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Ramadan Iftar - Dual Reward Program

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The blessed month of Ramadan presents us with a valuable opportunity, one that increases our ajar, helps a fellow Muslims, and makes our scale heavier in the Day of Judgment. As the title suggests, Iftar program is all about providing Iftar for thousands and thousands of Muslims fasting this Ramadan. Whether a piece of date, a cup of milk or a complete Iftar, giving and spending on fellow Muslims is what many mosques around the world plan this time of the year. Some of these mosques maintain a list where people sign up for a night or two. Local businesses also participate in these events and sometimes take a junk of the spending. At my local mosque, last year the Iftar & Suhur of the last ten days of Ramadan were already taken shortly after Ramadan begun. I won’t be surprised if the month is already booked by now.


As the old saying goes, charity begins at home. I don’t know if this is Islamically correct but my intention of using the phrase is to try to encourage myself and others of starting or supporting Iftar programs for the mosques back home especially those in the remote areas. I believe charity in the sake of Allah knows no boundary, Muslim or not, right or wrong, bad or good people, so long the need is there. I stand corrected if I err here. Charity is not about showing generosity or seeking appreciation for contributing but rather to please Allah and to extinguish one’s sins by means of charity as the water extinguishes fire as the Hadith demonstrates. Allah encourages us to give and spend on those in need but Satan, our archenemy keeps whispering our inner ears and threatens us with poverty. Do not pay attention to his lousy threats. They’re not meant for good Muslims with strong Iman. The prophet’s promises are much heavier than those empty threats. One of the prophet’s promises is that charity does not reduce one’s wealth, regardless the amount given. Whatever is spent in charity is what we actually saved and whatever is spent on our body is what’s actually lost from the account of aakhira.


Preparing Iftar for a fasting person is indeed a dual ajar, that of the charity niya and an equal ajar to that of the fasting person, with no reward reduction to anyone. With the thousands of Muslims fasting, each one of us has a precious chance to sponsor or support one or two families this Ramadan or a mosque for Iftar. It does not take a lot but makes huge difference in one’s life. A friend of mine told me a circle of his friends were able to contribute and provide Iftar of about couple of hundred people last year in a mosque in Bay region. He said one does not need a big budget or lots of time to set up Iftar at any mosque in a city of his choice. Only a trustworthy credible people, Imam or mosque admin is needed to hire a cook or a nearby restaurant to prepare the food. If you can’t get friends to do it with you, do it for that extended family member back home, or that family neighbor or friend. The prophet scw urged we should protect ourselves from Naar even with a piece of date. Provide a piece of date for a fasting Muslim this Ramadan.


My apologies for this poorly written piece. Time is not with me. I leave you with this clip.


"Fal yatanaa fasil mutanaafisuun"


Ramadan Mubaarak

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Jazakallah Khayr for the reminder,it is a worthwhile cause. It can cost as little as $US100 to feed a family of six during the whole of ramadaan.

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