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AU shuns Somalia Islamists as tension grows


June 30 2006 at 08:24AM


By Barry Moody


Banjul - The African Union will not mediate directly with Islamists controlling a large swathe of Somalia despite its determination to restore peace and central authority to the country, a senior official said on Thursday.


The situation in Somalia, where tension is rising between the newly powerful Islamists and a weak but internationally recognised interim government, is one of the major concerns of a summit of the AU's 53 members this weekend in Gambia.


But Said Djinnit, the organisation's Peace and Security Commissioner, indicated its strategy would be based on throwing as much support as possible behind the government and not on dealing with the Islamic courts, who took the capital Mogadishu on June 5.


'The time has come for concrete actions'

They now control a large part of central-southern Somalia and on Thursday said they would expand the authority of their sharia courts across the whole of the country - a move likely to further augment tension with the government.


The interim government will be represented at the summit by President Abdullahi Yusuf but the Islamists appear not to have been invited.


Speaking on the fringes of an AU foreign ministers meeting ahead of the summit, Djinnit told reporters the new situation in Somalia presented both challenges and opportunities for the AU.


But asked about negotiations with the Islamists, Djinnit said: "We are not aware of any other side for the time being apart from the transitional federal institutions."


He did, however, suggest the interim government should negotiate with the Islamic courts.


"It is up to the institutions of Somalia and the government to engage in dialogue with whichever parties are relevant to forging peace and reconciliation in the country," he said.


Mutual suspicions


The government and the Islamists agreed at talks in Khartoum earlier this month to recognise each other and meet again on July 15 despite their mutual suspicions.


Asked if he thought tensions between the government and Islamists were dangerous for Somalia, Djinnit said: "Every situation has risks and threats but in every situation there are opportunities and we are working on the opportunities...


"The time has come for concrete actions in support of the transitional federal institutions of Somalia and the Transitional Federal Government."


The Islamist successes after they ejected US-backed warlords from Mogadishu have alarmed Washington, which believes the courts harbour al Qaeda-linked extremists, and regional power Ethiopia which is close to President Yusuf and opposes an Islamic state on its border.


The Islamist leadership on Thursday also confirmed that Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a hardline cleric whom Washington has linked to al Qaeda, would be the overall leader of the Islamic courts organisation.


Somalia has been without central government since 1991, when the secular warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and carved up the capital and other areas into a series of anarchic private fiefdoms.

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June 30 2006 at 08:24AM Isn't this news old?


I am waiting upon the 7/3/06 news if the AU really approves troops deployment and if they really shuns the courts.

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Banjul: Shirkii AU oo lagu go'aamiyay in ciidamo la geeyo Soomaaliya iyo qodobbo kale..

Monday, July 03, 2006


Banjul(AllPuntland)- Shirkii ka soconayay mudada labada maalmood ahayd magaalada Banjul ee dalka Gambiya ayaa xalay lasoo gabo gabeeyay.


Waxay isku waafaqeen madaxda midowga Afrika in ciidamo loo diro dalka , ciidamadaasi oo ka imaanaya dalal kala duwan , si dalka xaaladdiisa ay wax uga baddalaan.


Waxaa lasoo jeediyay inta aan ciidamada la dirin in guddi xaqiiqo raadin ah ay Afrika u dirto dalka Soomaaliya , kaasoo soo qiimeeya arimo ay kamid yihiin , xaaladda ammaanka , sida hubku ugu kala badan yahay dalka Soomaaliya.


Go'aammada kale ee shirka laga soo saaray waxaa kamid ah in la sii wado wada hadalka dawladda iyo maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee la wareegay Muqdisho , si ammaanka uusan faraha uga bixin.


Madaxwaynaha dalka Congo Danis Saso Inguweso ayaa sheegay inay Afrika aad u danaynayso inay xal ka gaarto dhibaatooyinka gudaha ee dalka ka jira , ayadoo hadba qaadaysa tallaabooyinka arintaasi lagu gaari karo.


Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Md: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay go'aamada Afrika ay gaartay ,wuxuuna sheegay in go'aamadaasi ay u baahan yihiin in la fuliyo.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu Aljazeera u sheegay inuu in badan ku jiray sidii dalka nabad loogu soo dabbaali lahaa , hubkana malleeshiyaadka looga dhigi lahaa, asagoo sheegay in dalkana ciidamo in la keeno ay lagama maarmaan tahay.


Si kastooy ahaataba qodobadan lasoo saaray fulintooda waxay sugaysaa midowga Afrika iyo urur goboleedka IGAD.


CCC Farayaamo


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