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La Fidele

Islamic Republic of Iraq?

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I got blundered by this question while preparing my perspective in a class discussion of the reformation of the political system in Iraq. Hopefully, y'all will be able to help me out a bit. Granted, I don't expect Islamic scholars to be perusing SOL (are they?), but I'll give it a shot anyways smile.gif


There's a lot of commotion lately surrounding the prospect of installing democracy in Iraq, as if it will be a end-all cure-all tactic to all of Iraq's ailments. Yet, I'm more than a bit skeptical. Considering that Iraq has never experienced or developed a democratic culture---after independence, there was a short trist of a monarchy, then one authoritarian/military regime after another until, of course, the graceless demise of Saddam Hussein. And despite all of that, the Iraqi people are a remarkably educated and resilient people.


So my question is, if there was an alternative to democratic rule---even if there is a democratic system installed, I highly doubt it will be secular---and an Islamic state was such an option, how would sectarian cleavages be addressed?


As you all may well know, Iraq is approximately 60% Shi'a and 40% Sunni (around 25% being Arab and 15% Kurdish). If it was a matter of numbers, then this would translate into a Shi'a Islamic Republic. But 40% is a huge minority, and the prime fear being that one group will ban the Islamic practices of smaller groups and impose their own values in their place. Are there any historical provisions in Islamic jurisprudence regarding this problem?


By proposing this idea, I don't mean to impose this on the Iraqi people. It seems to me that an Islamic republic is more demanding of a society than a democracy---I don't think any other political system is dependent on the piety of its leaders (the present "Islamic" states in the Middle East should be proof enough of that). Nevertheless, Iraq doesn't seem to have any shortage of clerics, even those of high regard such as Ayatollah Sistani, but the same obviously can't be said for political leaders, particularly in the transitional government.


Before I start to get off-topic, I'll stop here, and wait patiently for input :D

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So my question is, if there was an alternative to democratic rule---even if there is a democratic system installed, I highly doubt it will be secular---and an Islamic state was such an option, how would sectarian cleavages be addressed?

"Verily this Ummah is a Single Ummah and I am your Lord, so worship and serve Me."

(Sura Al-Anbiya, V. 92)


Unity>>>>>Stability>>>>>The rule of the Shariah


Now there are many Madahabs in Islam

and the word

Madhab means a way at going at a problem using

Istinbad (pinning down a judgement).


Now if that is the case, as humans (being less then GOD) can we know exactly what Allah and his Rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm)meant in the Quran and the Hadith. Can we know the EXACT MEANING/INTENT of Allah and his Rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm).

The Ulama being Humans and not ALLAH, can't pin down the exact meaning of an ayat or hadith but they do interpret things and construct a MADHAB

through the use of Quran, Sunnah, Shariah and the sayings of other Ulema.


A modernist would say that since the Ulema are humans then their Intelligence is Relative and their Madhab is particular to a specific time and period in HISTORY.

Hence, the need of a New Madhab that would ignore the PAST (Ulama, Islamic Tradition (1400yrs worth) and the CENTER (Quran and Sunnah) to deal with Modern day issues such as evolution, gender roles, education etc.



Going back the above question

that La Fidele has asked


"how would sectarian cleavages be addressed"


Well the Shaytan and his soldiers (post modernists) would utilize this and present this to the muslims as done in the past to the Christians that since the problem of 'Sectarianism' exists in Religion, we should not ignite those fires of SECTARIANISM but govern people upon a common bond that they can be UNITED.


Well, what is the ACROSS THE BORDER commonality

that people have?

If you take Religion out the picture and erase GOD from Ruling our lives, what do we then deem to be important in ourlives?


Well, it would be to save our our SKINS. To make our lives more SACRED then any principle or goal.

That common bond is the DUNYA. People wanted and want the DUNYA and this includes Stability, economic prosperity and political prowess.

If this is presented to people, surely they will accept this. To Secularize the Government and keep religion in the homes and indoors, so as to minimalize prejudices and sectarian conflicts. So this was began by the French Revolution till this day. That is why people want SECULARISM, b/c the Shaytan promises through it, Stability, economic prosperity and Military power.



Well, for the MUSLIM UMMAH, what is the common bond that they have?


Under what FLAG do we all have a common recognization towards???

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