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Major-General Cawad

Ma Run baa in Beelaha USC da hor istaagan yahiin Nabada iyo Midnimada Soomaaliya?

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Here is a little treat for JuMA&Company from their most reliable newS source who then&NoW manages to tell the truTh lets hope it aint going to upset our hardcore Hutu majority although it should confirm what the minority expellees and defeatists thought all along.


Beelaha USCda in ay isbaaro dhigtaan Itoobiyana ay diidaan ma ah mid ay qadan karaan shacabka Soomaliyeed!!!




Beelaha USCda oo in mudo ah u xayirneyd umadda Soomaliyeed ayaa laga sugayey in ay badbadiyaan shacabka Soomaliyeed ee cadwga Itoobiya u soo guuxayo ayadoo laga doonayey in ay caasimada wax ka qabtaan si loo helo qaranimadii Soomaliyeed ay mugdiga ay galiyeen Beelaha USC.

Umadda Soomaliyeed oo malmahii u danbeeyey dhagahooda soo jidaneysay xareynta Maleysiyoonka ayaa mar qur ah niyad jabay kadib markii ay maqleen in ay sii badanayaan isbarooyinkii la rabay in la qaado tasoo ay ku kacayaan kuwo rabo in ay wali isbarooyin u sii dhigtaan shacabka Soomaliyeed .

Beelaha USC waa in ay kala doortaan Itoobiyo iyo Isbaaro


Hadaba ma qabataa shacabka Soomaliyeed in Beelaha USC ay diidaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah hadana ay isbaaro sii dhigtaan tasoo ah kaaf iyo kala dheeri.



Who loves Moqadisho is it the Warlords who destroyed it like this? When they did this they weren't concerned with Moqadisho at all.


In contrast the real people who care of Moghadishu are the people who build it and where there was peace and calmness when they ruled the country and Moqadishu.








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Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad:

...lets hope it aint going to upset our hardcore Hutu majority although it should confirm what the minority expellees and defeatists thought all along.

I would be surprised if this topic isn't edited or deleted.

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Beelaha USCda in ay isbaaro dhigtaan Itoobiyana ay diidaan ma ah mid ay qadan karaan shacabka Soomaliyeed


Beelaha USCda oo in mudo ah u xayirneyd umadda Soomaliyeed ayaa laga sugayey in ay badbadiyaan shacabka Soomaliyeed ee cadwga Itoobiya u soo guuxayo ayadoo laga doonayey in ay caasimada wax ka qabtaan si loo helo qaranimadii Soomaliyeed ay mugdiga ay galiyeen. Beelaha USC.


Umadda Soomaliyeed oo malmahii u danbeeyey dhagahooda soo jidaneysay xareynta Maleysiyoonka ayaa mar qur ah niyad jabay kadib markii ay maqleen in ay sii badanayaan isbarooyinkii la rabay in la qaado tasoo ay ku kacayaan kuwo rabo in ay wali isbarooyin u sii dhigtaan shacabka Soomaliyeed .


Beelaha USC waa in ay kala doortaan Itoobiyo iyo Isbaaro


Hadaba ma qabataa shacabka Soomaliyeed in Beelaha USC ay diidaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah hadana ay isbaaro sii dhigtaan tasoo ah kaaf iyo kala dheeri



Ku noqo beejka

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Haweenka gobolka Banaadir oo sheegay in ay taageeradooda kala noqonayaan wasiirada hubeysan haddii ay isbaarooyinka u yaala aysan qaadin




Xubnaha haweenka gobolka Banaadir ee isugu jira ganacsatada & haweenka kale ayaa maanta caro kulul ka muujiyey isbaarooyinka teedsan Muqdisho & hareeraheeda, waxeyna soo jeediyeen in isbaarooyinkaasi degdeg loo qaado.



Haweenkan ayaa maanta tegay xarunta xisbiga oo farriisin u ah xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda, waxeyna cod dheer ku yiraahdeen, waan la laabaneynaa kalsoonideena haddii aan wax laga qaban isbaarooyinka gudaha magaalada u yaala wasiirada hubeysan.



“Waxaan idin ku taageereynay in aad wax ka qabataan isbaarooyinka Muqdisho ee idin kuma taageereyn in isbaarooyin ay ka sii muuqdaan magaalada, kuwaasoo ah kuwa aad idinku leedihiin†ayey tiri Marwo Caasha Shaacuur oo intaasi ku daray in haddii baaqadooda ay fulin waayaan wasiirada Muqdisho ee hubeysan ay kalsoonidooda la laaban doonaan.



Dhinaca kale, isbaarooyinka u yaala waddada u dhexeysa Ex. Kontarool Afgooye ilaa Lafoole maleeshiyooyinka beelaha H/gidir ayaa marba marka ka dambeysa ku soo badaneysa waddadaasi, iyadoo isbaarooyin horay loo qaaday ay dib ugu soo noqdeen waddadaasi, waxaana cabashooyin ka muujiyey gaadiidka isaga kala goosha Muqdisho & Afgooye oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay qaati ka taagnaa lacago xad dhaaf ah oo lagu soo kordhiyey.


C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile,Muqdisho

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One such proud HUTU saying "Hi" to you folks :D



Bro Haddaad


Sidee tahay? even if the picture is real, it only proves what some people would resort to when authority crumbles and the public properties become defenseless. People looted private properties waaba dhismooyin dowladeed. We have seen this pillaging happen across the world as governments fall. Many somalis from all tribes actually started looting wherever they could as soon as the bullet started. Many people made out of Xamar with Gold, Dollar, Cars and the wealth of others. It was competition headed by the military personnel of the falling regime and a first-come-first-robbber deal during the early days. I have seen with my own eyes troops of the government robbing the branch-office of the water ministry in Madiino. And guess what they were robbing? The money collected by the government from the locals at the end of the month while a war was raging on in the other side of town. We have heard stories from people who made from the other side of town that the Banks were being robbed by the government troops. Unfortunately, these collectively harangued Beelaha USC-DA(some of them) happened to complete whatever was left. Iyaga shubkey siibeen lol.


The other moot point here is the driving motivation behind posting the pics. They want iney dadka dulleystaan oo ihaano dusha kaga tuuraan by advocating and bringing Amxaaro. Yaa warkooda ku jiro anyways? people have moved on religiously and boast about unmatched entrepreneurship. They have gained lot although they lost a lot as well. As things stand, Amxaaro is not coming no matter what bleak pictures people post or hollow claims they make. They are wasting their time.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Bro Haddaad


Sidee tahay?

Fiican badan, mahadsanid.


The other moot point here is the driving motivation behind posting the pics. They want iney dadka dulleystaan oo ihaano dusha kaga tuuraan by advocating and bringing Amxaaro. Yaa warkooda ku jiro anyways? people have moved on religiously and boast about unmatched entrepreneurship. They have gained lot although they lost a lot as well. As things stand, Amxaaro is not coming no matter what bleak pictures people post or hollow claims they make. They are wasting their time.

Well said.

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