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He should not rest well

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Well, the sick criminal warlord is rushed back to Landhan again.


We can't do pretty much, but the little things add up.


We should not let him sleep, rest and recover well in a London hospital. We should bombard the hospital that is treating him, called Cromwell, with emails, faxes, phone calls and in-person protests -- anything we can do. They cannot have a war criminal treated at their hospital, though it is a private one.


Do what you can. Here is the information needed.






Cromwell Hospital

Cromwell Road



United Kingdom




Phone: 44-(0)-20-7460-2000


Fax: 44-(0)-20-7835-2444

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One's war criminal is another's hero, ma maqashay waligaa...Bal hawada aadaan, see if he gives a rat's **you know what**... ;) Teeda kale kambiyaalo aaba la galinaayee reer London, Telephonka ee isku diraan soo lacag ma'aha? The last time he was in a London Hospitalna soo maysan banaan bixin horta? Yaaba kala jecel...


Your hatred towards him only makes him stronger...Inshallah, he'll pull throu again...And if he doesn't, well we'll all die one day, no? He'll die as an HERO...LONG LIVE CABDULLAHI YUUSUF!!!

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MMA, You need to organize someone, probably close to him so that he can simply sneak to his room and do some dirty job you know :D ,, may be poison him, use a silencer, or do some ciijis if he can :D



where are kuwii suicide ka samayn jiray ? :D

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Hatred? Acuudi bilaahi. Maba aqaaniyee maxaa naceyb intaas igu abuuraayo.


He didn't let boqolalaal kun Soomaaliyeed sleep well, including caruur, dumar iyo waayeel. His policies did indeed make them maimed, killed, xasuuqid iyo barakicin.


The least we can do is -- we cannot let him sleep well in a comfortable bed at a well-equipped isbitaal. He let millions suffer, he should at least suffer or taste a bit of his own medicine on this earth.


Hatred beel. And yea, long live Jaale C/llaahi. Yaaba rabay dhimashadiis? Ma dambigiis aniga uu ii socdaa? Wah. Kuleel iyo qaboob midna ma igu heyso yaaqeey hadduu noolyahay iyo haddii...

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

MMA, You need to organize someone, probably close to him so that he can simply sneak to his room and do some dirty job you know
,, may be poison him, use a silencer, or do some ciijis if he can



where are kuwii suicide ka samayn jiray ?

Riyaale aa u direynaa marka. :D

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^LOOOOOL...Yea right inee kuleel iyo qabow kuugu heyn...Whatever rocks your boat, maala dhihi jiray horta...As for him suffering or giving him a taste of his own medicine, ticket makuu gooyaa adi masoo sameenee?


Bas bas, I know you don't hate adeerkeey...Hatred is such a big word, after all you're MMA, always Somalinimo u hadashaa *Wink Wink*...

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Kool Kat, I couldn't put it any better, Afkaaga caano lagu qabay, your wisdom is deep my sister, some find it hard to decode, Indeed one man's traitor is another man's great hero. In this day and age, there are those that think the greatest Somali man, the Sayid was an evil criminal...


Lool @ Protesters as if anyone cares, I must be laughing at this, the last time I checked the turn out for the Pro Yusuf was a lot highter than those against.... only the usual suspects showed up, Ahmed Diirey's looters inc group and A. Qasim apologists. Keep your efforts, it's being restricted by the day, curbed and reduced to nothing...

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^Qarxis beele...They wouldn't dare...Deep down, they all know Mudane Cabdullaahi Yuusuf is the best thing that happened to them...Waligaa wax badan baa sugi kuwaa...


Emperor, thank you walaalo, I was just stating the obvious...Meesha waa la is indha tirooyaa...Lakiin haduuba Cabdullaahi Yusuf kala jecel yahay lee mo'ohoo wixii is indho tiro, iyo wixii kale...

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^That's the point, as for the ISqarxin, tell them you don't threated a Soldeir with death, you do it... Whoever wishes to do it shall present themselves....

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I can't imagine ,,,


The door opens ,,,, here is a man:


The Man: Mudane Madaxweyne

A/Y: Haa adeer, kumaad ahayd ?

The Man: Waa aniga, ima garanaysid miyaa ?

A/Y: Maya kuma garanayo, marse hadii aad madaxweyne iigu yeedhay inaad cida tahay uun baan u fahmay.

The Man: Maya ma ihi lakin dan baan lahaa maanta

A/Y: Maxay tahay danta cusbitalka ku keentay ?




Qarax baaba ka dhacay ............. :D



In few moments waaba Police, ambulances, all the news reporters and there everybody is watching the news ........ odaygii oo nin argagixiso ahi isku qarxiyay :D

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^Creative mind you have...Sida riyaale uu passport request applicationska u aqriyo, maa adna waxaan uga fikirtaa? Just asking...


No man on the face of this green earth has the 8alls to step to him like that? No man...Riyada ka kac...

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MMA, Ngonge works just down the road from there. If we can get him to go down there and sing I'm sure the whole block wouldnt sleep let alone Yeey.


ps sheep lalama hadlo. You just hope the shephard uses his dogs better :D

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^^ You already know my opinion of such pointless protest. It is as useful as buying a poster of the man and throwing darts at it. Makes no difference and only helps frustrate you even more every time you miss the target with your dart.


If you really want to annoy him and the hospital, you need to put your hands in your pockets and spend a little money on some flowers and roses. Imagine the hassle it will cause if he received fifty thousand bouquets of flowers in one single day! :D



Just so the message is not misunderstood you'll have to make sure you send funeral wreaths and not the uplifting/sympathy type.

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