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The long waited Summit in Badhan-Sanaag has started.

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The long waited summit for the people of Sanaag and West Bari regions has started on Sunday, May 14, 2006 at Badhan City. The summit was postponed few times for the arrivals of guests. The elders, politicians, intellectuals and social groups ,who are mainly from the Main clan in Sanaag, have been arriving in Badhan for the past weeks, after Sultan Saeed has called for this emergence summit.


Delegates have been arriving in large numbers from other cities, some parts of Africa, Middle East, Europe, North America and Australia


The main goal of the summit is to discuss matters concerning the developmnent of the region and to formulate a regional government , increase stability ,security and peace in the region.


“We want to promote peace and harmony and unite our people†said one of the elders at the summit, who arrived after a long road trip from Dhahar.


The Sanaag region of Somalia was unaffected by the civil war, which have devastated most of Somalia, and have long enjoyed peace and stability, until recently when fighting broke out at Majiyahan between militias loyal to Adde of Puntland and the locals of Majiyahan, after Adde had a signed a deal with little known company, RangeResources, to explore minerals in the area, and the locals opposed. The conflicts at Majiyahan are expected to dominate the talks.


The city of Badhan is busy with people and booming of business is reported. No vacancy could be seen in all hotels, as the city would not accommodate such unexpected large number of people.



Warbixin Ku Saabsan Shirkii Beesha ee Maamul Sameynta uga Socday Magaalada Badhan Ee Gobolka Sanaag


Waxaa si toosa uga furmay magaalada Badhan 14/05/06 maalinino Axada shirkii aayo ka talinta beesha Sanaag iyo Galbeedka Bari shirkaas oo ay ka soo qayb galeen ergooyin kala duwan oo ka kala socda qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshadaiyo dhamaan Gobolada Beeshu Degto.



Radio Ogaal









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Nice. I always like to see Somalis taking their destiny into their own hands. So what is expected to come out of this meeting?

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It is hard to predict brother, but this is a good move and it will Notresult in division or Sub-lands but only to enhance security provision and to create more public services under the systems of tax umbrella and civil society.

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