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Asmara: Poor Eritrea to kick out opposition groups based in Asmara --

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Dowlada Eritrea oo ku baaqdey in Ajaanibka mucaaradka ah ee Ku Sugan Wadankeeda In ay Si dhaqsa ahi ay oga baxaaan.


Foreign opposition groups in Eritrea have been asked to leave the country because the government can no longer afford the expenses associated with hosting them in Asmara,according to


Foreign opposition groups in Eritrea have been asked to leave the country because the government can no longer afford the expenses associated with hosting them in Asmara, according to


Sudanese, Ethiopian and Somali opposition groups based in Eritrea are grumbling because the financially-strapped Eritrean government has taken measures that will limit their impact on the politics of their home countries, the web site said.


The Eritrean government was housing Eastern, Southern and Darfurian rebels in Asmara until recently, according to the opposition web site. Now, all Eastern and Southern Sudanese opposition officials have been asked to leave the country, awate stated.


Most Somali opposition members, including the former speaker Sharif Hassen Sheik Aden who had moved to Asmara, are leaving Eritrea for Dubai, Egypt and Djibouti because the Eritrean government no longer has the funds to support their activities in Asmara, the web site revealed.


One of the Ethiopian opposition groups in Eritrea, the Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM) which was operating in the Jebel Hamid area of Gash (bordering Ethiopia), was recently ordered by the government to relocate to the Southern Red Sea (Denakil) Zone, it further indicated.

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Most Somali opposition members, including the former speaker Sharif Hassen Sheik Aden who had moved to Asmara, are leaving Eritrea for Dubai, Egypt and Djibouti because the Eritrean government no longer has the funds to support their activities in Asmara, the web site revealed.

This is a great development. It seems Aferwarki is thinking about his own interest, no Jihad on his mind at the moment lads :D

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Did you forget when addeero was dragged out of his hotel room in Nairobi? Opening his arms and legs trying to grab onto anything in the way. Scratching the hallway wall with his sharp steel elbow in the process, his super sharp toe nails digging deep in the carbet? Addeero went through all that trouble just to prevent his deportation to his own homeland.. :D . Geesi geesi dhalay!

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You're right General. Those guys stayed in xamar sent young boys to die, students from all over the world. The second the ethiopians came to xamar they fled, even after they swore never to leave their lands.


Also, the TFG is not being defeated by anyone. They are in MOGADISHU and there wasn't a soul on earth that thought it was possible in 2004, controlling all the most important life lines in the city. If it was so bad would AU countries be sending more and more troops and would the UN contemplate going?

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lets expand ona few points.

1.The young children's bravery is not in question.

2. The cowardice of thugs like IndaCade, Xasan dahir and Sharif Ahmed is also not in question. They send the innocents to war while they hide out in hotels.


Like Somali Pride stated the TFG is not defeated, nor is it going anywhere, its getting stronger. Building institutions take time, calling for war and declering a fake Jihad is quite easy. :D


Asmara seems to be blinking, and thats good.

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When the USA's tank division rolled into Baghdad and the interim Iraqi government was established, the Americans said "Mission Accomplished!"


This was 5 years ago, and they are as far away from accomplishing their mission, if not further, than ever.


Ethiopia, and the TFG they created in 2004 and propped up in Mogadishu in 2007, is in much the same situation.


The only thing keeping the TFG in power is Ethiopian tanks. In fact, the more correct phrase would be the only think keeping the UIC *away* from power is Ethiopian tanks.

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Eritrea oo ERYEYSA mucaaradka, Sudan, Ethiopia iyo Somaliya ee jooga dalkeeda


Muqdisho, Somaliya ( 28-Marso-08


Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay dawlada Eritariya ayaa amar lagu siiyay dhamaan mucaaradka wadamada Somaliya, Sudan iyo Itoobiya ee saldhigoodu yahay magaalada Asmara inay isaga baxaan dalka Eritaryia maadaama dhaqaalihii loogu tala-galay mucaaradka wadamadaas aysan awoodin inay bixiso dawlada Eritariya.


Webseydka ku hadla afka Dawlada Eritariya ayaa lagu shaaciyay in mas`uuliyiintii mucaaradka Dawlada Federaalka Somaliyeed oo uu ka mid yahay Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan (Gudoomiyihii hore ee Baarlamaanka Somaliya) uu isaga guuray magaalada Asmara, isaga iyo asxaabtiisa qaar, waxaana la filayaa inay u baqoolaan wadamada Jabuuti, Dubai iyo Masar maadaama sida uu qoray Webseydka Dawlada Eritariya,ay la soo deristay dhaqaalo xumo,sidaas-daraadeed waxaa amar lagu siiyay mucaaradka Wadamada Soomaaliya,Sudan iyo Itoobiya,inay isaga huleelaan dalka Eritariya,waa sida lagu faafiyay Webseydka ku hadla afka Dawlada Eritariya.


Dawlada Eritariya ayaa cadaadis weyn uga yimid beesha caalamka, waxaana shuruud looga dhigay inay albaabada isugu dhufato xarumaha mucaaradka Wadamada Soomaaliya,S udan iyo Itoobiya ku leeyihiin dalka Eritariya hadii ay doonayaan inay dhaqaalihii ay ka heli-jireen dawladaha reer galbeedka dib loogu fasaxo.


Halkan ka akhriso warsaxafadeedkii ay soo saartay dawlada Eritariya

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Iraq is completely different. Their leadership had the world’s most powerful army after them with a coalition of western countries. Even though they had the opportunity to leave and seek refugee with their wealth they stayed. The clan courts leadership fled the second they heard poor and third world Ethiopian tanks coming. Iraq did everything they could to avoid war and complied with every demand. The clan courts and their supporters wanted a fight and thought they could beat any force because they pacified Mogadishu and what happened in 1993.


Of course the TFG is there because of Ethiopia no one can deny that. But everyday the TFG is becoming stronger.

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