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Calanka Somaliland u la gubay

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^Khalaf, you right bro...the white man did indeed do a darn good job,however,even the Xabashis aren't doing bad job themselves as we speak,thanks for few that fell into their trap.


So don't even look further back in history,just take a look of what is happening today.


Furthermore,I am not in supportive of burning any flag whether it might be the blue flag or the red,white and green.However,my statement were to poke fun of those who wave the flag while encouraging the invasion of Ethiopia and take over of everything that the flag which falsely they claimed as theirs stands for.


Khalaf,I think what you have learned is both good and bad.Just make sure, you keep on going the same path Insha Allah.You are decent and open minded brother, so dont' ever fall for the hatred which is spread by some people here.Never side with anyone just because they belong in your qabiil,support them based on their believes and positions.I think you may know this already but hey,a reminder doesnt' hurt.Thank YOU for the reminder though.


Anyways, the colts vs. Bears in the Super bowl,that would be a great game to see.Two teams with totally different style of game.It would be touch Bear's defense vs. high flying Indi's offense.It sure would be interesting to watch who wins in that battle,people say defense wins championship.


Salamu Calaykum.

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Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea:

^Khalaf, you right bro...the white man did indeed do a darn good job,however,even the Xabashis aren't doing bad job themselves as we speak,thanks for few that fell into their trap.


So don't even look further back in history,just take a look of what is happening today.


Furthermore,I am not in supportive of burning any flag whether it might be the blue flag or the red,white and green.
However,my statement were to poke fun of those who wave the flag while encouraging the invasion of Ethiopia and take over of everything that the flag which falsely they claimed as theirs stands for


Khalaf,I think what you have learned is both good and bad.Just make sure, you keep on going the same path Insha Allah.You are decent and open minded brother, so dont' ever fall for the hatred which is spread by some people here.Never side with anyone just because they belong in your qabiil,support them based on their believes and positions.I think you may know this already but hey,a reminder doesnt' hurt.Thank YOU for the reminder though.


Ironic though. That the flag you believe in has something (RED) to do with the blood of those who died for their freedom right? But the same man who made the RED part possible thru berbera's NSS is now your PRESIDENT



How can you talk about Somalia's problems when your own house is so messed up?



BTW being a grown man doesn't make you indifferent to the questions I pose. You can ignore them and what not. Unless your in your late fifties like some posters you are no different then I or the majority of SOLers. Deal with my points not my supposed age. Who knows I could be your father icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

^^ok. Duqa.




Why don’t you go ahead and urinate in your local masjid. Yeah tell ALLAH it wasn’t your intent. He will understand.

LooooL....Duqa you are trying inextricably tied the Tawxiid to the Sland flag. Saying if one burns the SLand flag, you are burning the Tawxiid is childish. Let's disentangle the issues here. Their protest is agianst the state of Somaliland. Their intent is to disavow the Sland state as it relates to their land.


Red...Ma ku fahmin.

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^Waxyaabo badan ayaan ku hadlay, maxaanad fahmin? bal ii sheeg.


Che, they burn the flag without the Tawxiid,which is fine,but offcourse it would be terrible move to burn a piece of cloth whatever it stands but that has the Tawxiid scripted on it.It would terrible mistake to do so.


Taako man, keep making excuses.We all know that Sl needs a leadership change,if you call that a mess,then it's no where compare to what is happening in Southern Somalia today.


When I say you are not grown up,it's not about your age.You could actually be older than Red Sea.I can only see your comments as you may know,so that is what I am refering to,your luck of insight and understanding of anything that is going on,simply you are lost creature who has no idea of what he/she is talking in other words........buuxi meelaha banaan.

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^ Simply put you use childish comments such as you are not grown up, you can't debate with me LOL. Sxb deal with the content of my speech. Not on the basis of defeat you blabber utter comments of age and what not. Anybody who simply disagrees with you is a confused person eh?. So when are you going to start your totalitarianistic rule? Maybe become Ethiopia's personal lap dog like Riyaale? You know Riyaale is the biggest ********** right? Your going to have to do some serious out bidding to get him out.



We all know what? You know. I know differently. I think North west region is a puppet to ethiopia. Ask mujahid Castro and he will tell you that Riyaale rides the pole in an ethiopian strip club better then Cadde. LOOOL. North West is proxy to anything ethiopia wants. They use Berbera port, they have riyaale in Addis with the snap of fingers. They have you at your knees. But you only highlight Somalia so as to put that in the back of everybodies mind. It won't work with me.



I ask you once again


That the flag you believe in has something
to do with the blood of those who died for their freedom right? But the same man who made the RED part possible thru berbera's NSS is now your

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^Riyaale this Riyoole that, who the heck gives rat's behind about Riyaale,he is a thug and why are you attaching these fools to me eh? You see that is the big difference between you and I, qabqablayaasha iyo siyaasiyin kusheegta ayaad kabaha uqaadaa,I am my own independent thinker.If I think someone is doing the right thing,I side with them.In that case,I am proud supporter of the ICU.



The color Red in SL=for right to defend itself,so I gues.The color red stands for such in almost all countries in general that have it, so what is new there?


It appears to me that you have finally started to speak like a fully grown man who has his cerebral facility functioning again,wow,welcome.


What do I mean by that? well,let me just say, you have finally realized that Ethiopia is your enemy and my enemy, anyone who supports them is an enemy to the Somali people, do you agree with me on that or not?


But have in the back of your mind that Xabashis are ruling Xamar today,not Hargeysa in terms of Military.How to get them is my concern,I think yours is to keep 'em there.

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^ The colour red from my north western friends stands for the colour of the sacrificed blood. Green for the earth's coloue etc


Riyaale is the man who has killed countless reer waqooyi galbeed. You accuse abdullahi yusuf but don't even look at your own house who has a president who is a murderer?


Deal with issues at the homefront. You are a proud supporter of the Seccesion of Somalia and balkanization of it. How can you have it both ways. You can't have your cake and eat it as you wish and confiscate mine.


Habeshi are ruling Xargeisa as much as they are ruling Xamar if you believe anything.



RIYALE WAS TOLD TO LEAVE Aricadeeye camp in Sool and what did he do? LOOOOL. You are talking potatoes potato buddy. Don't justify your thug and make somalia look bad.



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^In Somaliland, they chose him for whatever reason,they actually lined up to vote for him.Was he a bad choice, heck yeah..however, who lined up or even casted single vote for this guy?


There are hardly anyone who supports him in his "own"capital.


Besides,always remember that Xamar is my cake too and I have as much say as one from Bari has.Who do you think you are to dictate to me which is mind and which is yours,they are both my cake to put it that way son.


As for other claims, prove where he killed people, when, give me clear prove,since you asked me the same thing.You are now on the hot seat boi.Can you step up?


Xabashis are ruling Hargeysa as much as Xamar? so first of all you admit that we are being ruled,but again,there are no Xabashis troops in hargeysa,if they were I would have told,I hate those guys.Don't just write away whatever you feel like,it's has to have some credibilty my man.

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Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea:

[QB] ^In Somaliland, they chose him for whatever reason,they actually lined up to vote for him.Was he a bad choice, heck yeah..however, who lined up or even casted single vote for this guy?

In 1991 did they vote Abdurahman Tuur the President of the NORTH WEST? Or was it because he was the head of the SNM and the defacto leader? Abdullahi yusuf was elected by a consitituency of Clan leaders of 275 members of all clans in Somalia. It was contested by the ICU fanancier Abdiqasim, Former Ambassador Cadoow, and many more people from all over somalia. Whoever was capable of being the president of Somalia had an oppurtunity to throw their name inside for the Seat. Do you understand?



There are hardly anyone who supports him in his "own"capital.

Many people support the President. Many oppose him for clannish reasons. Unless you can bring hard numbers of an ipsos reid opinion poll results to back your claims then, they are just claims. :D



Besides,always remember that Xamar is my cake too and I have as much say as one from Bari has.Who do you think you are to dictate to me which is mind and which is yours,they are both my cake to put it that way son.

Xamar is the capital of Somalia. Not the Capital of Djibouti or the Capital of A breakaway region. If you are not from "SOMALIA" you have no say in SOMALIA. You can't say I want to break away from Somalia and also I get to eat from Xamar. Is this a case of I want to bring huge trucks from Hargeisa and drop off people and take back fruits to the desert barren region like the old days? icon_razz.gif BTW I am not from Bari so I don't know what you are talking about.



As for other claims, prove where he killed people, when, give me clear prove,since you asked me the same thing.You are now on the hot seat boi.Can you step up?

Everybody knows Riyaale was the head of the NSS Berbera. Many died and you can put two and two together.


But if you insist these are the words from a well educated northwesterner


And then others are right here in Somaliland. And they include
President Dahir Rayaale, who was head of the feared and powerful secret service, the National Security Service (NSS) in Berbera
. President Rayaale is named in A Government at War With Its Own People.


The town of Berbera saw some of the worst atrocities of the war
, even though the SNM never entered Berbera in 1988. Elders and businessmen were immediately arrested en masse after the SNM attack on Hargeisa and Burao;
between 27 May and 1 June, they were transferred to Mogadishu
. The killings, which were exceptionally brutal in Berbera, began shortly afterwards. Many of the victims had their throats slit and were then shot. A series of massacres which have been mentioned again and again took place, mainly in June, in Buraosheikh, close to Berbera, when about 500 men were killed in groups of between 30-40. Some of the victims were from Burao, Hargeisa and surrounding villages who had come as temporary labourers to the port of Berbera. Others were asylum seekers who had been returned from Saudia Arabia. The names of some of these men are listed in the book. As
head of the NSS in Berbera, Dahir Rayaale bears a heavy and direct responsibility for their fate.


Witnesses who are alive also recall Rayaale’s contribution to the war against civilians. One of the people I interviewed in Djibouti in August 1989 and who is cited in the book is Abdifatah Abdillahi Jirreh. He was only 14 at the time, but he remembered Dahir Rayaale.


One day in mid-August [1988], Dahir Rayaale, head of the NSS, came to our ice plant and took my father away. They also arrested one of the watchmen, an old man, Farah Badeh Gheedi. They were detained in the police station, accused of talking about the prospects of the SNM coming to Berbera.


People dissapearing at his leadership hmmmmmmmm.


Mr.Riyale was a senior officer in the notorious Secret Servicevthat carried out killings and torture of the civilians suspected of being supporters of the SNM guerrilla movement NS



More... Okay



As another Northwestern jookishly says


ex- NSS agent with a knowledge of a mass killings and ‘Awilites’! You did not even dare to ask me the where about of the victims. The mass graves of your people. You knew I was the head of the NSS there in Berbera and at the same time the chair person of the ethnic cleansing committee in there.



These are the words of his constituents. LOOOOL. This is from "SOMALILANDERS"


Xabashis are ruling Hargeysa as much as Xamar? so first of all you admit that we are being ruled,but again,there are no Xabashis troops in hargeysa,if they were I would have told,I hate those guys.Don't just write away whatever you feel like,it's has to have some credibilty my man.

Fact: habeshi told Riyaale and the north westerners to bug out of Sool so Abdullahi yusuf could fight in the SOUTH. They said OKE DOKEY. :D


Fact: Riyaale Went to Ethiopian to congradulate Ethiopia.


Some even SAY 'Somalilanders' fought in galkacyo against the ICU at the behest of ETHIOPIA :eek: .


Whether or not there are any Ethiopians in the Northwest or not..... Regardless THEY HAVE SOMALILAND PUPPEETEERING REAL WELL. :D

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^ all that yapping for nothing, we could reach a conclusion saying that Muj.Red Sea isn't arguing on behalf of Riyaale Kahin.As I have said many times,before if Riyaale is a criminal,gues what I didn't like him to begin with nor do I support him.


However,I still don't know why you are ignoring the comments that I make.part of discussion requires for you to read and let the info sink it in order to know the position of other individual which you are debating, thus far you are just chasing your tail.


I am after your position of you being pro regime, however,you are making seem as though Red Sea is actually in supportive of Riyale Kahin an his admin,which I am not.Come up with something in defense of the warlord which you support without comparing and contrasting with Riyale Kahin,because as I said I don't support Riyale Kahin,I actually dislike him.


All in all, the current so called "government" is a puppet regime which is driven and being used by Ethiopia to get its way with the Somalis in southern Somalia, far worst than anywhere where somalis reside,because Muqdisho is landmark for somalis and it's being occupied by Xabashis.However,Hargeysa the capital of Sl isn't being occupied militarily,so what is the comparison there son?


So focus on my postion now,I am an ICU supporter and anti puppets,as big as puppet as Abdullahi Yusuf and as small as Dahir Riyale.


As for Cabdullahi Yusuf having support in Southern Somalia.You said those oppose him, oppose him because of qabiil reason.I have to say,sorry to burst your bubble,but that is the other way around.Let me test my hypothesis,what is YOUR qabiil? this should determine why support him.



That is my position,got something to say t that?


Don't go all riyale kahin on me now...

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Guess my qabiil LOOOOL.


Your position is clear. You support the ICU but you support Somaliland better. You believe that is the motherland if I am correct.


You asked for riyaales convinction. i gave it to you from SOMALILANDERS LOOOOL. What did you want?


Occupation or not. Somalis quagmire today is similar from Xargeisa to Xamar. No difference. You think If I occupied your house or if I have my croonies occupy your house there is any difference? Sihper through that and you will see what I am talking about.


I know personally my own brother in law who is from a southern clan who wallahu cadiim told me " I WILL NEVER SUPPORT ABDULLAHI YUSUF" I asked is it for clannish reasons and he smirked. Last week he said he hated geedi and today geedi waa nin raag. Crazy how the somali mentality is. I have seen qabiil observed by the most religious of Somalis so don't pull any qabiil card saxiib.

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^Once again, you can sum it up to this.


The only thing I wanted to get out of this discussion was for you to understand that you are being occupied.So far you have admited to that,so what is the solution when you are being occupied,fight in order to liberate yourself right?


Well the ICU is doing that and they need the support of every somali out there.simple as that.If you oppose them,well then you are justifying that occupation.Regardless of whether you are from Somaliland or Jabuti, your fellow somali need help,therefore that is where I am coming from,if you can grasp the merits of my statement.

As for your qabiil I could careless,although I have pretty darn good idea of what Qabiil you are.


Carry on.

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So Mujahid Red thinks that our beloved city Hargeysa is free from Amaxaaro! Well I think he lives in lala land. Amxaaro now controls the entire Somali peninsula except NFD and to some extent Djibouti. I know he is aware of the fact that they (Axmaaro) can arrest or ask anybody to be arrested for them by their stooges who currently run the administration of Somaliland. The secret service of the Ethiopian regime openly operates in Hargeysa and elsewhere. In Somaliland the only thing they currently do not have is tanks and their forces. But who needs those when all they need to do is ask and it will be done. It is cheaper and more effective for them. That is the situation of our country today. So let me tell my fellow compatriot to stop preaching to this crowd about who brought amxaara's to their household. Waar waan wada qabnaa daawasho iyo ceeb haddaan Somaali nahay.


As long as we think and operate in this manner Somali iyo dhegxumo Allaa is baday.



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