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General Duke

President Yusuf arrives in Baidoa.

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You have suddenly developed Xalane's behavior,What happened?

And now am being a nightmare to u,is that the inference?What a potato yapping!


Back to the topic,The President is not threatened in any way,and his movement is not limited.They can't limit it.He is in baidoa true,and what about it?Haven't they tried the suicide thing in Baidoa which they still haven't tried it in Xamar?The Defeated lot and their clowns are getting funnier by the day!

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^ Oh shut up. I am comparing you to a smarter stooge. You should be flattered at least. :D



^ The attack was last month, the president stayed
for awhile after.


Which shows a) Security wasn't his problem a b) nothing deters the man

10-4 sir. That answers my question. icon_razz.gif

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Faraax Brown is one of those fellows who thinks abdullahi yusuf will never see Xamar again. He was also one of those guys who thought abdullahi yusuf government would not leave nairobi.


But he has been proven wanting. Sadly he takes what he pleases to comfort his confused soul. :D

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

Faraax Brown is one of those fellows who thinks abdullahi yusuf will never see Xamar again. He was also one of those guys who thought abdullahi yusuf government would not leave nairobi.


But he has been proven wanting. Sadly he takes what he pleases to comfort his confused soul.

Actually, The President was ASKED to leave Nairobi by the Kenya Gov't . And sadly,Joyfully for you i guess, he was BROUGHT to Xamar by the Ethiopian Govt.


Very sad that you would be proud of that,But heyyy icon_razz.gif

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No the president wanted to go back home. He did. First to Jowhar and next to Baidoa and the final destination for the whole government in Xamar.

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No the president wanted to go back home

Correct. He wanted to go to Xamar for a long time & he could not do so. He Finally did come though, ONLY after the ethiopians helped him. So much for bravery yeah?


Like i said, its very sad that you would be proud of that,But heyyy that is your choice.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brown:

So much for

I guess you don't know the meaning of bravery then, eh?


Main Entry: brav·ery

Pronunciation: 'brAv-rE, 'brA-v&-

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -er·ies

1 : the quality or state of being brave : COURAGE


Main Entry: cour·age

Pronunciation: 'k&r-ij, 'k&-rij

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English corage, from Anglo-French curage, from quer, coer heart, from Latin cor -- more at HEART

: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty


If President Abdullahi Yusuf ain't brave, I don't know who is. :D

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Mogadishu is safe enough for the interior minister, the presedential speaker, mayor, chief of cabinet of the president. Col Sacid Dheere has been there from the beggining.


Anyhow Yusuf is on his way back, what then dear Farax & Taliban?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Mogadishu is safe enough for the interior minister, the presedential speaker, mayor, chief of cabinet of the president. Col Sacid Dheere has been there from the beggining.


Anyhow Yusuf is on his way back, what then dear Farax & Taliban?

Can all those in the clan government stay in Mogadishu without the protection of the occupiers?

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Faraax in all conflicts there are sides and one side came out victorious manshallah.


The side of the ICU with Eritrea, Egypt, Foreign 'mujahideen' (I don't think they would be fighting if they knew what Indhacadde and co. really were) lost.


The side of the TFG with Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen and the United states won. Simple as that.

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If President Abdullahi Yusuf ain't brave, I don't know who is

Surely, That’s your Opinion . If you believe he is a brave man, then by all means let him be.


Bravery, to me is taking on your enemy head on, Mano-a-Mano. The TFG, Led by the President & the Prime Minister, were not men enough to take on the IUC. Actually, they chickened. They had to use rag kale xiniyoda to defeat rag kale . That’s not bravery, thats cowardice.


One thing is clear however, THE TFG Gov't, Led by the President could not dare come to Xamar, until the Ethiopians brought them. Furthermore, they cannot safely stay in Xamar until they bring "peace keepers".


For you to govern, you need to have the support of the people. This Govt doesn’t have the support of the people.



Taako, You are beyond repair

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^^^The TFG has the support of the people 99% of them, but lacks the support of the 1% that wanted to live of the loot that group acquired during the early 1990s. That group and the government will never agree..

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