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General Duke

Proof is required ONLF story line is bogus...

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Many accusations have been made lately against the state of Puntland. Can someone give us proof of any of this? If they are unable to do so will these folks apologise.

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

Remember how the story was first that 5 ONLF teachers who came from studying in Yemen were arrested and sent to Ethiopia. Then the story changed to 5 ONLF rebels were sent to Ethiopia by secret plane and then final the story is....they were never sent to Ethiopia but left in Bosasso where one man has died. Get the stories right, I can't wait until the twist.

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Sooyaalka taariikheed ee maamulada Gobolka Woqooyi Beri Somalia ee SSDF waxaa ka buuxa dunuub culus oo ay ka galeen qadiyada xaqa ah iyo shacabiga somalida O'gadeniya, sodonkii sano ee tagtay waxay soomaali ka dharagsantahay dhaqannadii iyo tallaabooyinkii foosha xumaa ee ay ku caanbaxeen, waxaa la ogyahay in badhtamihii 1978 ay ahayd bilowgii taariikhda ee siyaasiyada SSDF la safteen cadawga ummadda Soomaliyeed meel ay joogtaba ee Abasiiniya. Kolkaas oo ahayd markii ugu horeysay taariikhda dhow oo sarkaal Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo lagu dhaariyay kitaabka qur'aanka ah(suuradda bara'bisin la ') uu u galo cadawgii lagu dhaariyay inuu dalka iyo dadkiisaba ka difaaco, kaas oo ahaa G/sare C/Laahi Yusuf Axmed Guddoomiyhii SSDF tallaabadaasi wqaxay noqotay sunne xun oo soomaali loo bilaabay, ilaa ay noqotay tusbax furtay oo sarkaalkii cadhoodaba inuu Ardisababa ka soo jeedsado isugu faanto noqotay.


Falkaas madaw wuxuu dhabarjabin toos ah ku ahaa hagankii O'gadeniya ee ay ku jirtay jabhaddii WSLF somaliweyn oo dhanna garabtaagnayd, dhanka kalana waxay horseeday tallaabadaasi burburkii Jamhuuriyadii Soomaaliyeed oo taniyo maanta saldhigi la', mudada burburku socday waxay madaxda SSDF saaxiib dhow la ahayd taliska gumaysiga TPLF heer dhammaan qabqableyaashii Somaliya rogay si xin ah ugu tukadaan qibladooda Addis Ababa ee aan lahay waxaan ka ahayn dhilo iyo khamro jaban iyo cadaawad Soomaali loo hayo, una baratamaan raali galinta iyo u adeegida taliska cadawga Soomaaliyeed ee Tigreega ah.


Dhaqankaas guracan iyo siyaasadaas qaloocan waxay dhalisay in Caasimaddii Soomaaliya Muqdisho iyo gabi ahaan dalkii Jamhuuriya Somalia la galiyay gacanta gumaysiga Itoobiya ee ku caanbaxay dhulballaadhsiga iyo damaca waalan, dhacdadan taariikhda gashay waxay si toos ah lid ugu tahay jiritaanka guud ahaan ummadda Somaliyed, xagal daacinna ku ah horumarka qadiyada Somaliyeed ee O'gadeniya ee xaqa iyo cadaaladda ku dhisan.


Tobankii sano ee u danbeysay mamulada SSDF ee gobalka W/bari waxaay qaaden talaaboyin dheerad ah oo ay ku raaligalinyeen sayidkooda Meles Zinawi madax gumesiga Abasiiniya,kuna dhabar jabinayaan walaalahooda Somalida O'gadenya iyagoo Apriil 2008 kala baxay laba masuul oo ah golaha dhexe ee ONLF huteel ku yaala badhtamaha magalada Garowe labadan masuul oo inan-layaalo ku ahaa deegaanka gobalka W/bari tan oo ceeb dheeri ah ku ah dhaqanka Somalida waxayna C/nuur M. Sooyan iyo Dhiire Cilmi dhax kuududaan jeel Jigjiga ku yaala iygoo lagu xukumaay 10 sano oo ciqaab ah jidhil ba,aan ka dib.


Intii kadabeesay falkaas waxay mamulayaasha Bari fuliyeen hawlgalo isdabajoog ah oo ay ugu gudbiyeen shacab kor udhaafaya 20 Ruux oo ka sojeeda somalida O'gadenya gacanta cadoga ay ka so carareen, dadkan maatada ah oo maciin iyo ehelnimo soo biday deegankooda dhacdooyinkan silsilada ah ee bahalnimada iyo xishood la,aanta huwan waxaa ka mid ahaa xasuuq dad shacab ah oo dhana 183 qof oo 45 dumar yahiin oo xabsiga loo taxaabay bishii ina dhaaftay, gawraca wiil dhalinyaro ah loogu gaystay magalada Galkacayo.


Haddaan xusayno faldanbiyeedyada mamulayasha SSDF ee yaabka leh waxaan la iloobikarin dilkii waxashinimada lahaa ee loogastay N/hure Xilibaan Sandoon Julay 1996 magalada Galkacayo isaga oo dhawac ahaan loo keenay inlagu daweeyo. Falba falka darane waxaa yaab laheed markii horaantii 2008 guri aroos lagu hayay oo ay odayaal,dhalinyaro,haween iyo caruur ku kulansanayeen meesha ay ubixiyeen tuur A'bsame lagu tuuray banbaano gacmeed oo 11 ruux ku dhawacantay, daqiqado ka dib la toogtay macalin wax ka dhiga Dugsiga Sare ee Boosaaso, iyodoo asbuuc ka hor lagu weeraray qoys isqaba gurigoodii dhaawac ka dibna xabsiga ladhigay oo uu ku geeriyooday aabihii qoyska shahiid C'/hi Cumar oo 9 sano daganaa Boosaaso.


Gaboodfalada madaxda Gobalka Bari ee SSDF ay kula kacaan shacabka dulman ee Somalida O'gadenya ee ka dhanka ah xaquuqda aadamaha,sharciga islaamka iyo dhaqanka Somalinimada iyo wadadhalashada ma aha mid qormo iyo labo lagu koobi karo laakiin waa dhito urursan oo ku keydsan kutub maguuraan ah, waana wax uyaala inlagula xisaabtamo goortii ku haboon, uhiilinta cadowga Soomaliyeed, garab wagliilka xaq udirika somalida O'gadenya, Burburinta qarannimoda iyo madaxbanaanida Jamhuriyada Somaliyeed waa tilmamaha ay ku caanbaxeen horjoogayaasha SSDF iyo mamulkooda caatada ah ee Gobalka Bari ee shacabka wakhatiga ka lumiyay kuna hankaajiyey gobanimadii iyo madaxbanaanidii shacabku u soo halgamay, taas oo 60 sano ka dib Jamhuryadii Somaliya dib u galiyay gacanta gumeysiga taagtadaran ee laangaabka Tigray.


Shacabkan ay maamulaan madax kusheegan fadhiidka ah waxaa maanta la gudboon in ay soo dhacsadaan gobanimadoodii la lumiyay, Hoggaan sharaf leh oo u qalmana ay dhistaan haddii kale sharaf dhac iyo burbur aan la mahadin ayay ku abaadi, Shacabka O'gadenya waxuu leeyahay tawrad gobnimodoon ah oo aan d'abadh'ilif loodin karin.


Nabsi guratay gooraad heshaba waana ii Godobe'

Gadaafaba haddaad odhan lahayd laguma Gaadhsiinin

Ninka gabiga igu soo dunshayow sow ku Garanmaayo

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you are asked to bring proof and your copy/paste some maala yacni , no body care to read this qashin

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This thing started during Sayidka, then happened the time of Siyad Barre's regime, and now in last ten years Puntland was planning to bring down the strugle in which ONLF is leading.


It is nothing new and the proof is that Duke him self is the product!

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our forefather fought against colonist and defended their country and now it is free thanks to them.

where were your people ? when your land was divided between uk kenya and Ethiopia and you were always foolish-man

O.... daldheer kuma xorayn da in abidkiise duqoodii hore lagu yaqiin inuu danqaataaye.

marka iska danqaaado sxb

doqonimadu waa u dhalasho ayaa soomalidu ku maahmaadaa

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^^^Sayidka killed innocents from this clan. This group kissed Siyad Barre's behind and killed innocents from this clan. Then Omar Jess killed inocents from this clan in Kismayu. All this history we forgave, because we have strength and yet you cry when the state arrests a few criminals. ;) Again no proof no story, go find another way to raise funds for this ONLF nonsense.

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What else proof would you need when you are product, of the colonial's divide and conquire?


Same is happening now is that surprise to you? Better question is where are Somali people as a nation now? Who was behind the frequent backstabing of both today's and yesterday's strugle ?


You may not need to read, but history is a proof which speaks load for it self.

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^ redface.gif YES! It is you who is the victim today. You think you are fightig your fight, but you are doing in favour of another man.


The ONLF that you are so desperate to bring down is a internationally accepted political organization, it does not hide it self.


If Puntland is for tommorow, it would have said BIG NO to Melez ofcource the same man that the ONLF is fighting against.

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^^^lool. Adeer we just arrested Al Shabaab members, ONLF members are no different, they will be rounded up and arrested.


Now Mr victim you lost the argument of the day, there is no proof of all the accusations you made, and you resorted to telling us why you are a special case, who gets abused by everyone. Adeer a man dies only ones, power comes in forgiving and making a better tommorrow. Puntland is the future.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


See who is laughing now, the same jerk?


Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer we just arrested Al Shabaab members, ONLF members are no different.

Says much about him for comparing Alshabab to ONLF.


Originally posted by General Duke:They will be rounded up and arrested.

But to your surprice they are enjoying in their big offices from most of the countries which are considered as best allies of Ethiopia.


Originally posted by General Duke: Now Mr victim you lost the argument of the day.

When it is Faroole who is being used by Ethiopia, he is the real victim. Since PL is not more special than southern Somalia, not mention the best allies of the enemy who are still hosting the ONLF you have lost your credibilty not only an arguement.


Originally posted by General Duke: There is no proof of all the accusations you made

There is the proof, the product of another backstaber. Read that article carefully.


Originally posted by General Duke:and you resorted to telling us why you are a special case, who gets abused by everyone.

The organization that you are desberate to backstab is in most of those countries which you would consider as best friends of Ethiopia. So the specail is you who is defending the special admin of Puntland, who got abused by an Agame.


Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer a man dies only ones, power comes in forgiving and making a better tommorrow.

True to that. But how many times will the poor Duke be willing to die in defending the undefendable sell out admin of Faroole?


Originally posted by General Duke: Puntland is the future.

Not only Puntland. But every one's province is the future, as well.

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