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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: A Year from the Terror Attack

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Somaliland: A Year from the Terror Attack


HARGEISA, 29 October 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Today marks the first anniversary of the suicide bombings in Hargeisa, which left twenty four people dead and more than thirty others wounded. It was the first of it’s kind in Somaliland since the declaration of it’s independence from the rest of Somalia in 1992.


On the 29th October 2008 at around 10am the first car bomb exploded at the UNDP office, after one minute another one exploded at the Ethiopian Trade office just behind the presidency and the third one exploded in about two minutes after that at the Presidential Palace.


The unimaginable has occurred in Somaliland and majority of the people were not aware of what was happening. The whole city was under panic as the smoke raised to the sky, human bodies flying over and the sound of the explosion filled the ears of the city residents. People started to move here and there, all curious and wanting to know what was taking place at their city and country.


In no time, it was clear that what has always been seen on the TVs has arrived home. Car bomb, suicide attack and the similar things that are happening in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries are not that far from Somaliland anymore. The same thing happened in Somaliland that day while people were witnessing.



Hargeisa hospital was full of dead bodies and those wounded in the attacks. With it’s limited medical assistance and equipment it managed to give the first medications to the victims. Some were flown to Nairobi, Djibouti and other countries for medication. The rest were treated by Hargeisa hospital’s heroic physicians and nurses.


After all, it was clear that the Alshabaab group who is based in Southern Somalia was behind the attack. The suicide bombers were identified and some were arrested in connection with the incident while others managed to escape to Mogadishu.


Since that time, Somaliland security forces have been proactive in carrying out operations against suspected terrorists in order to prevent such incidents from taking place in the future. The whole population is know helping the authorities in order to prevent from another tragedy. Many were arrested in the last couple of months and some explosives were captured by the police due to police and citizens being proactive on the fight against terrorism.


The attacks carried a message for the world that can be summarized as:


• Anything that is happening elsewhere in the world can happen in Somaliland and in the Horn of Africa. The actions of Al-Qaeda in Asia can be transferred to other places in the world be it in Somaliland and other countries.

• Alshabab is specifically targeting Somaliland this time. They believe the country is a partner with Ethiopia and United States in the war against terror.

• Destabilizing Somaliland is a great opportunity for Alshabaab to expand their operations elsewhere in the Horn of Africa where they can establish new training camps and carry out attacks against other countries like Djibouti and Ethiopia.

• Alshabab is not different from Alqaeda when it comes to the objectives, operations and danger. In a recent video, the Alshabab leaders were praising Osama Bin Laden as being a hero and promised to take his path.


One year from that catastrophe day Somaliland has learned to improve it’s security and to take stronger measures against any possible attack in the future. Somaliland leaders need to focus on the external enemies that the country is facing rather than the internal affairs that is currently consuming most of the country’s resources. There is also a need to focus on the educational system in the country. The youth must be given enough awareness against such extreme ideologies.


Today marks a very sad day for the Somaliland people. Many families will remember their loved ones who died during the attacks and wounded will also remember the horrible situation they faced on that day

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

Somaliland: A Year from the Terror Attack


One year from that catastrophe day Somaliland has learned to improve it’s security and to take stronger measures against any possible attack in the future.

The guys are too corrupt to take any good measures. If I remember correctly last time they arrested a man for the possession of several kilos of timir :D

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Originally posted by ADNAAN:

quote:Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

Somaliland: A Year from the Terror Attack


One year from that catastrophe day Somaliland has learned to improve it’s security and to take stronger measures against any possible attack in the future.

The guys are too corrupt to take any good measures. If I remember correctly last time they arrested a man for the possession of several kilos of timir
Not funny!

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It might be harmless sprite to you but the authority says other ways, and righfuly so.


Things aren't what seem these days saaxiib.

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Lets put a Xaaji xundjuf twist on this. :D


In a time when Puntland is arguing with ONLF, Sh. Sharif's plane is attacked by mortars and the Ahlu El Sunna declared a new admin, Somaliland shows its peacefulness, statehood and prosperity by sparing time to remember those who died on the 29th of October 2008. Arr maxay duushay, different stratosphere bay maraysa!

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Qaramada Midoobay oo ka hadashay sanad-guurada ka soo wareegtay Qaraxyadii Hargeysa


Khamiis, 29 October 2009 (HOL)- Qaramada Midoobay ayaa maanta ka hadlay sanad-guurada koowaad ee ka soo wareegtay markii Qaraxyada lala beegsaday saddex goobood oo ku yaala Hargeysa oo ay ka mid tahay Xarunta Barnaamijka horumarinta Qaramada Midoobay ee UNDP.


Sida lagu sheegay War-murtiyeed laga soo saaray Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya oo nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay HOL, Isu-duwaha arrimaha Xuquuqal-Aadamaha ee Soomaaliya Mr. Mark Bowden ayaa sanad-guurada koowaad ee Qaraxyadii Hargeysa oo ay ku dhinteen shaqaale ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay awgeed, wuxuu sheegay in ay weli sii wadaan barnaamijyada horumarinta. “Sanad ka dib Weeradaas axmaqnimada ah markii la fuliyay, waxaan xushmad iyo qaddarin u hayaa saaxiibadayda aan ka daalin inay caawiyaan Soomaalida ka soo kabanaysa 18 sanno oo ay khilaaf ku jireen, iyaga oo wajaha maalin kasta khatar wayn iyo caqabado ka hor yimaadda shaqadooda intay ka shaqaynayaan goobahan.” Ayuu yidhi Mark Bowden.


Subaxnimadii 29 October 2008 ayaa saddex Qarax oo culus lala beegsaday saddex goobood oo kala ahaa; Aqalka Madaxtooyada Somaliland, Xafiiska Itoobiya ku leedahay Hargeysa iyo sidoo kale Xafiiska UNDP ee Hargeysa, kuwaas oo dhammaantood ay ku dhinteen 25 Qof, isla markaana ay ku dhaawacmeen 35 Qof. Waxaana dadka dhintay ka mid ahaa Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo Shaqaale ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay.



Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online


Hargeisa, Somaliland

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Arr maxay duushay, different stratosphere bay maraysa!

lol. What a rubbish PR stunt. "Al-Qaeda in Asia" kulahaa. Fortunately, gone are the days when writing garbage like this got one a nod from the powers that be.

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