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Mogadishu: TFG capture more weapons and trouble makesr...

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Me double way. I'm who I'm...Jaylaani from Somaliland and proud of it.




I could careless about TFG and Somalia.....kuwan beenta iskugu sheekaynayaan ayuunbaa runta u sheegayaa saaxiib and it makes my day go faster at more no less. They are fun to toy with for taking things in the Cyber world so seriuosly.


Are you one of those too? If so, I'll be more than happy to add you into my list. If not, move aside and let me do my magic.

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Kow....I didn't ask you where you came from.


I could careless about TFG and Somalia

Mida labaad, you shoot yourself on the foot by admitting you could care less about Somalia proper. I take it the same goes for reer Mogadisho as far as you are concerned. Da funny thing is for someone who Somalia means little to him, you are obssesed about it.


And thirdly, I share your sentiment about the TFG.

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Jaylani, The national army has many recruits from Mogadishu, right now being trained others have already been trained. The Police that is taking knocks are all from Mogadushy, the head of this is a man who is from Mogadishu, what on earth are you talking about.


Saxib the man conducting this hunt is from the clans of Mogadishu..


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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Kow....I didn't ask you where you came from.



I could careless about TFG and Somalia

Mida labaad, you shoot yourself on the foot by admitting you could care less about Somalia proper. I take it the same goes for reer Mogadisho as far as you are concerned. Da funny thing is for someone who Somalia means little to him, you are obssesed about it.


And thirdly, I share your sentiment about the TFG.
I care about reer mugadisho a lot. I’m talking about the so-called Somali government.


Like I said I only come here to kill time. Sports section is getting boring by the can't blame me for entertaining my self by toying with these catz.


Duke boy,


Wax iskulahadh nin wayn baa tahee. Bar dhaw Aabo yeyow baad qaadi doontaa.

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It's very entertaining to mess with Duke, Taako and these serious individual who blindly support this illusion so-called “government”. I love to inaan dhiiga ku kiciyo.


the day I see Duke posting article about kidz being murdered in Xamar than I will stop messing with him.


I hate fale asz people. Maxaad maamuli dadkiiba dhamaaye.

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The Tfg should stop apeasing , recurit local milities which they did and start patrolling the street 24hrs marshall law wallahi ,



shelling the innocent must stop its not acceptable at all zero tolerance wallahi .....


TFG under President Qasim tried to appease people residents it did not work , there those who beleive somali choes will never end ?????? They should be proven wrong ....



Abdulahi has stop acting like coward and go back to Capital city ......

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Xisbiga Dhaqdhaqaaqa nabadda Soomaaliya oo ka mid


xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee ka dhisan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa jawaab caro leh ka bixiyay ku dhawaaqida urur lagu magacaabo Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo fadhigiisu yahay magaalada Stockholm ee dalka Sweden, waxaana qoraal ka soo baxay Xisbiga Dhaqdhaqaaqa nabadda Soomaaliya lagu sheegay inuu aad uga xun yahay 16-sano kadib dab hor leh laga huriyo magaalada Muqdisho oo ah xudunta Soomaaliya, kadib markii ay xarunta Villa Soomaaliya uu soo degay Madaxweynaha oo shacabka Muqdisho ay aad ugu farxeen.


“Waxaan aad uga xunahay in dad degan wadamada Yurub iyo Ameerika asalkoodana ka soo jeeda Waqooyiga Soomaaliya ama Somaliland inay isku baheystaan urur lagu taageerayo dad nabad iyo dowlad-diid ah ay u fidiyaan taageero maskaxeed iyo mid maaliyadeed” ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka Xisbiga Nabdda Soomaaliya, oo sheegay in beelaha ka soo jeeda Somaliland waxgaradkooda iyo aqoonyahanadooda ay sameeyaan taageero lagu burburinayo caasimada Soomaaliya, iyadoo la ogyahay in asaaska ururkan uu hormuud u yahay Prof. Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar.


Dhinaca kale Xisbiga dhaqdhaqaaqa nabadda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in aqoonyahanada ku lugta leh dhismaha ururkan inay ka waantoobaan arrimaha keeni kara burburka Soomaaliya, ayna taageeraan Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Baarlamaankeeda Federaalka ah u yeerashada ay u yeerteen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho, lagana sugayo iyagoo kaashanaya Ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya inay si wadajir ah uga shaqeeyaan nabadgelyada magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobolada Soomaaliya.


War murtiyeedka ka soo baxay Xisbiga dhaqdhaqaaqa nabadda Soomaaliya oo uu ku saxiixnaa ku simaha Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Md. C/raxmaan Xuseen Cabdi (Kolly) waxaa lagu caddeeyay in dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya loo baahan yahay sidii loo dhayi lahaa nabarradii gaaray mudada 16-ka sano ahayd, isla markaana laga shaqeeyo sidii loo horumarin lahaa dalkan burburay.


“Waa la dhaliili karaa Dowladda waana la mucaaradi karaa, hase yeeshee ma aha in la taageero kuwa habeen iyo maalin hoobiyaha ku garaacaya shacabka maatida ah, mana aha iyadoo lagu marmarsiyoonayo ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ayaan dalka ka xoreyneynaa in loo waxyeeleeyo dad aan waxba galabsan” ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka xisbiga oo dhinaca kale sheegay in weeraro dhowr ah oo ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ay ku geeriyoodeen kuna dhaawacmeen dad rayid ah.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

It's very entertaining to mess with Duke, Taako and these serious individual who blindly support this illusion so-called “government”. I love to inaan dhiiga ku kiciyo.


the day I see Duke posting article about kidz being murdered in Xamar than I will stop messing with him.


I hate fale asz people. Maxaad maamuli dadkiiba dhamaaye.

If anything is an illusion its that mythical eastern border which you an adeer Waraabe feel so necessary about securing to get recognition . :D


Anyhow, don't slap reer mogadishu in the face. You know if you could careless for Somalia, you could also careless about the capital of it.

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I always love reer Mugadisho and they love Somaliland too. That isn't a secret.


I can actually walk on the steets of Xamar freely with love. I don't think we can say the same thing about you and your kind. Madaafiicda xabashida inteebaay ku wadayaan. Been hayska dhaadhicin.

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