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Dagaal aad u kulul oo ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Fiiq

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Tuesday the 1st of January, 2008




Dagaal aad u kulul oo ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Fiiq


Jan 01, 2008 Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Fiiq ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in maalintii Jimcaha ee 26 kii December 2007 uu dagaal ka dhacay meel duleedka magaalda fiiq ku taala oo lgu magacaabo Cagajiid.


Sida ay wararku sheegayaan ciidammo badan oo Tigree ah iyo kooxdii ina ileey oo waayahan ay uga babaysnayd magaalada Fiiq ayaa waxa ay ku bexeen ciidanka Jabhadda oo joogay Cagajiid oo ah meel uu ku yaalo Ceel yar oo biyaha laga dhaansado, halkaas oo magaalada Fiiq dhanka Bari 15 km uga jirta


Hase ahaatee Jabhaddu way ka war heshay soo bxixitaanka ciidanka Tigreega waxa ay u sii gashay wadadii ay soo marayeen, sida uu noogu soo waramayo nin Soomaali ah oo ka mid ahaa Maleeshiyaadka qasabka loogu soo dagaal geliyey. Ninkan ayaa noo sheegay in ay Ciidamada Tigreag mariyeen wado kale oo ay is lahaayeen JWXO ma joogto, balse wadadaas ayaa iyana waxaa dhufeys adag kaga jirey cutubyo ka mid ah Ciidamada JWXO. Kuwaas oo dharbaaxo lama filaan ah ku dhuftey Cidamnka Tigrea. Waxaana u suurtoobi weysay Ciidamadii Tigreaga in ay qaadan wayaan dhaawacoodi, waxaana Jabhada ONLF u suurto gashey in ay gacanta ku dhigaan 2 meelood meel ka mid ah Ciidamadii Tigrea-ga ahaa.

Waxa uu ninkaasi Soomaaliga ahi intaas ku darey in ciidanka ONLF ee sidaas noo galay uusan ahayn midkii waynaa ee aan ka lexanay, laakiin hadii aan is heli lahayn ayuu yidhi ciidankii fadhiyay wadadii aan markii hore ka leexanay midi nagama soo noqdeen.


Dagaalkan ayaa waxaa ku soo dhaawacmey 4 nin oo Soomali ah oo ka mid ah shaqaalaha Kiliklka ee qasabka lagu dagaalgeliyo.


Saraakiisha Tigreaga aya amar ku bixiyey in ay mar labaad dagaal qaadaan iyaga oo kaashaanaya shaqaalaha Kilika, hase ahaatee way diideen dadkii Soomalida ahaa in ay baxaan. Jabhada ONLF ayaa iyadu bartii dgaaalku ka dhacey aanan dhinacna u dhaafin oo dhufeys adag ka gashey.


Magaalada Fiiq iyo nawaaxigeeda ayaa waayahan waxa ay noqodeen xabaalaha Tigreega, dhulkaas oo ah dhul istaraatiji dagaal leh ayaa 3dii bilood ee ugu dambaysay ciidanka Tigreega ah ee ku dhintey lagu qiyaasay tiro kor u dhaafeysa 330. Tigreega oo culays badan soo saaray nawaxiga Fiiq iyo galbeedka ********ya ayaa waxay halkaasi kala kulmeen guul daro aad u weyn


--****** Online News

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same news but in English.

Fierce Battle reported in the outskirts of Fiiq


Jan 02, 2008 Reports that reached our service desk from the city of Fiiq confirm a fierce battle that took place in the outskirts of the city on Wednesday December 26th, 2007. It is reported that this fierce firefight took place in an area known as Cagajiid, which is about fifteen kilometers east of the city.


As indicated by eyewitnesses on the ground, many Tigray People Liberation Front, TPLF, militias and a local militia consisting mainly of civil servants of the so-called local administration, left the city for Cagajiid where it was reported that a large contingent of the ****** National Liberation Front, ONLF, military personnel were present at the time.


Locals reported that ONLF reconnaissance units succeeded in getting information of the impending attack plans of the TPLF and the local militia, which was spearheaded by the man known as Abdi Ileey who claims to be the head of the security bureau for the local administration.


The locals who were at the time passing through the area indicated that ONLF was able to position itself in both the main road that passes through the town as well as many of the straits that dot Cagajiid to prepare for a well coordinated ambush. This version of ONLF plans was later confirmed by a member of the civil servants conscripted to be part of the militia that went to Cagajiid.


The civil servant intimated to our reporter that knowing how a conventional armed movement operates, they avoided the main road as to avoid possible ONLF ambushes. However he said, they encountered well-entrenched ONLF units in the straits that they thought ONLF would not be positioning itself.


This source said that these units were able to annihilate many of the TPLF and the local Somali militia. He added that ONLF succeeded in capturing at least two thirds of the TPLF and the local militia personnel.


Furthermore this eyewitness reported that the units that caused the most damage were reported to be way less than those ONLF units that he said we later found out were the most armed and with the most weaponry and numbers. It is confirmed by locals that victorious ONLF units dug more trenches in preparation for any counter attack from TPLF and its associated local militia.


Fiiq city dwellers confirmed so far that up to four Somali men who were members of the conscripted civil servants have been among the many injured. Up to the time of filing this report though our reporters in the area have not been able to get an accurate number of the dead and injured on this fierce battle.


Having realized the magnitude of the military loss, the heads of the TPLF militias immediately ordered the conscripted civil servants together with a reinforced TPLF militia to wage a counter attack to the ONLF units positioned in Cagajiid. However, many of the local militia members mutinied and refused to be part of any attack or counter attack plans against ONLF units in Cagajiid.


Our reporters in the city indicate that the city and its environs have lately witnessed some of the fiercest battles between ONLF and TPLF and its local conscripts. It is reported that given its strategic value, ONLF positioned many more well trained and well-equipped military personnel in this area. This they say resulted in the last three months alone the loss of more than 330 TPLF militia personnel and many unaccounted for local conscripts.


--****** Online News

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