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Somalia - Editor of independent daily in Somaliland arrested for 15th time

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MONTREAL, Sept. 3 /CNW Telbec/ - Reporters Without Borders called today

for the immediate release of the editor of the independent daily paper

Jamhuuriya, Hassan Said Yusuf, who was arrested on 1 September for the 15th

time in the past decade in Hargeisa, capital of the self-styled state of


It called on the government to explain his detention by a dozen police

who burst into the paper's offices late at night with an arrest warrant as he

and his staff were preparing the next day's edition of the paper and took him

to the city's main police station.

"This arrest, the latest in a long campaign of legal harassment against

Yusuf, shows that vigilance is required even though no major infringement of

press freedom has occurred recently in Somaliland," the worldwide press

freedom organisation said.

The city's police chief said he was arrested because he had several times

refused to obey a summons for questioning by the prosecutor-general. He said

the arrest was legal and that he would be brought before a court. The paper's

staff were prevented from visiting him and could not contact the prosecutor-

general, who was not in his office.

It was the 15th police action against Yusuf since he became editor more

than a decade ago. He was arrested in the street in Hargeisa for similar

reasons in November 2003 and released on bail a few hours later.

Independent sources in the Somali capital of Mogadishu said he has been

picked up because the paper reported on 30 August that Somalia and the

regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) were annoyed at

Somaliland's refusal to take part in a regional reconciliation conference.

Somaliland, which is in northwestern Somalia, declared itself independent

in 1991 but has never won international recognition.



For further information: Emily Jacquard, Communication, Reporters

Without Borders Canada,, (514) 521-4111, Cell: (514)

258-4208, Fax: (514) 521-7771

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Hargeysa(Har)-Tifaftiraha sare ee Wargeyska Jamhuuriya, Xasan Siciid Yuusuf, ayaa shalay loo gudbiyay Xabsiga Dhexe ee Hargeysa, ka dib, markii habeen hore Saqdii Dhexe Ciidanka CID-du ka taxaabeen xarunta Wargeyska Jamhuuriya, oo ay ku xidheen Saldhigga Booliska ee IFTIN.

Mr. Xasan Siciid, amarka qabashadiisa oo ka soo baxay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa, ayaa waxa amarka dambe ee xabsi u gudbintiisa bixisay Maxkamadda Degmada Hargeysa, oo shalay Barqadii la horgeeyay, ka dib, markii Xeer ilaalinta Gobolka Hargeysa oo Mudici ku ah Tifaftiraha ay dacwadii u wareejisay Maxkamadda Degmada, iyaga oo hore dacwad uga furtay Maxkamadda Gobolka.

Tifaftire Xasan Siciid Yuusuf, ayaa shalay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Degmada Hargeysa, hortiisa ka sheegay, in Ciidankii CID-da ahaa ee ka soo qaaday Saldhiga Iftin oo uu ku xidhnaa ay u hanjabeen, waxaanu yidhi “Inta Gaadhigii la igu siday Dooxa dhexdiisa la joojiyay, ayaa la igu yidhi ‘Halkaas ayaanu kugu Gawracaynaa’â€.

Sida ku cad Wakiilka Xeer ilaaliyaha Guud ee Gobolka Hargeysa qoraalka eediisa, waxa Tifaftiraha lagu sheegay, inuu oggolaaday in uu Wargeyska ku soo baxay maqaal been abuur ah oo dadweynaha Somaliland lagu shaki gelinayay, mawqifkooda Wadaninimo,oo daciifinayana kalsoonida dadka Reer Somaliland ay ku qabaan gooni –isu-taagga Somaliland, waxa kale oo lagu eedeeyay in Tifaftiruhu been abuuray warar aan meelna si rasmi ah uga soo bixin oo sheegaya, in qaban-qaabiyayaasha shirka ee IGAD ay sheegeen, in Xukuumadda Somaliland la fahmi karo, suurtogalna ay tahay inay ka dabacsanaato labada xisbi ee Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE iyo UCID.

Wargeyska Jamhuuriya, ayaa cadadkiisii 2440, soona baxay Isniin, 30/08/04, waxa uu qoray War ciwaankiisu ahaa Dareenka Walaacsan ee IGAD iyo hoggaamiye Kooxeedyada Soomaaliya ka bixiyeen Mawqifka adag ee Xisbiyada Mucaaridka Somaliland.

Warkaas oo uu Wargeyska u soo diray Weriye Axmed Caraale, oo ku sugan Madasha shirka Imbigaati, waxa uu ku saabsanaa aragtida ay ka bixiyeen IGAD iyo hoggaamiye kooxeedyada Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid, Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo Casharo, mawqifyada Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo xisbiyada Mucaaridka ahi iska taageen wada hadal dhex mara Somaliland iyo dawlad Soomaaliya loogu soo dhiso shirka Imbigaati.

Dareenka hoggaamiye Kooxeedyada Xuseen Caydiid, Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo Cawed Casharo, oo Weriye Caraale la kulmay, waxa ay walaac ka muujiyeen mawqifka adag ee xisbiyada Mucaaridka, iyaga oo si gaar ah u sii xusay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, Axmed Siilaanyo, oo ay mawqifkiisa ku tilmaameen inuu yahay mid u quus goynaya midnimo dambe oo Soomaaliya yeelato.

Waxa kale oo Weriye Caraale ka soo ururiyay qaban-qaabiyayaasha shirka ee IGAD, inay qabaan aragti ah in Xukuumadda Somaliland la fahmi karo oo ay ka dabacsantahay mawqifka labada xisbi ee Mucaaridka ah.

Marka la eego nuxurka warka oo ah mid laga soo xigtay hoggaamiye kooxeedyadaas iyo dareenka IGAD, kama muuqato dhacdo dambi ah oo Tifaftiraha xorriyaddiisa lagaga qaado, maadaama aanay is waafaqsanayn Eedda Xeer ilaalinta iyo warka Wargeysku daabacay.

Waxaana xadhigga Tifaftiruhu xad-gudub ku yahay Dastuurka Qaranka, Xeerka Saxaafadda Somaliland iyo weliba Xeerka Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqal Insaanka, oo dhammaantood dammaanad qaaday dhawrista xoriyaadka shakhsiga ee aasaasiga ah.



Author: Xasan Siciid, Tifaftiraha Sare ee Jamhuuriya


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Terrorizing The Nation

Ali Gulaid — San Jose, CA — 03 September, 2004



Terrorizing the Nation


The menace that terrorized Somaliland has hit the media hardest. The most recent arrest of Hassan Sicid, Jamhuriya editor, is part of a plan to gag the independent media but such unlawful actions would definitely affect the aspirations of the people and might retard the much sought after recognition. The paranoid, beleaguered and ill-advised Rayaale regime is assaulting the gains Somaliland has made and the accolades she earned from the international community, with an intention, perhaps, to reverse the goodwill accrued for Somaliland. Since 1980 Somaliland have taken some bold steps to regain liberty: they have defeated the brutal dictator Siyad Barre and his regime, they have declared sovereignty, they have selected a president by consensus and tradition, they have demobilized the SNM military wing, they have established two houses of parliament, they have over whelmingly voted for a constitution underpinned by withdrawal and just over a year ago they have elected local governments and a president. These are all bold unprecedented steps that served Somaliland well but since President Rayaale was inaugurated, his ill-conceived and unconstitutional actions are ruining the country. The recent arrest of Hassan Sicid, Jamhuriya editor, and the manner he was manhandled, how the organization’s work was disrupted and how the offices ransacked, and how the neighborhood was besieged borders with terrorism and is one of many such assaults designed to implant fear into the hearts of the people; a tactic inherited from the Siyad regime.


Somaliland has many heroes and Hassan Sicid is one of them and the newspaper Jamhuriya became a symbol of Somaliland, bold, independent and unflinching in the face of adversity. Likewise, Hassan Sicid, as an editor, has gained an unassailable reputation for consistency, independence, well-balanced editorial, uncovering mismanagement and duplicity, disclosing corruption and the avarice of high-ranking government officials and mismanagement. In a country where integrity is rare amongst government officials and other watchdogs, Hassan Sicid’s attributes and defatigable work should have drawn praise and awards rather than drawing harassment and arrest after arrest from a government that lacks self-esteem, confidence, and leadership and is bent on silencing the media. This isn’t the first, nor the second nor the third time Rayaale administration harassed Jamhuriya and its editor, Hassan Sicid, and surely wouldn’t be the last time but these recurring extra judicial activities and dictatorial tendencies should be a concern to all who care democracy and the stability of Somaliland.


Independent journalism is part of the democratic institutions and any affront of the people who run these institutions should be considered an affront against democracy. That makes the work of people like Hassan Sicid pivotal to the development of the democratic principles the constitution stipulates and upholds but more importantly it plays a role, and an important one, of the impression it projects to the outside world. Free press, the freedom of expression, freedom of association, less intrusive government, accountability and transparency and respect of human rights are some of the characteristics that the international community would consider in the event of conferring recognition on Somaliland.


Surely, Hassan Sicid’s unlawful arrest would definitely one day haunt Somaliland. Be the judge. Ahmed Carraale, a freelance reporter, narrated the “offending†article that appeared on Jamhuriya in its 2440 edition on 08/30/04. Ahmed probed, compared and reported the views of IGAD officers, the warlords, Somaliland opposition parties and Somaliland authorities of how each party feels about the ultimate face-to-face reconciliation between Somaliland and Somalia after a government is installed in Somalia. The participants of the survey across the board concluded that they don’t expect resistance from the Rayaale administration but the toughened position of the opposition parties particularly that of Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silaanyo) is troubling. The sentiment that the Somaliland authorities are either ambivalent or leaning towards ultimate reconciliation is widely held among the international community particularly the British. How this narration could be misconstrued to sowing suspicion and propaganda to weaken Somalilanders stance on the restoration of its sovereignty, as the government charged is nothing more than naked aggression. It is against the international norm and the tenets of the constitution of the country namely article 32 (3). Menacing innocent editors on reporting matters of concern harks back into the Siyad era and that is scary but nabbing someone at mid-night, dragging him to an isolated area and threatening to slay him is more troubling as the National Security Service (NSS) officers who arrested the chief editor of Jamhuriya did.


This regime is on a self-destruction mission. It is chipping away the inalienable human rights one by one. It banned the debates co-sponsored by Dr. Bulxan and the civil society, it banned peaceful demonstrations, it banned addressing the public at the public khayriah, and it banned characterizing some as “****** †and more. Like the brutal dictator siyad Barre, Rayaale indiscriminately fired innocent demonstrating students, maimed some, and due to beatings several pregnant woman suffered miscarriage and imprisoned 156 of the students without due process and the list of unconstitutional measures and incidents goes on.


This is a failing record and an indictment to Rayaale’s administration. Somaliland has multitude of problems and the meager government resources can be utilized sparingly rather than wasting them in snooping, controlling the human activities, illegal arrests and unnecessary measures designed to subjugate the public. Somaliland has paid a high prize for its liberty and its freedom and those who dare to take them away would meet their challenge. It is time to stand up to this MENACE and draw the line before violent civil uprisings mar Somaliland.



Ali Gulaid, San Jose, CA

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KULMIYE Iyo UCID Oo Canbaareeyey Xadhiga Tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya


Hargeysa, Sabtembar, 3,2004 (Haatuf): Labada xisbi ee mucaaradka ah KULMIYE iyo UCID ayaa canbaareeyey xadhiga tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya, Xasan Siciid oo la xidhay habeenimadii Arbacadu soo gelaysay.


Xoghayaha arimaha debedda ee xisbiga UCID, C/raxmaan Maxamed Cabdi (Ciro) oo habeenimadii Khamiistu soo gelaysay hadal ka jeediyey xaflad casuumad ah oo uu xisbigiisu ku qabtay hudheelka Ambassador ayuu ku sheegay inuu xisbigoodu canbaaraynayo xadhiga tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya iyo weliba diidmadii xisbiyada mucaaradka loo diiday inay ka hadlaan fagaarayaasha khayriyadda.


Munaasibaddan oo ay xisbiga UCID casuumad ugu sameeyeen labadii ciyaartoy ee reer Somaliland ee dhowaan tababarka u tegay dalka Spain iyo 6 gabdhood oo dhigta jaamacadda Hargeysa oo uu xisbiga UCID sheegay inay ka bixinayaan kharashka jaamacadda waxay ragga ka hadlay xadhiga tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya iyo diidmada xisbiyada mucaaradka loo diiday ka hadalka fagaarayaasha khayriyadda ku tilmaameen inay yihiin talaabo ka soo horjeeda xoriyatul-qawlka iyo qawaaniinta dastuurka ee madax banaanida dhiibashada ra’yiga.


Dhinaca kalena war-saxaafadeed ay soo saareen guddiga fulinta xisbiga Kulmiye waxay ku canbaareeyeen xadhiga tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya, isla markaana waxay xukuumadda ka dal-badeen inay xoriyadiisa u celiso.

Guddiga fulinta xisbiga Kulmiye waxay guud ahaan xukuumadda Somaliland ku naqdiyeen talaabooyin xadhig ah oo ay qaaday intii ka dambaysay doorashadii madaxtooyada, iyaga oo yidhi “

MA WAXAYNU OGEYN : Xadhigii 156-da Dhallinyarada ardayda u badan ahaa ee inta Hargeysa laga qabqabtay 18kii May, gaadhiga guudkiisa lagu xukumay, iyadoo lagu fuliyey xukun degdeg ah oo uu gaadhey Guddi nabadgelyo.


MA WAXAYNU OGEYN: tallaabadii lagu joojiyey doodihii ay qabanqaabiyeen ururrada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee ku saabsanaa saamaynta Shirka Mbagathi iyo sidii dadka reer Somaliland uga diyaargaroobi lahaayeen, aragti midaysanna uga yeelan lahaayeen.

MA WAXAYNU OGEYN: Go’aankii Axsaabta siyaasadda loogu diidey inay dadka kala hadlaan khayriyooyinka.


MA WAXAYNU OGNAHAY: in aan la ogolayn oo ay xukuumaddu xaaraantimaysay bannaanbaxyada salmiga ah ee ay shacbigu ku soo bandhigayeen dareenkooda iyo rabitaankooda. Ma waxaynu aragnay, iyadoo xoog ciidan iyo rasaas loo adeegsaday, dad badanna loo xidhxidhay markii ay isku dayeen inay dareenkooda ku soo bandhigaan banaanbax nabadgelyo ahâ€, waxayna intaa ku dareen “maantana xukuumaddeenu waxay u badheedhay cabudhinta iyo saxaafadda madaxa banaan oo ah ilayska tilmaanta u ah dimoqraadiyadda iyo xoriyadda Somaliland, waxaanuna xukuumadda Somaliland si adag uga dal-banaynaa inay xadhiga ka sii dayso tifaftiraha Jamhuuriyaâ€

Guddiga fulinta Kulmiye waxay qaabka loo qabtay tifaftiraha Jamhuuriya ku tilmaameen mid argagax leh oo sharci daro ah, isla markaana waxay xukuumadda madaxweyne Rayaale uga digeen wax ay ugu yeedheen talaabooyin cabudhin ah oo ay ku kacayso iyo weliba dabeecado ay ku tilmaameen inay yihiin kelitalisnimo ay xukuumadda madaxweyne Rayaale ku kacdo.

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I want to know who is ordering his arrest. A court of law or a disgruntled CID chief who's looking to get into the papers.


Freedom of speech and expression all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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in Xukuumadda Somaliland la fahmi karo, suurtogalna ay tahay inay ka dabacsanaato labada xisbi ee Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE iyo UCID.

unlike the government they have nothing to lose.

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