukuumad ka tiro yar mida hadda jirta kana tayo wanaagsan, iyadoo Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif loo gudbiyay qoraal arintaas ku saabsan.

Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in sababta loo kala dirayo wasiirada ay tahay in laga dhigo golaha wasiirada 20-wasiir oo keliya, kuwaasoo ay qayb ka noqonayaan Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca oo heshiis awood qaybsi ah la galay DF.


"Shir ay ku yeesheen Villa Somalia Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif iyo Golaha wasiirada ayaa looga hadlay waxqabadka xukuumada Somalia" ayuu yiri wasiir diiday in magaciisa la sheego oo ay la xiriirtay GO.


Lama sheegin xiliga la kala dirayo xukuumada, waxaase intii uu kulanku socday ku dhacay Villa Somalia hoobiyayaal ay tuureen kooxaha dagaalka kula jira DF ee Xisbul Islam iyo Al-shabaab, kuwaasoo aan khasaare geysan.


Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in Wasiiro badan oo xulufo la ah Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif ay waayi doonaan xilalkooda, waxaana sidoo kale la dhacaya golaha Wasiirada Cumar C/rashiid Cali Shama'arke, balse dib ayaa laga soo magacaabayaa.


"Ra'iisul wasaaraha wuu dhacayaa mar haddii xukuumada uu Madaxweynuhu kala diro, ujeedadu waa in jagooyinka Ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeen laga qaado Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan iyo C/raxmaan Ibbi" ayuu yiri wasiirka u waramay Garowe Online.


Magacyada Wasiirada cusub ayaa la sheegay in Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul wasaaruhu ay isku afgarteen, iyadoo loo diiday in wasiirada xilalka haya ay wax badan ka ogaadaan, waxaase aan ku jirin wasiiro aad ugu dhow Sh. Shariif.


Wasiirada xilalka waayaya ayaa waxaa ka mid ah: Sh. C/qaadir Cali Cumar, Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan, Prof. C/raxmaan Ibbi iyo kuwo kale oo si weyn hadda uga dhex muuqda golaha wasiirada Dowlada Somalia.


War kasoo baxay Villa Somalia oo looga hadlay shirka uu Madaxweynuhu la yeeshay golaha Wasiirada oo aysan saxaafadu ka qaybgelin ayaa lagu sheegay inuu ahaa mid looga hadlay adkeynta wadashaqeynta xubnaha Dowladda.



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If sharif doesn't start making head-way on capturing the capital city he might find himself out of the job to!!!


Its 1 year and half since his been in office and no improvement at all in terms of his control. He needs stop hesitating that innocent people will be killed and starting assaulting these terrorists hard and take the city back!!! He is only playing safe because he doesn't want to harm his people but by doing-so he might just get call from walad abdalle to put in his resignation paper

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He needs stop hesitating that innocent people will be killed

Yeah right. He lacks basic leadership qualities and has prolonged the Somali problem. His time is over as we speak, this is just the charade played out by the "international community".

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General even if Sharif goes who will replace him? Whats the option? If you think for 1 second a government can be achieved in hamar without the support of the local population then sxb you should never enter politics because you will be terrible!!!


The fact of the matter is hamar is largely sharif stronghold, if they don't accept him what makes you think they will accept someone else? I prefer having sharif in power then having Dahir Aweys replace him!!!


The city of hamar can never get peace without the local supporters, and the locals in that area tend to support their own clans. This is a fact!!! That is why since 91-2004 all presidents hailed from 1 clan.


This needs to be maintained or else no government stands a chance in hamar. After peace and law and order civility returns presidential seat will be distributed equally to all!!!

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^^^Again thanks adeer for the long winded nonsense.


Who will replace Sharif Hotel?

Anyone can do a better job, and actually the men before him have been far more capable.


As for now, only Faroole is the man who has a legitimate claim to lead Somalia.


He runs a far better admin.


As for the Mogadishu clan support, they all support Sharif and he has been stuck in a 2km area for he past two years, thus whats your point?

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Farole for hamar? sxb who do you think the UN are? their not ignorant geel-jires. Hamar people don't want distant clans ruling their city, hell as you noted they don't even accept certain local clans ruling.


The problem in hamar is, if you elected sharif his people are on-board. But then you opposition like dahir aweys and qanyare people.


If you elect dahir aweys you will have sharif people opposition and maybe qanyare people.


If you elect qanyare, you will have his people onboard but then you will have dahir-aweys and sharif people as opposition.


If you elect farole well sxb you will have all "usc" united against him, where-as if you elect local clan from the city the opposition groups are lessened!!!


It's basic common sense and the UN know this!!! Abdullahi Yusuf was given shot he did few good things and bad things but at the end of the day he didnt stablize the south. If Abdullahi couldn't and sharif can't how can farole do it?


Its probably best to stick with sharif his clan is largest in the city. The qanyare and dahir aweys people will slowly be beaten infact rumours are lurking that dahir aweys will crack anytime soon and that leaves 1 opposition front the qanyare people. The U.N then needs to pressure puntland and somaliland to make sure al-qaeda agents can go the south to participate or help in this insurgency by setting up high-tech customs office in bosaso and hargeisa!!!


The enemy will be squeezed in and will lose any support from outside sources, eritrea has already been sanctioned sooner or later they will slowly disintegrate whilst the tfg continues to grow.


By the way do you see walad abdalla complaining? infact they said they will continue to support the tfg!!! Walad abdalla agrees with me, not with you general duke what does that say about your political skills? sxb stay out of politics!!!


Read There

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Duke your making the same mistake yusuf made, he even was video-taped and its on youtube saying "somalia" midnimadisa ka shaqeya, he made bad move by bringing clan grudges to monopolize the people of somalia. At the end of the day clan card wont get us anywhere is what he said in london a couple of months ago.


Go watch here


Sxb thats your hero who is regretting, Sharif is the best option that is available out of worst options. Walad abdalla agree's with me as i proven. I shown you a video of your own hero saying somalia clan-card wont get us anywhere!!! what have u brought to the arguement? nothing zilch but just cheap talk

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Atually this is the first time a Somali TFG leader has dealt with this sort of leader against such a powerful, Yusuf called in the EThiopians to Crush the ICU but they were at the end routed by Alshabaab.


What im annoyed by is the lack of outside help from the Arab world, the United States and not to forget Somaliland. Have you read the article which spoke about the lack of recources and weapons the government; lol i remember them memtioning that the soldiers were using sticks instead of rifles to train.

In my opinion the TFG and Amisom are just prolonging Somali suffering might aswell do whats inevitable if this continues which is surrender.


I dont care if Alshabaab afterwards turns the N and Northwest into a hellhole. They would rightfully be blamed for it for their weaknesses in the face of such an enemy.

And if Alshabaab turns the south into a base for Alqaeda and exports terrorism then the international community will be the only ones to blame for their lack of support to the TFG.

A future Somali state might not exist in the next couple of decades and its time we got that into our psychology; and we have no one but ourselfs to blame for that and no that does not include the men born after 1991

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Hogwash from Cowke as usual. Adeer, the Presidency of the republic of Somalia is not the exclusive right of any clan. Neither do I believe the capital of the republic is also. As usual you have no real argument. The failed policies of the last 20 years, on concentrating on Mogadishu have had their day. A new Somali centric approach must be sought and the stable regions must be utilized.


Hales, I disagree with your assumptions of the power of Al Shabaab. The reason why Al Shabaab are so successful in the south is that they face no real opposition, Sharif without AMISOM would not last 10 minutes in Mogadishu. The fact that Al Shabaab are unable to defeat 4000 African troops also highlights the fallacy that somehow they defeated the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians & the international community wanted to prolong the war, and hence the selection of the Sharif and the consequent set of devastating events.

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General duke if you are right why isn't walad abdalla saying what you are saying? give it rest kiddo you aint right but wrong as usual!!! untill u show me wat walad abdalla says sxb i dont care what u say!!!

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General duke if you are right why isn't walad abdalla saying what you are saying?

What does Walid Abdalla care about Somalia? The man tried to sell our sea to kenya. These types of arguments my boy, only highlight your limited undertsanding of reality. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Hogwash from Cowke as usual. Adeer, the Presidency of the republic of Somalia is not the exclusive right of any clan. Neither do I believe the capital of the republic is also. As usual you have no real argument. The failed policies of the last 20 years, on concentrating on Mogadishu have had their day. A new Somali centric approach must be sought and the stable regions must be utilized.


Hales, I disagree with your assumptions of the power of Al Shabaab. The reason why Al Shabaab are so successful in the south is that they face no real opposition, Sharif without AMISOM would not last 10 minutes in Mogadishu. The fact that Al Shabaab are unable to defeat 4000 African troops also highlights the fallacy that somehow they defeated the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians & the international community wanted to prolong the war, and hence the selection of the Sharif and the consequent set of devastating events.

Whats Shariif and any leader suposed to do other than continue the fight :confused: youve got to understand that the TFG does not control a state and an economy and simply relies on foreign entities.

The same same thing goes Yusuf and any other leader they were also dependent on Ethiopia or the US

And just like the others his rule is consolidated by America and Puntland and i think they also receive Remittances from the diaspora.

Saaxib if Americas not gonna put some more support and money into the whole thing then we might aswell leave the South to its rightfull winner and that at the moment seems to be Alshabaab.

Amisom are just a group of defenders thats all they cant leave their strategic spots and gain land otherwise they would be rooted.


The TFG are currently being bested in battles because of the lack of recources in weaponry not because Shariff is a bad decision maker.

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Hales with all due respect your arguments are primitive. Sharif Hotel, failed from the beginning. Fate gave him a great opportunity and he wasted it. He agreed to lead a government with a parliament of 550 MP’s, which has come to haunt him. He created a cabinet of 60 ministers, with the Finance portfolio going to a man who is illiterate, and I am not exaggerating.

Sharif has not presented a single policy proposal, has passed no meaningful laws. Sharif has not visited any, dwelling, city, village or region outside of Mogadishu. Yet he has visited, St Paul, Minneapolis, New York, Columbus, London, Ankara [Twice], Brussels, Dubai, Kampala, Nairobi[multiple],Tripoli, Rome, Doha, Cairo, Khartoum and many other cities with fine hotels


He resisted the agreement with Puntland, and instead wanted to move the anti Piracy HQ to Djibouti.


The failures of Sharif are too numerous to mention, he received heavy weapons from the US, and they ended up in the Cirtoogte, market and in the hands of Al Shabaab.


He controls less today than when he came to power.


The argument about him being a man of peace is a fallacy; he used to go around showing of with an AK47 and declaring a Jihad at every turn a few years ago.


He has declared war on Al Shabaab on numerous occasions. The problem for him is that his fighters, mostly old Clan Courts militia have been decimated in every engagement.


His poor leadership, greed, corruption easily make him one of the worst leaders in history.

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^^^Adeer, this is when you become annoying. If you want to debate, by all means address the points above. Otherwise make wise cracks at our expense, after all this is Somalia & not Romania.

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