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All out war will brake soon, the evil vs the good, your thoughts

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The latest news suggest that all out war will brake between the Kafirs and munafiqin on one side and the islamic courts on the other side. What is your thoughts about this? how will it end and what will be the outcome if this war happens? Will the light be extinguished by the evil forces? its question to the bright minded people on this forum Read Sea, Alle-ubaahne, Djib-Somali, HornAfrique, Miskiin, Abwaan and all other members.


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Maxkamadaha: " ha inoo soo duceeyaan muslimiinta caalamka".


Maxkamadaha Muqdishu iyo ciidamada federaalka oo qarka u saaraan inay faraha isa saaraan


Saraakiisha Sarsare ee Milliteriga iyo kuwa Mukhaabaraada ee dalka Ethiopia, oo abaabul-dagaal ka wada Magaalladda Baydhabo.


BAYDHABO: Ciidammo Ugandese ah oo xalay la keenay gudaha Magaalada Baydhabo kana qaybqaadanaya Nabadda


Ciidamo Iyo Saraakiil La dagaalami Doona Maxkamdaha Oo Yimi Baydhaba


Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo wata 40 baabuurta dagaalka oo ku wajahan Baydhabo

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First of all, true believers, unlike munaafiquuns, have nothing to lose and everything to gain should Jihad were forced upon us; taasi wa mid.


Kolkaa, difaaca Diinta, Dadka iyo Dalka ina loo kala haro maaha, waayo cadow soo jireen ah oo waxbaa hambeyneen ayaa nugu soo fool leh.


Maxay naga rabaan talow? Ma ina loo sujuudo oo aan adoomo u noqono, oo kadibna inta yar ee nooga hadhay dhulkayaga iyo dadkeena sida walaalahayaga Somali Galbeed ay u gumestaan?


There is no doubt that evil, injustice and cruelty will be defeated but this may be a trial of Allah so that he takes shuhadaa and determines those who were sincere and patient among his slaves, as written abundantly in the Quran.


If united and obedient, Allah will again rescue us when least expected no matter how many evil schemes they plot together ( They plot and plot, and I plot too: suurat An Najm )...

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Djib-Somali, Don't worry saaxiib.


Walaahi xalay waxaan maqlaayay dhalinyaro soomaali ah oo mareykanka ka tageyso una socota dhankaas iyo Soomaaliya, qaarkood waxay ka xumaayeen in flight-kooda uu yahay late december, laakiin waa dhalinyaro badan oo isku dhaarsatay iney dalkooda ka difaacaan cadowga kusoo duulay.


Waxaan kuu sheegayaa dagaalkaan waan u baahan nahay maanta, Thanks to Ethiopia! Dadkeenii hurday waa kacay, waxaana soo laabtay midnimadii Islaamka iyo kalsoonidii lagu yaqiinay Soomaalida iney iska dhiciso cadowgeeda.


Qofkii lacag diri karo ha diro, qofkii aadi karana ha aado, qofkii kalena ha u duceeyo walaalaha dagaalka safka hore ugu jira inay sharafteena iyo diinteena difaacaan.


Guusha waxaa leh Ilaahey iyo ciidankiisa xaqa ku dagaalamaya, insha-Allah.

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Saxiibo adiga qarnige ku noshahey? Ya Illahey cidinkiisa ah oo joga Soomaaliya? Mise waxad bafineysa benta ummada lagu halagayo. So ma ogiid in Illahey SWT uu Ogyahey qof walba qulubtiisa, maad ka cabsatiid Asaga, so ma ogiida in ay xisabtan ay jiri doonto.

Mesha waxaa isku haya laba qoxod o xukun doon ah, kuwana ku candaconaya anaga nala so dortey oo Calamaka na cintirafsanyihiin, kuwa kalana leyihiin waxa idin ku xukumeyna Sharecada Islanka. Labadaba waa qurafaad aan waxba ka jiriin, oo dantoda ayey uu adegayaan.

Lakiin la kala ital roon.

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Juje, dib uga fiirso eedeentaada, khuraafaad waxa ah ina koox dagaal ogayaal ah hotel Nairobi ku yaal itay cadowga Diinta iyo Ummada Somaaliyeed ey ku shiriyeen kadibna ku dhawaaqaan waana lasoo doortay!


Ayaa soo doortay, xagge lagu doortay, oo sidee loo doortay dowlad isku sheega?


Mise M. S. Yalaxow, ina Caydiid iyo wixii noocooga ahaa, ee Somaali dhiiga ka nuugayay oo dalkana baabiyay, Odayga ay ka filanayeen inay dhawaan kursiga ka dhaxli doonaan aya laga hadlaya?


Hase yeeshe, ma waxaad is barbar dhigaysa ictiraafka Kuffarta iyo Cadowga iyo tan Shareecda ku dhisan ee Ummada Somaaliyeed taageerayso, meel kasto ay joogaan?


Calaa kuli xaal, Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, yagoo danaynaya msslaxada guud ee Ummada, way ictiraafeen Dowlad isku Sheega, inkasto ilaa hadda, yagoo fulinaya agendaha cadowga, lugu kari laayahay nabad.


Miyaanay cadayn ku filnayn sida ay usoo dhaweeyeen heshiiski ugu dambeynta ahaa ee Shariif uu lagalay Kacdoonka Ummada Somaaliyeed?


Kuwa ciidama shisheeye ku raadinaya xukun, xitaa gaalada laftigooda u jeeda;

amaa Kacdoonka Ummada Soomaaliyeed waxa u sabab ahaa nafta bini aadamka ah oo raqiis noqotay, yadoo lakala gadanayo Culumada oo xitaa masaajidada la bililiqaysanayo iwm


Ugu dambayntiina, Jihaadka waxaa loo iclaamiyay cadowga dalka kusoo qulqulaya; kama dhigno xukumada lala dagaalaya, inkasto ay mutaysteen...

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Insh'Allah, jahliyyaa will be wiped out from the Horn for once and for all. The most important qualities we need is to be sincere and persevere - niyyah and sabr. We should strive to work by the Furqaan to the letter. Then, all is to Allah (swt).

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

Djib-Somali, Don't worry saaxiib.


Walaahi xalay waxaan maqlaayay dhalinyaro soomaali ah oo mareykanka ka tageyso una socota dhankaas iyo Soomaaliya,

This must the funnies shyt I heard in years. Waryaahe caqligaagu ma sidaasaa..laba dhalin yaroo maraykanka ka tagaa dalka difaacaya?



The bottom line is Somalia doesn't need another war. These so-called maxkabado should know that. They must do whatever possible to prevent war between them and Ethiopia. Ethiopia isn't alone in this war. They’re getting help from various forces. Don’t make the country another Afghanistan where villages with full of innocent people vanished in the faces of this earth and don’t be another TALIBAN yourself, victory but no cigar.


Unjustified religious war isn’t the answer. Women are tired and kids are dying. Feed your people. Rescue the flood victims from crocodiles Give people hope by getting financial aid from international agencies. Have a healthy dialog with clan leaders, poets, teachers and other militia groups. Don’t exclude any one. Understand ISLAM belongs to everyone not particular group.


They should understand WAR is what Mr. Yey and his blood thirsty group in Baydhabo want. Some times you have to be diplomatic and do what is right for the bigger picture.



BTW, I agree with JUJE, this war is political between two arrogant groups. It’s all about power and who can destroy whom first.

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Its now becoming clear and obvious that the SSICU remembers ethiopia whenever some trouble is brewing in the territories they hold.



If war happens, I believe will be nothing what you are wishing it to be. It will not be an ethiopia somalia war. Two countries will be no more and you are one of them. The other one is eritrea.

Your president knows this and thats why he brings back to ethiopia anyone somali or non-somali who tries to use Djibuti as refugee to fight against the ethiopian government. He grabs them by the collar of their shirt or their ears and hands them to ethiopia.


Its not islamic to wish others to suffer be it ethiopians or somalis for you to enjoy french and american friendship and a monopoly of ethiopian business or port services.

You are doing typically what arabs do with the palestinian people. Talk a lot against israel, but when they are threatened they are the first in line to be friends of israel.

From past history, the karma from this kind of policy is very heavy. Egyptians may be having fun now with the 2.2 billion cheque they get every year for being friends with israel and at the expense of the palestinian people, but they will pay back for this in chaos and misery one day. I don't wish them, but I know it will happen.


Djibuti can be split in two. The easiest thing to do from all of east africas problems. You should know this. You should not wish others to suffer, so you can keep your benefits.


Ethiopia is doing everything possible to avoid making war against any somali organization. The SSICU makes news every other week mentioning the border with ethiopia, be it a village or town. They are trying their best to provoke and make ethiopia react, but they have been denied this lifeline. The only life line they have to continue to exist as a force. If they don't get this lifeline they have to govern. The day they govern, all their fake mask will be unmasked. No amount of slogan can hide you when you govern. Its either you are there or not.


If there is war, it will be war between somalis. Its not religious, but political and economic. Even if there is war between mugadishu and ethiopia, it will not be religious one. The ethiopians are also moslems, unless the SSICU people have brand new islam never heard of before. In that case of course the ethiopians and the somali that oppose SSICU would not be followers of the new religion.

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