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Che -Guevara

Legal Memo:Relating to the confirmation of the appointment of the Prime Minister

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Under the Somali Constitution, the President has the power to appoint a Prime Minister (see article 44 of the TFG Charter) and the Parliament confirms the appointment made by the President. Since the Parliament has the discretion to confirm the appointment made by the President, it may as well reject the appointment. If there is a right to confirm there might also be a right to reject. Ever since the system of a President appointing a Prime Minister has been introduced into the Somali politics, no trace or precedence could be found where the Parliament has rejected an appointment made by the President ab initio (out right). Therefore, any rejection of the appointment of a Prime Minister by the Parliament shall be an innovation and unprecedented.




Article 49 of the Charter stipulates; "A person whose appointment as Prime Minister has been confirmed by the Parliament shall assume office upon taking the oath". The assumption of office by a Prime Minister depends upon the confirmation of the Parliament. On 14th of October the President of the Republic appointed the new Prime Minister, H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and introduced him to the Parliament in person on Wednesday October the 20th.




The Prime Minister gave a speech outlining his priorities and programme of action. Immediately after the Prime Minster finished his speech, the Speaker of the Parliament declared that he had two contradictory motions in hand, one of which 140 MPs requested confirmation by open vote and another where 40 MPs requested confirmation by a secret ballot.




The Transitional Federal Charter contains no provisions relating to the way or the method that the Parliament can express its confirmation. Article 71(2) of the Charter provides that “the 1960 Somali Constitution and other national laws shall apply in respect of all matters not covered and not inconsistent with the TFG Charter".




Thus, since the Charter does not provide how or the way the Parliament shall express its confirmation to the Prime Minister, the 1960 Constitution must be referred to and shall apply. Article 82(2) of the 1960 Somalia Constitution provides that "the National Assembly shall express its confidence or non confidence of the Prime Minister and his ministers by means of a motion stating the grounds thereof approved by a simple majority in open vote". According to this article, confidence by the National Assembly to the Prime Minister or the confirmation of office of the Prime Minister must be expressed in open vote. Therefore the motion by the 140 MPs requesting confirmation by open vote must prevail and the other motion must be rejected since it does not conform with article 82(2) of the 1960 Constitution.



Sii akhri

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Under the present circumstances, the ruling of the Speaker of the Parliament is erroneous and unacceptable in that it:


  • Failed to apply article 82(2) of the 1960 Somalia Constitution where no similar provisions could be found in the Transitional Federal Charter.
  • Failed to conform and apply the provisions of article 30(6) which categorically states that any motion contravening the Sharia Law, the Charter or the Constitution and the other laws shall be null and void. The motion requesting secret vote contravenes article 82(2) of the 1960 Constitution.
  • The Speaker failed to give members of the Parliament an opportunity to debate and express their opinion or vote on and choose one of the two motions.
  • The Speaker also ignored intentionally the convention (tradition) in the Somali politics that a new Prime Minister should not be rejected or refused before assuming office.
Therefore, the Somali President calls upon the Speaker of the Parliament to uphold the law and to not obstruct lawmakers from discharging their solemn Constitutional duties, especially at these critical times when we need a government that can stand to address the mammoth tasks facing it.

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Sh. Shariif oo eedeyey Shariif Xasan


24 Oct 24, 2010 - 8:57:39 AM


Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif oo eedeeyay Shariif Xasan Madaxweynaha Somalia Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed ayaa ku eedeeyay war-saxaafadeed uu kasoo saaray Villa Somalia Gudomiyaha Barlamaanka DF Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan, isagoo ku eedeyay inuu ka horyimid dastuurka dalka iyo ansixinta Ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub.


Warbixinta, ayaa lagu sheegay in Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif uu xaq u leeyahay inuu magacabo Ra’iisul wasaraha, balse baarlamaanku uu xaq u leeyahay inuu ansixiyo, sidoo kalena uu awood u leeyhaay inuu diido.


“Afhayenka Barlamaanku, wuxuu si cad u khilaafay dasturka dalka u yaala, wuxuna ku xadgudbay dasturka, mana jirto ra’iisul wasare uu Madaxweyne soo magacabay oo uu diiday barlamanka tan iyo 1960-kii” ayaa lagu yiri war-saxaafadedka uu soo saaray Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif.


Sidoo kale, waxaa qoraalka lagu sheegay in arrinta uu sameeyay Shariif Xasan ay tahay mid ugub ku ah Golaha Baarlamaanka, welina aysan dhicin in baarlamaan Soomaaliyeed uu diido Ra’iisul wasaare la magacaabay.


Madaxweynaha Somalia Sh. Shariif, ayaa [Oct 14], u magacabay Ra’iisul wasare cusub Max’ed C/llaahi Max’ed [Farmajo], iyadoo [Oct 20], uu hortagay barlamanka, isagoo jeediyay khudbad uu kaga hadlay howshiisa, waxaase xildhibaanada baarlamaanku ay isku khilaafeen ansixinta Farmajo.


“Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanku wuxuu shaaca ka qaaday markii loo diyaargarobayay inuu hayo laba mooshin oo iskasoo horjeeda, iyadoo 140-xildhibaan ay ku baaqeen in codka gacan-taaga ah loo qaado Raíisul wasaaraha, halka 40-Xildhibaan oo kalena ay codsadeen in codka qarsoodi laga dhigo” ayaa lagu yiri war-saxaafadeedka.


Warbixinta, waxaa lagu sheegay in kalsoonida la siiyo ay ku xiran tahay Ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub ee Somalia, iyadoo Madaxweynuhu uu ka codsaday xildhibaanada inay codka siiyaan Ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub.


Qodobbo badan, oo ka mid ah Dastuurkii 1960-kii, kuwaasoo lagu sheegay in Shariif Xasan uu ku xadgudbay dastuurka, iyadoo ay jiraan mudanayaal dhowr ah oo ku hanjabay inay ka geyn doonaan Mooshin, haddii uusan ka laaban go’aanka uu ku diidan yahay Ra’iisul wasaaraha.


Gudomiyaha baarlamaanka, ayaa la sheegay inuu kasoo horjeedo Ra’iisul wasaraha cusub, waxaana la safan mudanayaal badan, kuwaasoo ku adkeysanaya in codka kalsoonida laga dhigo mid qarsoodi ah.


Khilaafka soo dhexgalay labada Shariif, ayaa noqonaya kii ugu awooda badnaa ee soo dhexgala labadan mas’uul oo saaxiibo isku dhow ahaa tan iyo markii ay burbureen Maxkamadihii Islaamka.



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this guy actually thinks these articles mean something !! :D:D:D:D


Your forgetting the first rule of politics.


There is no legality,constitution or due process without execution and enforcement. Today these articles you state mean nothing to everyone except a bunch of clowns who can not pay their rent bills in nairobi.


ALSHABAB...IS COMMING BACK !!! kiss the TFG good bye. :D

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^ Alloow Ale, warya caqligaada isticmaal. Haddii al Shabab timaado yaa kaaga futoxun ayad u malaneysaa? Dont you know that Somaliland is on the same boat as the TFG? According to Al Shabab manuals, the minute Al Shabab overuns the TFG and 100% takes over all the southern regions is when it automatically triggers the countdown to the demise of Puntland and Somaliland. So instead you should work with the TFg and pray for peace down there. Think outside the box, boy!

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it looks like sharif xasan is experimenting with filibuster tacticts.

xarif either just shot himself on the footpolitically

or xariif is cooking a master plan behind the curtains.

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allamagan...worry about yourself saxib, We can look after ourselves. Alshabab waxba nagama qadi karto.. :D:D


adeerka siad barre iyo abdulle hassan aya waxba naga qadi kari wayay...alshabab waxba maha markad somaliland u aragtid, they are a force going around capturing empty villages, we can look after ourselves unlike baxbax land or the TFG.



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