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PM Geedi without flinching holds cabinet meeting

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Shir Ey Isugu Yimaadeen Maanta Golaha Wasiirada


Muqdisho( 03-Jun-2007


Shir ey isugu yimaadeen golaha wasiirada dowladda federalka Somaliya oo uu shir gudoominayay ra`iisal wasaaraha Somaliya mudane prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa ka dhacay maanta magaalada Muqdisho.


Shirkan oo looga hadlay qodobo dhowr ay ayaa waxaa si weyn diiradda loo saaray xaaladdii dagaal ee ka dhacday deegaanka Baargaal ee iminka lasoo af-jaray halkaasoo ey galeen kooxo wadaado ah oo xiriir la leh shabakadda argagixisada caalamiga iyo qodobka kale oo ah bucad badeeda xeebaha Somaliya.


Prof. Geedi ayaa golihiisa wasiirada u sheegay in dagaalki deegaanka Baar-Gaal ahaa mid looga hortagayay argagixisada Somaliya ee xiriirka la leh ururka Al-qacida kuwaasoo maalintoo arbacada aheyd gabaad ahaan u galay deegaankaas kadib markii doonyo ey ku baxsanayeen ey kasoo raaceen K/Somaliya.


Mudane Geedi eyaa sidoo kale sheegay in sideed ka kid ah kooxahan meydadkooda ey hayaan ciidamada Puntland eyna ku jiraan xubno isugu jira ajaanib iyo Somali oo qaarkood sitay basaboro reer galbeed ah.


Waxaa sidoo kale ey ka hadleen golaha wasiirada xaaladda burcad badeed ee badaha Somaliya, wuxuuna ra`iisal wasaaruhu sheegay in ey diyaarinayaan ciidamada badda Somaliya iyo maraakiib ku xiran qoryo oo lagu difaacayo badaa Somaliya si looga hortago burcad badeeda kusoo badaneysa badaha Somaliya.


Kulankan ayaa waxa uu sidoo kale uga warbixiyay ra`iisal wasaaruhu golihiisa wasiirada safarkii ey dhawaan ku tageen isaga iyo wafdigiisa wadamo ka tirsan qaaradda Africa. - Isha wararka xaqiiqd

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Ahmed Diriye and the clowns are singing. Adeer, those behidn this act will be hunted as their friends are.


Also killing one man will not return the looted properties that have been reclaimed by the public.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Ahmed Diriye and the clowns are singing. Adeer, those behidn this act will be hunted as their friends are.


Also killing one man will not return the looted properties that have been reclaimed by the public.

No matter how you spin this adeer,This puppet regime will not rule the masses.


Ghedi & his sidekicks can meet all they want in bunkers & whatnot,but they will be hunted down.

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The TFG is already the most functioning regime in post war history.


Not like the clowns who are now stuck in Asmara and who were a creation of the media.


The TFG is running the show, kill 100 of its leaders there will be another 100 to replace them.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

The TFG is already the most functioning regime in post war history.


Not like the clowns who are now stuck in Asmara and who were a creation of the media.


The TFG is running the show, kill 100 of its leaders there will be another 100 to replace them.

Completly agree ya Duke, The Most functioning govt it is indeed. A govt by puppet warlords it is,Performing the duties of their masters,I.E Killing Muslims & commiting genocide against its own people.


A govt propped by a foreign army & happily OK with Aerial bombardments. Oh yeah It is a functioning government alright. :rolleyes:

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Adeer spare me the nonsence, but the TFG has only ever fought in self defence against the worst criminals in modern Somali history, led by Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and others who looted the properties of millions of Muslims, killed and maimed others and led children to war and then left them in the lurch. These are facts.


Go ask the people of Lower Shabbele what they think of the TFG admin?




Adeer spare me the emotive arguments, people should have fought of the consequences when they were rushing to war against Baidoa/Puntland and the TFG.


How brave Geedi is to keep working, how cowardly Xasan Dahir is to hide out in Asmara ;)

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Adeer spare me the nonsence, but the TFG has only ever fought in self defence against the worst criminals in modern Somali history, led by Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and others who looted the properties of millions of Muslims, killed and maimed others and led children to war and then left them in the lurch. These are facts.


The very same people who you said were genuine without a shadow of doubt right?


Which Duke should i beleive? huh

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Adeer one should not belive criminals who sue any card even the faith to keep the loot.


But I could not care less if you belived in the cows and the camels.

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must be the pain killers that are numbing him! cuz i heard that he jumped out of his skin and all u could see where 2 big ole teeth sticking out.

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Bomber kills 7 near Somali PM's home

Reuters | Monday, 4 June 2007


A suicide bomber has killed seven people outside the Somali prime minister's home in Mogadishu, just hours after an official said Western jihadists were among the dead from US strikes in the north.


Security sources said Ali Mohamed Gedi was unhurt, but five soldiers and two civilians died when the bomber detonated a car rigged with explosives at the gates of his residence in a heavily guarded neighbourhood of the capital.


"I saw limbs nearly a kilometre from where the suicide bomber detonated," a police officer at the scene who asked not to be named said by telephone.


"We don't know how the suicide bomber managed to pass through undetected . . . The wounded cannot be counted."

African Union peacekeepers raced to the area. "We took the prime minister to a safe place after the blast. He is well," said their spokesman, Captain Paddy Ankunda.


Gedi's interim administration is struggling to impose its authority on the anarchic Horn of Africa nation. Near daily attacks on government troops and their Ethiopian military allies are blamed on members of a defeated Islamist movement who have vowed to wage an "Iraq-style" insurgency.


On Friday, a US warship fired missiles at one group of foreign fighters in the remote mountains of northern Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland. CNN said the attacks were aimed at an al Qaeda suspect.


On Sunday, the region's finance minister said six Islamists – from America, Britain, Sweden, Morocco, Pakistan and Yemen – had been killed in the air strikes and in gun battles with local forces. He gave no other details.


Speaking in Singapore, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates declined to comment on the strikes in rugged northern Somalia, saying it was possibly an operation still in progress.


A Somali jihadist group calling itself the Young Mujahideen Movement said it suffered no casualties in what it called "random" US air strikes and said it killed 11 soldiers. The Web posting could not immediately be verified but was on a site used by al Qaeda and other Islamists.


Sources told CNN the air strikes were the second in six months aimed at a suspect in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 240 people.


The United States also launched air strikes in southern Somalia in January aimed at three top al Qaeda suspects but killed their allies instead, US officials have said.


They were believed to be in a group of Islamists who fled Mogadishu in January after being routed by Somali interim government forces and the Ethiopian military.


Washington says six al Qaeda operatives or associates are in Somalia, including alleged embassy bomber Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, and Abu Talha al-Sudani, accused of orchestrating the 2002 bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel in Kenya that killed 15.


Others include Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, hardline leader of the ousted Somali Islamic Courts Council (SICC), and Adan Hashi Ayro, head of the SICC's feared military wing, the Shabaab.

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African Union peacekeepers raced to the area. "We took the prime minister to a safe place after the blast. He is well," said their spokesman, Captain Paddy Ankunda.


Ugandans are trying hard to protect their "valuable asset" in Somalia. ;)

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