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Somalia has best chance in years for peace: UN

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Somalia has best chance in years for peace: UN



2 March 2007


UNITED NATIONS - Somalia appears to have reached a ‘turning point’ in emerging from chaos but needs a minimum of 8,000 foreign troops and aid to stave off further anarchy, according a senior UN official in the country.



The northeast African nation has not had a functioning government since dictator Muhammad Siad Barre was toppled in 1991, and American and UN troops in subsequent years have failed to quell fighting warlords.


‘I think Somalia is at a turning point and I think we need to convince people that things can change in Somalia,’ Eric Laroche, the UN humanitarian coordinator, told a new conference on Thursday.


The Ethiopian-backed Transitional Federal Government routed the Islamic movement, known as the Union of the Islamic Courts, three months ago. The vanguard of an African peacekeeping force on Thursday landed in the government stronghold of Baidoa in the south.


The African Union hopes to send 8,000 troops but may not be able to raise that number.


The UN Security Council has authorized the African force but has not made a decision on whether to supplement that operation with UN troops.


Political will?


Laroche, who spent much of the past year in Somalia, said there was no point in the Ethiopians withdrawing if not enough peacekeepers could be found.


If you have 4,000 troops, forget about it, it’s not enough,’ he said. ‘I think 8,000 troops is probably the minimum we can get and therefore it raises the issue of political will -- are we willing to make a change in Somalia, are we willing to really provide troops, are we really willing to finance those troops?’


Laroche said Somalis were tired of so many years of warfare, especially in the capital, Mogadishu, and in many ways backed the new government, based on clans, rather than warlords.


‘It’s a kind of representativeness, that was not the case with the previous warlords coming to Mogadishu,’ he said. ‘And when the Islamists came in they told me they don’t have a clue (of how) to run a country.’


Laroche acknowledged that shellings were increasing ‘but that is not a good reason not to do anything.’


‘If you don’t believe that the (new) institutions are the key solution, you admit that you want to go back into chaos for another 15 years,’ he said.


Security was paramount, including organizing a police force, demobilizing militia and helping the thousands of civilians who fled fighting return home.


‘Having forces is nothing unless we have demobilization and re-integration of all these fighters. There are so many fighters in Mogadishu,’ he said.


The interim government, meanwhile, is still based in the Baidoa, even though the Islamists are out of Mogadishu. Laroche said more than 70 government buildings were in such disrepair there was no place for officials to work.

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Even the nay sayers are choosing their words more carefully. No more talk of "regional war" or the doomsday scenario.


Now its all about a turning point..


Viva the third republic.. smile.gif

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New York: Qaramada midoobay oo sheegtay in Soomaaliya haysato fursaddii ugu wanaagsanayd ee nabadda.


2. Mar 2007


New York(AllPuntland)- Qaramada midoobay ayaa sheegtay ayadoo ka xun falalka ammaan darada ah ee ka dhacaya Muqdisho inay haddana u muuqato in nabadda Soomaaliya ay haysato fursad aad u wanaagsan.


Eric Laroche oo qaramada midoobay ugu qaabilsan gar gaarka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed badankood ay ka daaleen qalalaasaha iyo dhibta dalka ka jirta .


Mr: Laroche wuxuu xusay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan wax jawaab ah ka bixin baaq uga yimid dhawaantan maxkamadihii la riday oo ahaa inay jihaad ku qaadaan Itoobiya iyo dawladda Soomaaliya.


Laroche oo sanadkii ugu danbeeyay waqtigiisa ku qaatay geeska Afrika ayaa sheegay in badi shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay aqbalsan yihiin dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya inay gacanta kudhigto ammaanka Muqdisho.


Mr Laroche wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay inay jiraan qorshayaal dhowr ah oo u yaalla qaramada midoobay, kuna aaddan dalka Soomaaliya , waxaana kamid ah inay bilowdo nabad kusoo celinta dalka Soomaaliya , caawinta boqolaal qof oo qaxooti Soomaaliyeed , iyo inay gacan ka gaysato dhismaha ciidanka nabad galyada dalka.


Masuulkan wuxuu sheegay in dawladdu ay waddo diyaar garaynta ciidankii booliska balse wuxuuse sheegay inaysan haysan gaadiid,iyo qalab isgaarsiin , hase ahaatee ay hadda heleen dharkii labbiska ahaa oo gaaraya 3,000 oo dirayska booliska ah.


CCC Farayaamo


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Sarkaal sare oo QM ka tirsan oo rajo ka muujiyay xaalada dalka Somalia



Isu duwaha Qarmada midoobay u qaabilsan hawlaha gargaarka dalka Soomaaliya Eric Leroche ayaa shalay magaalada New York suxufiyiinta waxa uu uga warbixiyay xaalada dalka Soomaaliya.




Mr. Leroche waxa uu sheegay in mustaqbalka dalka Soomaaliya uusan xumeyn isla markaana ay jirto fursaddii ugu wanaagsanayd.




Waxa uuna sheegay in uu rajaynayo in dalka Soomaaliya uu ka baxo fowdada isla markaana dadkiisu ay ka faa’iideystaan fursadda ay hadda haystaan.




Eric Leroche wuxuu sheegay in magaalooyin badan oo ku yaalla dalka dalka Soomaaliya oo ay ka mid tahay magaalada Muqdisho uu booqday isla markaana uu ogaaday in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay u baahan yihiin Nabadgelyo.




Laakiin waxaa jira ayuu yiri kooxo yar oo laabta ku hayay in mar kale ay dib usoo noqdaan hogaamiye kooxeedyadii dalka, hase yeeshee kooxahaasi waxa ay rajo beel noqdeen ka dib markii hubka laga dhigay hogaamiyeyaashoodii.




Waxa uu ugu baaqay beesha caalamka inay taageeraan dowladda kmg ah sidii ay u soo celin lahayd kala dambeynta.




Cabdulqaadir Nuunow


SBC Boosaaso

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Somalia has the best chance of in years for peace? Uh Oh. This will make certain groups uncomfortable and unhappy. ;)


**anarchists**: Somalia is occupied. Ethiopians are raping everyone. Now the Uganadans are going to join the rape fest. The Government caused this. We have to always destroy all governments. Keep up the good fight. Na'mean.


**secessionists**: That's right bro. Keep up the Jihad. Bomb the dirty Ethiopians wherever you see them. If you let this government succeed, you (erm we) will be doomed. Everytime the Tigree come to the Berbera port we throw tomatoes at their soldiers. We will keep fighting them. Dahir Riyaale, on his trip to Addis, congratulated Melez only because he didn't have any tomates to throw at him. Don't worry. We'll make sure he doesn't leave without ripe tomatoes next time he leaves Hargaysa. We promise you that. Just make sure the government falls apart and violence increases. Ok? Cool.



Both groups will need to go for their annual check ups early this year. Alot of people are bound to have high blood pressures and heart attacks. :D

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Ms DD   

"Laroche acknowledged that shellings were increasing"


"Somalia has best chance in years for peace: UN"


Contradiction right there. I dont know how this is the best chance when shellings are on the increase.



Each group you mentioned above, they like nothing better than to have peaceful country they can return to. But they are clearly seeing the reality on the ground and it is far from the rosy picture the Jeneraale or you paint. Once we admit this to ourselves, then we can talk about solutions to the problems in our country. I can tell you now, A Yusuf and Geedi aint the answers and I have the feeling that their replacements in 2 (or was it 3) years wont be any different. However I do pray that things change for the better.

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