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Ethiopia is our friend

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Why think about protecting our country suddenly?

I'm sorry but if anything we should thank the Ethiopians (regardless of their interess of getting aid from U.S) that they helped the TFG to kick out these disgusting 7th century Saudi wahabists who only filled the vacuum of law in Moqdishu but at the same time tried to rip the average somali their greatest possesion ever which was freedom.


We've always enjoyed nomadic lifestyle through our history which is all about freedom, and i'm sorry we are never gonna let it go that easy, somalis are not made to follow rediculos Wahibist rules as in Saudi arabia or Iran, thats where they Wahabist puppets calculate wrong.

If you wan't to win our hearts and minds then you damn sure should compete on providing us the best freedom but at the same time security, NEvER TRY to FU*CK WITH OUR fREEdom AgaiN (we are nomads not arabs) which at the moment the saudi wahabist agents in Mog failed dramatically to balance.

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Originally posted by KEYNAN22:

I'm sorry but if anything we should thank the Ethiopians (regardless of their interess of getting aid from U.S) that they helped the TFG to kick out these disgusting 7th century Saudi wahabists who only filled the vacuum of law in Moqdishu but at the same time tried to rip the average somali their greatest possesion ever which was freedom.

Pardon me, but are you Muslim? I am asking the question, because you're ridiculing ("disgusting") the 7th century, the people who lived in that era, today's people who imitate those people of the 7th century. Among the people who lived in the 7th century; the prophet (pbuh), the sahaba, great Muslim leaders and warriors, and the finest Muslims to exist ever.


Your linking of "Saudi wahabists" to the 7th century is illogical. There were no "wahabists" in the 7th century.


Please make some sense. Thank you.

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Care to tell me just what is so Wahhabic about the Islamic courts? Quick questions, is Music haraam in Islam, how about movies, men and women intermingling in weddings, Qaad, stealing?


Did I miss something? That the Courts have banned which you can clearly say is un-Islamic.


Your problem isn’t with the Courts it is with Islam. Islam means submission, if you can’t submit to what Allah has commended, then I am sorry but Islam is not for you. You have every right to leave the religion us you wish, but don’t confuse Wahhabism with Islam!


And stay in the west where you can do as you wish. No one wants to win your heart, try cleansing it first.


If Ethiopia is our friend so is Satan.


What are you people eating that is making your thinking ability that of the parasites?

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Originally posted by mystic:



Care to tell me just what is so Wahhabic about the Islamic courts? Quick questions, is Music haraam in Islam, how about movies, men and women intermingling in weddings, Qaad, stealing?


Did I miss something? That the Courts have banned which you can clearly say is un-Islamic.


Your problem isn’t with the Courts it is with Islam. Islam means submission, if you can’t submit to what Allah has commended, then I am sorry but Islam is not for you. You have every right to leave the religion us you wish, but don’t confuse Wahhabism with Islam!


And stay in the west where you can do as you wish. No one wants to win your heart, try cleansing it first.


If Ethiopia is our friend so is Satan.


What are you people eating that is making your thinking ability that of the parasites?

Your cry for river is futile.

Listen you want me to fight for who and protect what??

For indacadde or Aweys? pleeease! is my life that i value highly worth these phony wahabist objectives? I'm sorry but my calculations says no.

If I was satisfied with the Somali situation and I saw our people heading somewhere towards the light and suddenly some filthy asshole country tried to invade, let it be British, American Ethiopian or kenyan tried to distabilise us, I would offer the best of me, bring to an end atleast three of the enemies down with me before i say goodbye.

But i'm sorry at this moment their's nothing their, the somali elders have let us down and i feel absolutly nothing worh fighting for.


We need to focus and look towards the future,its us who are the brains of the comming agenda, ethiopians are nothing. We could outmenouver them tomorrow easily they are to dependent on aid, what we need to focus on is our own interess, the new Saudi face as wahabism is not the answer, such mentality will only lead to disaster, the 21st century has no space for 17th century ideologies, we need to be sneaky and cunning if we want a chance to survive as Somalis.

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My aim wasn’t to cry river, but rather to put some sort of common sense in you. Those two men you mentioned aren’t the representatives of Somalia, I am not a supporter of the ICU, I may lean towards their principles, nevertheless I am no supporter. My support is always for the people of Somalia, with out discriminating between them. Do you prefer we stay and watch as the warlords come back and take their places AGAIN? What is it with you and wahhabism? There isn’t any sort of wahhabism in Somalia, unless you have fallen prey to what the west media has to puke. My people don’t deserve to be invaded because you assume that they are headed in the wrong direction. There was something called ‘peace and stability’ in Mogadishu for six mouths. IF that is what you call heading to the wrong direction then you need to learn between what is moral and what isn’t. You have something not only against Islam but against the elders as well. You calculations are wrong.


And how are we going to do that, by being under occupation. Do you think the Palestinians can look forward to the future while Israeli soldiers are present in their land? Do you wish to see an Ethiopian check-point in Mogadishu just like the West Bank? Democracy is a man made system. The Law of Allah is much greater and more sufficient than Democracy. Those who were living in the 17th century lived the best life, for they had more imaan and courage to stand up for their religion than the people today. They were highly educated, well-informed and were leading the way when it came to math, chemistry and art. You apparently don’t know what you are talking about. You are neither sneaky nor cunning. And neither of those things will take you anywhere in life, we need to be firm and strong-minded. Our will shouldn’t be fragile.


And if you didn’t know in the Muslim calendar we are in the dhul Hijjah 11 1427, the one we should be following. keep yourself updated.


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