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New cabinet ? NO..! Old, farce and useless cabinet.

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For the list of the new cabinet I refer you to the previous appointments made by previous PM Geedi.

This is sarcastically amusing, when everyone was looking for a change in Nuur Cadde he produces in his fist task a cabinet that is shyte as those that preceded it and to make matters worse it will never function neither fulfil the aspiration of the needs that are apparent and present.

Why was Geedi replaced if the same farce are coming back - what will they do now that they couldn't do it before.

Well if you were happy with the naming of Nuur Caade and hoped to see a wind of change - well buckle up for more rough ride, cause the wind of change has not come about and the TFG ship will recommence and continue its sinking - this time in a more rapid speed.

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Nuur Cade Oo Ku Dhawaaqay Gole Dhinac U Riday Doodii Shakhsigiisa Ku Xeernayd


Nuur Cade ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqay gole wasiiro oo kala rajaxay doodii ku gadaamnayd shakhsigiisa iyo inta ay la egtahay madaxbanaanida uu u haysto inuu la yimaado qorshe ka bedelan kuwii horay loogu yiqiinay TFGda

Golahan ayaa kaga bedelan kii Cali Geedi, keliya in ay ka maqanyihiin taageerayaashii Cali Maxamad Geedi.

Nuur Cade oo horay u sheegay inuu soo dhisayo Gole tayo iyo aqoon lagu soo xulo ayaa warar xog-ogaal ahi sheegayaan inuusan wax gacan ah ku lahayn magacaabista Golahan iyo soo xulistooda toona ee uu C/laahi Yuusuf iyo la taliyayaashii ay iyagu liiska soo qoreen isagana uu lahaa ku dhawaaqitaanka.


Arrinkan ayaa dhinac u riday doodii ku xeernayd shakhsiyadda Nuur Cade iyo wuxuu ku soo kordhin karo guud ahaan Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan tan TFGda.


Dadka qaar ayaa arkayey in Nuur Cade uu haysto fursad uuna la imaan karo waxqabad lagu abuuro jawi isbedel, horayna uu isagu u sheegay inuu soo dhisi doono Gole Wasiiro oo tayo iyo aqoon leh, halka dadka qaar ay ku doodayeen in markii horaba Nuur Cade lagu soo xulay inuusan C/laahi Yuusuf ka hor imaan islamarkaana uu raali geliyo dawladda Itoobiya, sidaas daraadeena uusan wax ku soo kordhin karin waaqaca siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya inuu uga sii daro mooyaane.


Golaha uu maanta lagu dhawaaqay waxaa ka muuqata in rajaxantay doodii oranaysay Nuur kama hor imaan doono rabitaanka Yuusuf iyo wixii ay Itoobiya raali ka tahay, taasoo daaqadda ka tuurtay rajadii maalmaha Soomaali badan iyo beesha caalamkaba ay ku xirayeen Nuur Cade.



Indeed, the many who hoped , including mysef, that this man Nuur Caade will bring with him new vigour, dimension, path and approach to tackle the dilema facing Somalia today - have all of a sudden found out he is a 'rubber=stamp' for Yeey and his evil and tainted policies.

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Why do you think this man was chosen in the first place? Becauce he is man they feel wont make any trouble and question things. They wanted a man who will quietly sit on the T.F.G and Ethiopian caravan, without a fuss or creating division like Geedi.

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Originally posted by GJ_Sheikhspear:

Why do you think this man was chosen in the first place? Becauce he is man they feel wont make any trouble and question things. They wanted a man who will quietly sit on the T.F.G and Ethiopian caravan, without a fuss or creating division like Geedi.

Couldn't agree with you more.

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