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Somalia needs no more warlords and fighting

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The Somali people have suffered so much, and do not want another armed clannish group trying to dominate others. Our past experiences with dictators and other Somali warlords have shown us that armed clansmen only fight for their self-centered clannish agendas.


All the warlords came into existence promising to bring about freedom and justice to the Somali people. What Somalis got instead were vile villains that violated their rights and caused their demise and destruction.


Now, we have Yeey and his faction – the so-called transitional federal government- promising peace and freedom to all Somalis.


How can we be assured that Yeey and his group are any different from past maniacs and the other Somali warlords? Judging from Yeey’s previous association with SSDF, a clannish reactionary faction, one can conclude that his group may be nothing more than another clannish group interested in promoting its clannish agenda once in power.


We have to remember that warlord Yeey is part of these hideous Somali villains. The current warlord/president for a while was in charge of a clannish despotism in Puntland that not only misused its meager resources but dumped toxic waste in its shores, imprisoned and assassinated its opponents and doubters.


Yeey and his clannish clique want to launch another civil war with an unheard undertaking of vengeance to depose the ineffective warlords in Mogadishu. Yeey and his gang of thugs instead will create another bloody disaster that may cause the death of thousands of innocent Somalis.


To shield the poor people of Mogadishu from the looming disaster, Yeey should be contained in presiding over the inefficient, inept and nepotistic government in Jowhar by any means necessary until he gives the ghost. No need to launch an offence for it will be counter productive at this time. Furthermore, The Somali people know that Yeey’s clique is incapable of governing Somalia.


The solution is not another clannish group proclaiming to be Somalia's saviours. Yeey’s clique must put their clannish ambitions aside and must abide the reconciliation process and engage others in a spirit of peace and understanding.


Armed contest is not the solution to Somalia's problems. The consequence of armed battle, as we have seen in the past, is that our poor people who do not have the resources to get out of Somalia will suffer most. There may also be another massive destruction of lives and properties that may set back the little socio-economic development that exist now in Somalia.


Yeey and his cronies may make Somalia another hell on planet already hell.


The use of force to effect political change is detrimental to development of a peaceful society. Based on Somalis past experiences with the use of force to achieve political objectives, should Somalis support military clannish adventurism backed by its historic foe Ethiopia?! The answer is NO!

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I think they need more weapons and warlords.Let them kill each other and one day they will run out of warlords and people to kill and everyone else can go back and enjoy the country right.

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