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Religious pretenders start massive looting in Jowhar!

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Xoogaga Alshabaab oo bililaqo xoogan ku wada Mid ka mid ah xarumaha Hey'adaha Sama falka Magaalada Jowhar


Shacabka ku dhaqan xarunta gobolka sh/dhexe ee Jowhar ayaa ku tilmaamay wax laga naxo iyo sumcad darro in xarumihii haydaha samafalka ee gobolka sh/dhexe ay bililaqo u geystaan koox sheeganaysa inay shareecada islaamka ku dhaqayso dalka,


Qaar kamid ah aqoonyahanka iyo dhalinyarada magaalada Jowhar oo la soo xiriiray ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay codsi gaar ah u dirayaan madaxda sar sare ee xarakada Alshabaab codsigaasna uu ku wajahan yahay in laga daayo bililaqada xarumaha hayadaha gargaarka gaar ahaan kuwa qaramada midoobay iyo MSF(spain)


Dadka codsiga jeedinaya ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in muddo dheer dalka soomaaliya ay ka dhacayeen dagaalo sokeeye gobolka sh,dhexena uu soo maray dagaallo faro badan oo isugu jira ku qabaaillo ay ku dagaalameen iyo kuwo kale oo ay maamullo ay isaga hor yimaadeen, hase yeeshee arrintan haatan socota ma ahan mid soomartay magaalada Jowhar.


Haddaba waa maxay ururka alshabaab oo gacan ku haaya inta badan ee dalka soomaaliya uu sidan uga gelayaa shacabka reer Jowhar?


Codsigan ayaa dadka soo gaarsiiyey shabakada waxay ugu dambayntii xusuusiyeen xarakada alshabaab in reer Jowhar ay yihiin dad beeralay ah oo aysan dooneynin in dhibaato la soo gaarsiiyo.


Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee caawa naga soo gaara Magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in galabta ilaa caawa ay gudaha xarunta Hey'adda UNICEF ku jiraan xoogag ka tirsan Alshabaab, kuwaasoo bililaqo iyo boob ka wado, waxaana ay jirdil u geysteen shaqaalihii xafiiska iyo ilaaladii.


Calankii Hey'adda ayay dhulka u dhigeen, shaqaalihii ayay dibada u soo saareen, mid ka mid ah gaadiidkooda dagaal ayaa gudaha xarunta ku sugan, ciidamo fara badan ayaa baaris iyo boob ku haaya, ciidamadan waxay yihiin kuwo cusub oo manta soo gaaray magaalada, kuwaasoo boobkooda u cuskaday inay xaq tahay in waxa ay ugu yeereen qaniimo ka geysteen xarunta hey'adda maadaama xoolo gaalo leedahay ay tahay.


Arrintan ayaa ku soo aadeysa xilli Saraakiisha Alshabaab ay qirteen in maalin ka hor ay xoogagooda gacma gacmeys u geysteen xarumaha hey'adaha lana soo celin doono wixii la qaatay, laakinse arrinkan ayaa ah mid dadka ay aad uga fajaceen, iyadoona boob iyo bililaqo hor leh loo geystay.



Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Somalia: Al Shabaab fighters raid UN offices, confiscate equipment

19 May 19, 2009 - 5:19:38 PM


JOWHAR, Somalia May 19 (Garowe Online) - Islamist hardliners waging war against Somalia's U.N.-recognized transitional government have raided U.N. offices and confiscated equipment, Radio Garowe reports.


There were no U.N. personnel present at the offices in Jowhar, the capital of Middle Shabelle region that was overtaken by Al Shabaab on Sunday. U.N. officers were evacuated from Jowhar before the Al Shabaab takeover, sources added.


"Al Shabaab fighters armed with weapons broke down the doors and took equipment," a security guard at a U.N. compound in Jowhar said on the condition of anonymity.


Offices raided include the UNICEF compound and MSF offices in Jowhar, local sources reported.


No one was hurt during the raids and Al Shabaab commanders did nothing to stop the raids, locals said.


Sheikh Ali Mohamed Hussein, who was asked about the raids by the BBC Somali Service, declined to comment but stated that Al Shabaab would "return the equipment."


He called on U.N. and other aid agencies to "calm down and to continue working" in Middle Shabelle region.


Source: Garowe Online

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The religious pretenders are slowly showing their true face: new generation of warlords.

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^^ Athiga kaalay, filinkaatha waa fahmi'la'ahay. Meesha ku balbalayso waa meeshee ? Is it because Jowhar is 'hometown' of Shariif Al-Khabeeth ? Were you and him shocked at how easily it fell to the 'marauding foriengers' ?


If that's what's giving you heartburn, I suggest you stock up on medication, cuz the heartburn, homeboy, is only gonna get worse. With the fall of Balad-Wayne, all of Hiiraan will be under the complete control of the Sons of Somalia. All that needs to be done then is send a punitive expedition to the wayward children of Galgaduud and Ahlul Sun wal Jinni.


If it makes you feel better, go ahead and call them religous warlords or pretenders. The fact on the ground says they are the Masters and Commanders over territory that is larger than all of the UK, Ghana, or the Philippines. This is an unprecedented show of dominance in the history of Somalia. Not even Sayyid-ka managed to govern terrority this extensive.


Marka, feel free to sulk and pout, abti. You're only showcasing your state of mind: that of a defeated man forsaken by Ethiopia and left to rot by the Antarnashanal Kaaaaaamooooonity.

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Stop the usual rants against Ethiopia or SH.Shariif and comment on the subject in discussion.,


This topic is about looting down in Jowhar city by religious pretenders (Alshabab).


What is your view?

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^^ My view is: Shit happens. The last thing on my mind at this point is some f'ing UN equipment that may or may not have been stolen but is being used as propoganda by a defeated bitter chap by the name of Meeji.


That's my view, abti.

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Boob wali ka socota xaruntii Unicef ee Magaalada Jowhar iyo qalabkii ugu badnaa oo lagala baxayo


Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Xarakada al shabaab ay boob ka geysanayaan xarunta hay'ada Qaramada Midoobay ee Unicef iyadoo halkaasi ka daabulanaya dhamaan agabyada kala duwan ee ay hay'adaasi isticmaaleysay.


Ururka Al shabaab ayaa waxa ay si bareer ah alaabooyin kala duwan uga guranayaan xarunta hay'ada Unicef ay ku leedahay magaalada jowhar iyadoo alaabinkaasi ay isugu jiraan, Matooro, computero, dawooyin iyo qalab xafiiseedyada kale iyo sidoo kale dukumiintiyo ay isticmaaleysay hay'adaasi.


Waxaana dad goob jogayaal ah sheegayaan in halkaasi ay ka shaqeynayaan seddex gawaari oo ku xamuulka ah kuwaasi oo lagu daabulayo agabkaasi iyadoo sidoo kalena la keenay halkaasi wiishash si loogu qaado konteenarada halkaasi ku xareysan ee ay ku jiraan qalabka kala duwan.


Sidoo kale qalabka ay halkaasi ka guranayaan ururka Al shabaab ayaa waxaa ku jira qalabka miinooyinka lagu baaro taaso ay u adeegsan doonaan weeraradood ay ku qaadayaan ciidamada ka soo horjeeda, waxaana la ogeyn sida ay ka yeeli doonaan xarumaha kale ee hay'adaha halkaasi ka shaqeeya.


Xarunta hay'adaasi ayaa waxaa xalay ku hoyday maleeshiyaadka Al shabaab iyadoona weli ay socoto in la qaato qalabkii ay isticmaali jirtay hay'adaasi Unicef oo xarunteeda koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaliya ugu weyn ay ku tiilay magaalada Jowhar.


Lama yaqaano sababta rasmiga ah ee ka danbeysay arintani iyadoo goor sii horeysay uu sheegay Wakiilka Alshabaab ee Gobolka Banaadir Sheekh Cali Maxamed Xuseen in baarayaan dibna ay ugu celinayaan dhamaan waxyabihii hore looga boobay hay'adaha taasoo hada isbedel uu ku yimid oo dhamaan hay'adani qalabkeeda la raranayo.


Dadka magaalada jowhar ayay arintani fajacweyn ku abuurtay waxayna saaka ay dadku isweydiinayaan sababaha keeni kara in Al shabab ay bililiqo xoogan ka geystaan magaalada jowhar oo ay gacanta ku dhigeen labo maalmood ka hor, waxaana dawooyinka iyo qlaabka kaleba wax loogu qaban jiray dadka ku dhaqan deeganada hoos yimaada jowhar oo u badan dad beeraley ah.


Shaqalaaha hay'adaasi ayaan loo ogoleyn xilligan inay ku sugnaadaan xaruntaasi waxaana halkaasi la wareegay maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Al shabaab oo habeenkii xalay ahaa halkaasi ku hoyday.


Dadka magaalada ayaa arrintan fajaciso ku noqotay iyadoo boobkan uu yahay boob cad oo aan meelna looga soo gamban, waxaana rajo xumo laga muujinayaa mustaqbalka hey'adaha sama falka ee magaalada jowhar.


Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m


Saciid on May 20 2009 07:39:36 ·

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ My view is: Shit happens. The last thing on my mind at this point is some f'ing UN equipment that may or may not have been stolen but is being used as propoganda by a defeated bitter chap by the name of Meeji.


That's my view, abti.

Your utterings could have been made by a supporter of Aideed/Cumar Jess militia's conquering and looting cities during 1991-1994.

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^^ :D . Ok, abti. Keep on trying to tie the Mujahideen to the same warlords that you (probably) supported yesterday and still support today. Like I said, it is the silly game of a defeated man who is staring at bitter fate of Disfranchisement.


Zaylaci has already done a great job exposing your clan support for Mohamed Dheere, Bashiir Raage, Cabdi Qaybdiid etc under the guise of "they are 'natives' defending their city from the 'foriegners'", so there isn't really much I can add there.

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If you want to accuse me and discredit my political view by tying me to the defunct, and despised old warlords than bring forth evidence and if you can't kindly apologize.


Also, Zeylac is the last person to accuse me of double loyalty, and clan support. We all know how he is silent about the secessionist cause and the true intentions of SNM.



PS: BTW, is Mujahid-red sea and Zeylac the same person? I have difficulty separating the two.

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^^ No they're not. Red Sea is like you (confused) and Zeylaci is a cleaner, more user-friendly version of Kashafa.

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Thanks for the clarification NGONGE,


I found their political views to be close, both have sympathies for the Islamist Revolution post-2006 and at the same time for the secessionist cause/regionalist attidute of the Northern Somalis.


Considering my short stay on SOL, I could be wrong.

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Putting the Dervish struggle to Al-shabaab's version of Political Islam is an ouright insult. If it weren't for the recognized borders of Somalia and the principle of non-intervention, Al-shabaabs and its application Talibanization wouldn't be in a position to sit under the shade of Somalia's umbrella. By contrast, the Dervishes had to fight imperial powers who neither recognized Somali borders and its sovereignty nor anticipated for the political independence of its subjects other than exploiting their resources and employing the natives as subjects to be taxed without representation.

However, it's sad that southern Somalia has finally fallen into the extremists' sphere of influence due to, perhaps, the underlying conditions that long years of anarchy and international neglect spawned . One thing is for certain as these ruthless group consolidates and expands, Somalis will unite under the banner of their true faith, cultural identity, and brotherhood and fight to bring to a stand still those attempting to conquer and to introduce a Taliban-style of regime over their land.


As to the topic, Meiji, anytime a place is conquered, a power vacuum is created, which then brings about the looting of the city's property, not necessarily by the conquerors only.

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aryey, Meiji de iminka I am not a seccessionist. ;) and I'm not from(clanwise) Zeylac. don't be fooled by the name.


As for this topic: this is SOmalia.

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