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Gov’t delegation holds discussion with Somali State Diaspora

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Note: The speed at which Admiral Osman is losing support from O people is spectacular. If I were him I would cut my losses and walk quietly into the sunset.


Gov’t delegation holds discussion with Somali State Diaspora

Monday, 09 August 2010


Addis Ababa, August 9 (WIC) - Somali State Diaspora in Minnesota, and Somali State government delegation led by Abdifitah Sheik Abdullahi, Chairman of the Somali People Democratic Party (SPDP), held a historic meeting on August 8, 2010 in Minneapolis to renew their commitment to the peace and development of the Somali State.


Among the hundreds of participants of the conference were scholars, students, numerous business individuals, and laypersons from almost every county in the State of Minnesota.



According to a statement organizers of the Conference sent to WIC, the Minneapolis Conference fully supported the peace accord signed on 07/29/2010 by the Ethiopian Government and the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF), and the ongoing peace talks between the Government and the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF), in which Abdifitah has contributed a lot to its success.



The participants discussed ways and means by which their people in the region could achieve peace, good governance

and development.


Participants vehemently welcomed the government’s peace program, which is open to all armed opposition groups in Somali State that shun violence and respect the constitution of the country and are willing to join in building a peaceful Somali State.



They also expressed their support for the government’s willingness to talk to every opposition group about peace.


Good governance is the base of the strategy to achieve stability and prosperity in Somali State and improvement in this area should not only increase the confidence of the people in Somali State in their own future, but also strengthen security improvements and economic and social development, the participants said.



Somali State Diaspora praised the various activities made by Somali State government in order to ensure good governance.


Participants greatly welcomed both the Federal and State governments integrated development agenda in Somali State, which is focused on broad based economic growth driven by the region’s priority programs on agriculture and rural development, human resources development and infrastructure development.



They further emphasized that success of these areas depend on the creation of a strong enabling environment for private sector investment, including public and private partnerships in social and economic development.



Participants recognized that the development challenges facing the region require considerable investments and the mobilization of financial resources from Somali State Diaspora.


Finally, the participants congratulated the newly elected President of Somali State, Abdi Mohamud Omar. Somali State Diaspora in Minnesota applauded the huge contributions made in the region’s peace and security by President Abdi Mohamud Omar, and SPDP Chairman, Abdifitah Sheik Abdullahi. Participants acknowledged their role in building peaceful and prosperous Somali State.

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somewhere .. at some time .. something went wrong ..


maybe it was when they said computers had a "random" access memory




" i say it's just another example of too much money being put into defense and not enough into education.."



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