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Oh! Silaanyo Had Chosen Traitors Over Patriots

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Tranquillity is the essence of upward mobility and prosperity of all acting nations on the globe. It is the sparkplug of the right morale, humanity, and healthy co-existence of human being. It is also the basement of understandability and mutual acceptance among those who have different religious believes, cultures, and values. After a long journey of both mental and physical hardships, humans won to climb up the ladder of individual and social responsibility. The dark side of human being is defeated by the luminous sense of humanity. People crept towards humanity. The diminishing granite evil part of people can be seen by considering the evaluation of gladiators into boxers. The people of early empires had a greater propensity to enjoy and commit cruel actions. They could watch men knifing and killing with one another. To their greater degree of brutality, they could find entertaining a lion that torn and broke the fleshes and the bones of someone regarded as a gladiator.


Most of the people in that era were brutal enough. They were very exiting to see the bleeding wounds and the scattering marrows of the victims eaten by reckless and huge carnivore animals. Through long struggle, people succeeded to diminish that complicated immorality and notoriety which accumulated in the minds of our ancestors. Each brutal habit and need of humans was reduced up to that degree. The numbers of human cruelties were decimated. We reduced the innate tendency to brutalities. You can see how we changed our entertaining habits. You see how we modified the harsh gladiators into boxers. The sense of wickedness had been weakened and dominated by the sense of goodness and rationality. Cruel tyrants were replaced by honest and egalitarian leaders. These dutiful leaders are still fighting against injustice, suspicion, and imaginary incompatibility among tribes, races, and ethnic groups.


However, Irritable and adamant political autonomies did not vacate world political stage totally. And last century they appeared violently in Germany, Serbia, and Rwanda. Now, with Silanyo’s presence, it is waiting to erupt in Somaliland. Because once Somaliland found Dahir Rayale; admirable leader with deep believe of egalitarianism. Due to the fabrications and false pictures orchestrated by evil campaigners and leaders, Somaliland people wasted this seldom chance which deserved to be made use of it. These bad leaders dug the ugly civil war incidence and rejuvenated the cancerous prejudices among tribes.


Confused people of Somaliland made a suicidal voting which can be equated as jumping of luxurious sofa into an oven full of fire. Bewildering people of Somaliland had chosen fussy-headed dreamers over genuine leaders who used to care the interest of the mass more then their personal ones. They voted against dependable security and well orchestrated governance. They insisted to act against president who has a radiant honest and deep insight for the nationhood and the mutual interdependence among regional and global states. They voted against farsighted and well-qualified ministers who were obedient for the constitution. The people of Somaliland turned their backs to all these goodness and voted for badly organised government. The government with eye-cataract which could not recognise 230 ONLF militias who travelled a journey same as moue’s long match in china.


The people voted the president who said in his first speech that the general bank is completely empty and discouraged the police and military forces. They voted for the president who publicly told that he needed a loan from businessmen which eroded the financial reliability of the government. In turn, the lack of government reliability obliged merchants to sell their commodities with high prices and increased the ever-appeasing inflation of goods and services in the country. They welcomed this limping government that cannot cope with the deteriorating relationships of our neighbouring countries. They employed political autonomy in which every minister believes to be the legal conductor for this ill-equipped orchestra.


The independent organs in this governmental orchestra are playing a different music with different tones. Doctor Gabose; the interior minister is playing a hugely amplified dram while Mohamed Hashi is playing a disproportionately high pitched saxophone of his own. Together, they created a music which deafens and causes permanent hearing loss to the audience; a music which sounds like the one that destroyed and terminated prophet Lood’s community.


Mr President, you saw the flattened tyres of your government. So, will you ready to take a remedial action soon? If yes, do it right now. If no, see with me the next film ‘Hargiesa like Mogadishu.’


Farah Barkhad Nour - Freelance writer

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